Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:amitsou/EGTEA_Gaze_Plus_Downloader.git
Enter the directory
cd EGTEA_Gaze_Plus_Downloader
Create the virtual environment and activate it
python3 -m venv vevn source venv/bin/activate
Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Execute the spider to download the appropriate urls from the official web page: https://cbs.ic.gatech.edu/fpv/
cd src/srapper scrapy crawl egtea_spider
After executing this command a json file will be created in
Then, to download the data execute the following:
cd src/ python main.py [options] --out <output_directory> #In case an output directory is not provided the default directory would be /data
The script can be executed using the following arguments:
--readme: Download the Readme file. --recipes: Download the Recipes. --raw_videos: Download Raw Videos. --gtea_videos: Download GTEA Videos. --gtea_png: Download Uncompressed PNG. --hand_masks_2K: Download Hand Masks GTEA. --hand_masks_14K: Download Hand Masks EGTEA+. --trimmed_actions: Download Trimmed Actions. --gaze_data: Download Gaze Data. --action_annotations: Download Action Annotations. --gtea_labels_71: Download GTEA Action Labels. --gtea_labels_61: Download EGTEA Action Labels. --all: Get all the data.
The final tree structure (assuming you have downloaded the whole dataset) should be the following:
EGTEA/ ├── Action_Annotations/ │ └── action_annotation.zip ├── Gaze_Data/ │ └── gaze_data.zip ├── Gtea_Labels_61/ │ └── gtea_labels_61.zip ├── Gtea_Labels_71/ │ └── gtea_labels_71.zip ├── Hand_Masks_14K/ │ └── hand14k.zip ├── Hand_Masks_2K/ │ └── hand2K_dataset.zip ├── Raw_Videos/ │ ├── video1.mp4 │ ├── video2.mp4 │ └── ... ├── Recipes/ │ └── Recipes.pdf ├── Trimmed_Action_Clips/ │ └── video_clips.tar ├── Uncompressed_PNG/ │ └── gtea_png.zip ├── Videos/ │ └── gtea_videos.zip ├── readme.md └── tmp/ └── video_links.txt
@inproceedings{li2018eye, title={In the eye of beholder: Joint learning of gaze and actions in first person video}, author={Li, Yin and Liu, Miao and Rehg, James M}, booktitle={Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV)}, pages={619--635}, year={2018} }