+ +


+class adi.adis16480.adis16480(uri='', device_name='adis16480', trigger_name='adis16480-dev0')#

Bases: rx, context_manager


ADIS16480 Ten Degrees of Freedom Inertial Sensor with Dynamic Orientation Outputs

+property accel_x_calibbias#

User calibration offset for accelerometer for the x-axis.

+ +
+property accel_x_calibscale#

Calibscale value for accelerometer for the x-axis.

+ +
+property accel_x_conv#

Value returned in meters per squared second.

+ +
+property accel_x_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency#

Bandwidth for accelerometer for the x-axis.

+ +
+property accel_y_calibbias#

User calibration offset for accelerometer for the y-axis.

+ +
+property accel_y_calibscale#

Calibcale value for accelerometer for the y-axis.

+ +
+property accel_y_conv#

Value returned in meters per squared second.

+ +
+property accel_y_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency#

Bandwidth for accelerometer for the y-axis.

+ +
+property accel_z_calibbias#

User calibration offset for accelerometer for the z-axis.

+ +
+property accel_z_calibscale#

Calibscale for accelerometer for the z-axis.

+ +
+property accel_z_conv#

Value returned in meters per squared second.

+ +
+property accel_z_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency#

Bandwidth for accelerometer for the z-axis.

+ +
+property anglvel_x_calibbias#

User calibration offset for gyroscope for the x-axis.

+ +
+property anglvel_x_calibscale#

Calibscale value for gyroscope for the x-axis.

+ +
+property anglvel_x_conv#

Value returned in radians per second.

+ +
+property anglvel_x_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency#

Bandwidth for gyroscope for the x-axis.

+ +
+property anglvel_y_calibbias#

User calibration offset for gyroscope for the y-axis.

+ +
+property anglvel_y_calibscale#

Calibscale value for gyroscope for the y-axis.

+ +
+property anglvel_y_conv#

Value returned in radians per second.

+ +
+property anglvel_y_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency#

Bandwidth for gyroscope for the y-axis.

+ +
+property anglvel_z_calibbias#

User calibration offset for gyroscope for the z-axis.

+ +
+property anglvel_z_calibscale#

Calibscale value for gyroscope for the z-axis.

+ +
+property anglvel_z_conv#

Value returned in radians per second.

+ +
+property anglvel_z_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency#

Bandwidth for gyroscope for the z-axis.

+ +
+property current_timestamp_clock#

current_timestamp_clock: Source clock for timestamps

+ +
+property firmware_date#

firmware_date: the factory configuration date

+ +
+property firmware_revision#

firmware_revision: the firmware revision for the internal firmware

+ +
+property flash_count#

flash_counter: flash memory write count

+ +

Value returned in meters per squared second.

+ +

Value returned in meters per squared second.

+ +

Value returned in meters per squared second.

+ +

Value returned in radians per second.

+ +

Value returned in radians per second.

+ +

Value returned in radians per second.

+ +

Value returned in radians.

+ +

Value returned in radians.

+ +

Value returned in radians.

+ +

Value returned in kilo Pascal.

+ +

Value returned in millidegrees Celsius.

+ +
+property magn_x_calibbias#

User calibration offset for magnetometer for the x-axis.

+ +
+property magn_x_conv#

Value returned in radians.

+ +
+property magn_x_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency#

Bandwidth for magnetometer for the x-axis.

+ +
+property magn_y_calibbias#

User calibration offset for magnetometer for the y-axis.

+ +
+property magn_y_conv#

Value returned in radians.

+ +
+property magn_y_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency#

Bandwidth for magnetometer for the y-axis.

+ +
+property magn_z_calibbias#

User calibration offset for magnetometer for the z-axis.

+ +
+property magn_z_conv#

Value returned in radians.

+ +
+property magn_z_filter_low_pass_3db_frequency#

Bandwidth for magnetometer for the z-axis.

+ +
+property pressure_calibbias#

User calibration offset for pressure.

+ +
+property pressure_conv#

Value returned in kilo Pascal.

+ +
+property product_id#

product_id: the numerical portion of the device number

+ +
+property sample_rate#

sample_rate: Sample rate in samples per second

+ +
+property serial_number#

serial_number: lot specific serial number

+ +
+property temp_conv#

Value returned in millidegrees Celsius.

+ +
+ +
+ + +