Add the following dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {
... other dependencies ...
compile "org.robovm:robopods-facebook-ios-audience:$robopodsVersion"
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml
Cache and display ads.
Create a new instance of FBInterstitialAd
and store it as a member variable:
adInterstitial = new FBInterstitialAd("MY_PLACEMENT_ID");
with the one you setup in your Facebook dashboard.
You can optionally listen for certain events by setting the ad delegate:
adInterstitial.setDelegate(new FBInterstitialAdDelegateAdapter() {
public void didLoad(FBInterstitialAd interstitialAd) {
// Ad is loaded and ready to be displayed!
public void didFail(FBInterstitialAd interstitialAd, NSError error) {
System.err.println("Ad failed to load: " + error);
To be able to display an ad later, you have to fetch an ad first. Do this as early as possible.
When the ad is loaded, display it with the following code:
You have to pass a UIViewController
when presenting the ad. Ideally you should setup the interstitial
in a view controller subclass and specify this
If you're developing a libGDX game you can just use the root view controller of the application:
UIViewController viewController = UIApplication.getSharedApplication().getKeyWindow().getRootViewController();
Create a new instance of FBAdView
and store it as a member variable:
adBanner = new FBAdView("PLACEMENT_ID", FBAdSize.Height50Banner(), viewController);
Change the first parameter with the placement id you have setup in your Facebook dashboard.
Specify the desired FBAdSize
in the second parameter.
In the last parameter specify the UIViewController
where the banner will be added. Ideally you should setup the interstitial
in a view controller subclass and specify this
If you're developing a libGDX game you can just use the root view controller of the application:
UIViewController viewController = UIApplication.getSharedApplication().getKeyWindow().getRootViewController();
Now add the banner to your view hierarchy. Use the view of the view controller you just specified.
You can optionally listen for certain events by setting the ad delegate:
aadBanner.setDelegate(new FBAdViewDelegateAdapter() {
public void didLoad(FBAdView adView) {
// Ad was loaded and will be displayed!
public void didFail(FBAdView adView, NSError error) {
System.err.println("Ad failed to load: " + error);
Before an ad will be displayed, you have to load it. Do this as early as possible.
Add the code for interstitials and banners to your app. If you want to see test ads on your device, add the following code and specify your device's ID:
Run the app and display the ads. With test ads enabled you should always see an ad.
- Make sure you have setup your app in your Facebook dashboard: Link
- Check your logs for any errors, like network failures.