Various settings and configurations of the controller can be tweaked using CLI flags.
Each flag defined in the table below can also be configured using
an environment variable. The name of the environment variable is CONTROLLER_
string followed by the name of flag in uppercase.
For example, --ingress-class
can be configured using the following
environment variable:
It is recommended that all the configuration is done via environment variables and not CLI flags.
Following table describes all the flags that are available:
Flag | Type | Default | Description |
--admission-webhook-cert-file | string |
/admission-webhook/tls.crt |
Path to the PEM-encoded certificate file for TLS handshake. |
--admission-webhook-key-file | string |
/admission-webhook/tls.key |
Path to the PEM-encoded private key file for TLS handshake. |
--admission-webhook-cert | string |
none | PEM-encoded certificate string for TLS handshake. |
--admission-webhook-key | string |
none | PEM-encoded private key string for TLS handshake. |
--admission-webhook-listen | string |
off |
The address to start admission controller on (ip:port). Setting it to 'off' disables the admission controller. |
--anonymous-reports | string |
true |
Send anonymized usage data to help improve Kong. |
--apiserver-host | string |
none | The address of the Kubernetes Apiserver to connect to in the format of protocol://address:port, e.g., "http://localhost:8080. If not specified, the assumption is that the binary runs inside a Kubernetes cluster and local discovery is attempted. |
--disable-ingress-extensionsv1beta1 | boolean |
false |
Disable processing Ingress resources with apiVersion extensions/v1beta1 . |
--disable-ingress-networkingv1beta1 | boolean |
false |
Disable processing Ingress resources with apiVersion networking/v1beta1 . |
--disable-ingress-networkingv1 | boolean |
false |
Disable processing Ingress resources with apiVersion networking/v1 . |
--election-id | string |
ingress-controller-leader |
The name of ConfigMap (in the same namespace) to use to facilitate leader-election between multiple instances of the controller. |
--ingress-class | string |
kong |
Ingress class name to use to filter Ingress and custom resources when multiple Ingress Controllers are running in the same Kubernetes cluster. |
--kong-admin-ca-cert-file | string |
none | Path to PEM-encoded CA certificate file to verify Kong's Admin SSL certificate. |
--kong-admin-ca-cert | string |
none | PEM-encoded CA certificate string to verify Kong's Admin SSL certificate. |
--kong-admin-concurrency | int |
10 |
Max number of concurrent requests sent to Kong's Admin API. |
--kong-admin-filter-tag | string |
managed-by-ingress-controller |
The tag used to manage entities in Kong. |
--kong-admin-header | string |
none | Add a header (key:value) to every Admin API call, this flag can be used multiple times to specify multiple headers. |
--kong-admin-token | string |
none | Set the Kong Enterprise RBAC token to be used by the controller. |
--kong-admin-tls-server-name | string |
none | SNI name to use to verify the certificate presented by Kong in TLS. |
--kong-admin-tls-skip-verify | boolean |
false |
Disable verification of TLS certificate of Kong's Admin endpoint. |
--kong-admin-url | string |
http://localhost:8001 |
The address of the Kong Admin URL to connect to in the format of protocol://address:port . |
--kong-workspace | string |
default |
Workspace in Kong Enterprise to be configured. |
--kong-custom-entities-secret | string |
none | Secret containing custom entities to be populated in DB-less mode, takes the form namespace/name . |
--log-format | string |
text |
Format of logs of the controller. Allowed values are text and json . |
--log-level | string |
info |
Level of logging for the controller. Allowed values are trace , debug , info , warn , error , fatal and panic . |
--enable-reverse-sync | bool |
false |
Enable reverse checks from Kong to Kubernetes. Use this option only if a human has edit access to Kong's Admin API. |
--kubeconfig | string |
none | Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information. |
--profiling | boolean |
true |
Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/ . |
--publish-service | string |
none | The namespaces and name of the Kubernetes Service fronting Kong Ingress Controller in the form of namespace/name. The controller will set the status of the Ingress resouces to match the endpoints of this service. In reference deployments, this is kong/kong-proxy. |
--publish-status-address | string |
none | User customized address to be set in the status of ingress resources. The controller will set the endpoint records on the ingress using this address. |
--process-classless-ingress-v1beta1 | boolean |
false |
Toggles whether the controller processes extensions/v1beta1 and networking/v1beta1 Ingress resources that have no annotation. |
--process-classless-ingress-v1 | boolean |
false |
Toggles whether the controller processes networking/v1 Ingress resources that have no annotation or class field. |
--process-classless-kong-consumer | boolean |
false |
Toggles whether the controller processes KongConsumer resources that have no annotation. |
--stderrthreshold | string |
2 |
logs at or above this threshold go to stderr. |
--sync-period | duration |
10m |
Relist and confirm cloud resources this often. |
--sync-rate-limit | float32 |
0.3 |
Define the sync frequency upper limit. |
--update-status | boolean |
true |
Indicates if the ingress controller should update the Ingress status IP/hostname. |
--update-status-on-shutdown | boolean |
true |
Indicates if the ingress controller should update the Ingress status IP/hostname when the controller is being stopped. |
--version | boolean |
false |
Shows release information about the Kong Ingress controller. |
--watch-namespace | string |
none | Namespace to watch for Ingress and custom resources. The default value of an empty string results in the controller watching for resources in all namespaces and configuring Kong accordingly. |
--help | boolean |
false |
Shows this documentation on the CLI and exit. |