The branch to be PR'd against depends on what the feature is. If the PR is adding functionality that is related to the current release, it should be made towards the latest release-x.x.x
branch. Otherwise, it should be made towards dev-master
This project has VERY strict eslint rules. Adding eslint support to your text-editor will make contributing a lot easier.
See the electron-react-boilerplate docs
CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed
: If your node process's heap runs out of memory (CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
), kill close the electron app and restart the electron process. A proper solution hasn't been found for this yet.- Build Fails: If your build fails, make sure you're using the latest node and npm versions and try running the following steps:
npm cache clean rm -rf node_modules npm i npm rb
If you have cloned this project and haven't pulled changes incrementally, delete the entire project directory and start from scratch If that fails, try reinstalling xcode
- Editorconfig
- ESLint
- Babel Syntax Plugin
The Redux devtools are hidden by default and can be shown with ctrl + h
- All dependencies are
- Code style:
- Imports must have at least two lines after them
- All function declarations and expressions must include parameter type annotations. Callbacks should not be annotated
- All destructured imports should be broken down into new lines.
- Functional Programming
- Use pure functions when possible
- Use Array
, and.filter
instead of for loops - Avoid all mutation, use the ES6 spread instead
- React
- Use Higher Order Components when possible
- Avoid
as much as possible! Use Redux to update the state.