diff --git a/molecule_qemu/playbooks/create.yml b/molecule_qemu/playbooks/create.yml
index 7e262e3..c206629 100644
--- a/molecule_qemu/playbooks/create.yml
+++ b/molecule_qemu/playbooks/create.yml
@@ -438,3 +438,22 @@
         content: "{{ instance_conf | to_json | from_json | to_yaml }}"
         dest: "{{ molecule_instance_config }}"
         mode: "0644"
+    ### wait for cloud-init to complete #######################################
+    - add_host:
+        name: "{{ item.name }}"
+        ansible_user: "root"
+        ansible_become: yes
+        ansible_ssh_host: "{{ molecule_instances_ipv4[item.name] }}"
+        ansible_ssh_port: "{{ item.network_ssh_port }}"
+        ansible_ssh_host_key_checking: no
+        ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "{{ ssh_keypair.filename }}"
+      loop: "{{ molecule_instances }}"
+      loop_control:
+        label: "{{ item.name }}"
+    - name: Wait for Cloud-init to complete
+      ansible.builtin.command: "cloud-init status --wait"
+      register: cloud_init_status
+      delegate_to: "{{ item.name }}"
+      loop: "{{ molecule_instances }}"