diff --git a/dev/FDDbasics.html b/dev/FDDbasics.html index 7855370..2bd202d 100644 --- a/dev/FDDbasics.html +++ b/dev/FDDbasics.html @@ -61,4 +61,4 @@ \end{array}\]
A typical choice for $M_r(\lambda)$ is an $m_f \times m_f$ diagonal and invertible TFM, which ensures that each residual $r_i(t)$ is influenced only by the fault $f_i(t)$. This would allow the isolation of arbitrary combinations of up to $m_f$ simultaneous faults. The choice $M_r(\lambda) = I_{m_f}$ targets the solution of an exact fault estimation problem (EFEP).
For the synthesis of fault detection and isolation filters which solve the EMMP the function emmsyn
is available. This function can also address the solution of the EMMP with more general reference models (e.g., having components from the control inputs and/or disturbance inputs).
Let $M_r(\lambda)$ be a given $q\times m_f$ TFM of a stable reference model specifying the desired input-output behavior from the faults to residuals as
\[{\mathbf{r}}(\lambda) = M_r(\lambda) {\mathbf{f}}(\lambda). \]
AMMP: Determine a stable residual generator $Q(\lambda)$ and a stable, diagonal, and invertible $M(\lambda)$ such that
\[\begin{array}{rl} (i) & R_u(\lambda) = 0 \\ (ii) & R_d(\lambda) = 0 \\ (iii) & R_f(\lambda) \approx M(\lambda)M_r(\lambda) \\ (iv) & \|R_w(\lambda) \| \approx 0 \;\; \text{with} \;\; R_w(\lambda) \;\; {\color{magenta} \text{stable}} - \end{array}\]
A criterion suitable to characterize the solution of approximate model-matching based syntheses is the residual error norm
\[J_3 = \big\| R(\lambda)- M_r(\lambda)\big\|_{\infty/2}, \]
where $R(\lambda) = R_f(\lambda)$ and $M_r(\lambda)$ the reference model (possibly updated). For more generality, this criterion can be defined with $R(\lambda) = [\, R_u(\lambda)\; R_d(\lambda)\; R_f(\lambda)\; R_w(\lambda) \,\,]$, the resulting internal form, and $M_r(\lambda)$ the desired reference model $M_r(\lambda) = [\, M_{ru}(\lambda)\; M_{rd}(\lambda)\; M_{rf}(\lambda)\; M_{rw}(\lambda)\,]$. When applied to the results computed by other synthesis approaches (e.g., to solve the AFDP or AFDIP), this criterion can be formulated as
\[\widetilde J_3 = \big\| R_w(\lambda)\big\|_{\infty/2}, \]
which corresponds to assume that $M(\lambda) = I$ and $M_r(\lambda) = [\, R_u(\lambda)\; R_d(\lambda)\; R_f(\lambda)\; 0 \,]$ (i.e., a perfect matching of control, disturbance and fault channels is always achieved).
For the synthesis of fault detection and isolation filters which solve the AMMP the function ammsyn
is available. This function can also address the solution of the AMMP with more general reference models (e.g., having components from the control inputs, disturbance inputs and noise inputs). For the evaluation of the model-matching performace the function fdimmperf
is available.
[1] A. Varga, Solving Fault Diagnosis Problems – Linear Synthesis Techniques, Vol. 84 of Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
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