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your_path_to_yolox_l.onnx和your_path_to_dw-ll_ucoco_384.onnx是什么? #121

JV-X opened this issue Jan 7, 2025 · 7 comments
dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file done tutorial


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JV-X commented Jan 7, 2025

我在本地搭建好了echomimic的环境,使用自己的照片和音频尝试生成数字人,生成的数字人变形严重,我在这里 #35 的最后一个回复里看到提供了一个demo.ipynb脚本用于把图片“对齐”,于是我尝试了一下把demo.ipynb里的代码复制到一个名为fix.py的文件里,修改refimg_path和audio_path为我自己的照片和音频,并执行,结果遇到了如下报错:

(echomimic) hygx@hygx:~/code/echomimic_v2$ python
dwpose_detector init ok cuda
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hygx/code/echomimic_v2/", line 271, in <module>
    detected_poses, height, width, ori_frame = get_img_pose(refimg_path, max_frame=None)
  File "/home/hygx/code/echomimic_v2/", line 254, in get_img_pose
    detected_poses = [dwprocessor(frame)]
  File "/home/hygx/code/echomimic_v2/src/models/dwpose/", line 32, in __call__
    self.pose_estimation = Wholebody(*self.args)
  File "/home/hygx/code/echomimic_v2/src/models/dwpose/", line 15, in __init__
    self.session_det = ort.InferenceSession(
  File "/home/hygx/anaconda3/envs/echomimic/lib/python3.10/site-packages/onnxruntime/capi/", line 465, in __init__
    self._create_inference_session(providers, provider_options, disabled_optimizers)
  File "/home/hygx/anaconda3/envs/echomimic/lib/python3.10/site-packages/onnxruntime/capi/", line 526, in _create_inference_session
    sess = C.InferenceSession(session_options, self._model_path, True, self._read_config_from_model)
onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.NoSuchFile: [ONNXRuntimeError] : 3 : NO_SUCHFILE : Load model from your_path_to_yolox_l.onnx failed:Load model your_path_to_yolox_l.onnx failed. File doesn't exist


dwpose_detector = DWposeDetector(
print('dwpose_detector init ok', device)



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JV-X commented Jan 7, 2025


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nitinmukesh commented Jan 7, 2025


I am looking for the same. Please could you share the python script ( with me to extract pose locally.

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JV-X commented Jan 8, 2025


I am looking for the same. Please could you share the python script ( with me to extract pose locally.

In fact, it is the code in demo.ipynb:

# reference image aligned
refimg_path = './assets/halfbody_demo/refimag/x.jpg'
audio_path ='./assets/halfbody_demo/audio/chinese/x.wav'
using_video_driving = False
if not using_video_driving:
  pose_path = './assets/halfbody_demo/pose/good'

import sys
from src.utils.img_utils import pil_to_cv2, cv2_to_pil, center_crop_cv2, pils_from_video, save_videos_from_pils, save_video_from_cv2_list
from PIL import Image
import cv2
from IPython import embed
import numpy as np
import copy
from src.utils.motion_utils import motion_sync
import pathlib
import torch
import pickle
from glob import glob
import os
from src.models.dwpose.dwpose_detector import dwpose_detector as dwprocessor
from src.models.dwpose.util import draw_pose
import decord
from tqdm import tqdm
from moviepy.editor import AudioFileClip, VideoFileClip
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

process_num = 100 #1266

start = 0
end = process_num + start
MAX_SIZE = 768

def convert_fps(src_path, tgt_path, tgt_fps=24, tgt_sr=16000):
    clip = VideoFileClip(src_path)
    new_clip = clip.set_fps(tgt_fps)
    if tgt_fps is not None:
        audio =
        audio = audio.set_fps(tgt_sr)
        new_clip = new_clip.set_audio(audio)
    if '.mov' in tgt_path:
        tgt_path = tgt_path.replace('.mov', '.mp4')
    new_clip.write_videofile(tgt_path, codec='libx264', audio_codec='aac')
def get_video_pose(
        video_path: str, 
        sample_stride: int=1,

    # read input video
    vr = decord.VideoReader(video_path, ctx=decord.cpu(0))
    sample_stride *= max(1, int(vr.get_avg_fps() / 24))

    frames = vr.get_batch(list(range(0, len(vr), sample_stride))).asnumpy()
    # print(frames[0])
    if max_frame is not None:
        frames = frames[0:max_frame,:,:]
    height, width, _ = frames[0].shape
    detected_poses = [dwprocessor(frm) for frm in frames]

    return detected_poses, height, width, frames

def resize_and_pad(img, max_size):
    img_new = np.zeros((max_size, max_size, 3)).astype('uint8')
    imh, imw = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
    half = max_size // 2
    if imh > imw:
        imh_new = max_size
        imw_new = int(round(imw/imh * imh_new))
        half_w = imw_new // 2
        rb, re = 0, max_size
        cb = half-half_w
        ce = cb + imw_new
        imw_new = max_size
        imh_new = int(round(imh/imw * imw_new))
        half_h = imh_new // 2
        cb, ce = 0, max_size
        rb = half-half_h
        re = rb + imh_new

    img_resize = cv2.resize(img, (imw_new, imh_new))
    img_new[rb:re,cb:ce,:] = img_resize
    return img_new

def resize_and_pad_param(imh, imw, max_size):
    half = max_size // 2
    if imh > imw:
        imh_new = max_size
        imw_new = int(round(imw/imh * imh_new))
        half_w = imw_new // 2
        rb, re = 0, max_size
        cb = half-half_w
        ce = cb + imw_new
        imw_new = max_size
        imh_new = int(round(imh/imw * imw_new))
        imh_new = max_size

        half_h = imh_new // 2
        cb, ce = 0, max_size
        rb = half-half_h
        re = rb + imh_new
    return imh_new, imw_new, rb, re, cb, ce

def get_pose_params(detected_poses, max_size):
    # pose rescale 
    w_min_all, w_max_all, h_min_all, h_max_all = [], [], [], []
    mid_all = []
    for num, detected_pose in enumerate(detected_poses):
        detected_poses[num]['num'] = num
        candidate_body = detected_pose['bodies']['candidate']
        score_body = detected_pose['bodies']['score']
        candidate_face = detected_pose['faces']
        score_face = detected_pose['faces_score']
        candidate_hand = detected_pose['hands']
        score_hand = detected_pose['hands_score']

        # face
        if candidate_face.shape[0] > 1:
            index = 0
            candidate_face = candidate_face[index]
            score_face = score_face[index]
            detected_poses[num]['faces'] = candidate_face.reshape(1, candidate_face.shape[0], candidate_face.shape[1])
            detected_poses[num]['faces_score'] = score_face.reshape(1, score_face.shape[0])
            candidate_face = candidate_face[0]
            score_face = score_face[0]

        # body
        if score_body.shape[0] > 1:
            tmp_score = []
            for k in range(0, score_body.shape[0]):
            index = np.argmax(tmp_score)
            candidate_body = candidate_body[index*18:(index+1)*18,:]
            score_body = score_body[index]
            score_hand = score_hand[(index*2):(index*2+2),:]
            candidate_hand = candidate_hand[(index*2):(index*2+2),:,:]
            score_body = score_body[0]
        all_pose = np.concatenate((candidate_body, candidate_face))
        all_score = np.concatenate((score_body, score_face))
        all_pose = all_pose[all_score>0.8]

        body_pose = np.concatenate((candidate_body,))
        mid_ = body_pose[1, 0]

        face_pose = candidate_face
        hand_pose = candidate_hand

        h_min, h_max = np.min(face_pose[:,1]), np.max(body_pose[:7,1])

        h_ = h_max - h_min
        mid_w = mid_
        w_min = mid_w - h_ // 2
        w_max = mid_w + h_ // 2

    w_min = np.min(w_min_all)
    w_max = np.max(w_max_all)
    h_min = np.min(h_min_all)
    h_max = np.max(h_max_all)
    mid = np.mean(mid_all)

    margin_ratio = 0.25
    h_margin = (h_max-h_min)*margin_ratio
    h_min = max(h_min-h_margin*0.65, 0)
    h_max = min(h_max+h_margin*0.05, 1)

    h_new = h_max - h_min
    h_min_real = int(h_min*height)
    h_max_real = int(h_max*height)
    mid_real = int(mid*width)
    height_new = h_max_real-h_min_real+1
    width_new = height_new
    w_min_real = mid_real - width_new // 2
    if w_min_real < 0:
      w_min_real = 0
      width_new = mid_real * 2

    w_max_real = w_min_real + width_new
    w_min = w_min_real / width
    w_max = w_max_real / width

    imh_new, imw_new, rb, re, cb, ce = resize_and_pad_param(height_new, width_new, max_size)
    res = {'draw_pose_params': [imh_new, imw_new, rb, re, cb, ce], 
           'pose_params': [w_min, w_max, h_min, h_max],
           'video_params': [h_min_real, h_max_real, w_min_real, w_max_real],
    return res

def save_pose_params_item(input_items):
    detected_pose, pose_params, draw_pose_params, save_dir = input_items
    w_min, w_max, h_min, h_max = pose_params
    num = detected_pose['num']
    candidate_body = detected_pose['bodies']['candidate']
    candidate_face = detected_pose['faces'][0]
    candidate_hand = detected_pose['hands']
    candidate_body[:,0] = (candidate_body[:,0]-w_min)/(w_max-w_min)
    candidate_body[:,1] = (candidate_body[:,1]-h_min)/(h_max-h_min)
    candidate_face[:,0] = (candidate_face[:,0]-w_min)/(w_max-w_min)
    candidate_face[:,1] = (candidate_face[:,1]-h_min)/(h_max-h_min)
    candidate_hand[:,:,0] = (candidate_hand[:,:,0]-w_min)/(w_max-w_min)
    candidate_hand[:,:,1] = (candidate_hand[:,:,1]-h_min)/(h_max-h_min)
    detected_pose['bodies']['candidate'] = candidate_body
    detected_pose['faces'] = candidate_face.reshape(1, candidate_face.shape[0], candidate_face.shape[1])
    detected_pose['hands'] = candidate_hand
    detected_pose['draw_pose_params'] = draw_pose_params'/'+str(num)+'.npy', detected_pose)

def save_pose_params(detected_poses, pose_params, draw_pose_params, ori_video_path):
    save_dir = ori_video_path.replace('video', 'pose/')
    if not os.path.exists(save_dir):

    input_list = []
    for i, detected_pose in enumerate(detected_poses):
        input_list.append([detected_pose, pose_params, draw_pose_params, save_dir])

    pool = ThreadPool(8), input_list)
    return save_dir
from torchvision.transforms import functional as F
def get_img_pose(
        img_path: str, 
        sample_stride: int=1,

  # read input img
  frame = cv2.imread(img_path)
  height, width, _ = frame.shape
  short_size = min(height, width)
  resize_ratio = max(MAX_SIZE / short_size, 1.0)
  frame = cv2.resize(frame, (int(resize_ratio * width), int(resize_ratio * height)))
  height, width, _ = frame.shape
  detected_poses = [dwprocessor(frame)]

  return detected_poses, height, width, frame

def save_aligned_img(ori_frame, video_params, max_size):
  h_min_real, h_max_real, w_min_real, w_max_real = video_params
  img = ori_frame[h_min_real:h_max_real,w_min_real:w_max_real,:]
  img_aligened = resize_and_pad(img, max_size=max_size)
  print('aligned img shape:', img_aligened.shape)
  save_dir = './assets/refimg_aligned'

  os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True)
  save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'aligned.png')
  cv2.imwrite(save_path, img_aligened)
  return save_path

detected_poses, height, width, ori_frame = get_img_pose(refimg_path, max_frame=None)
res_params = get_pose_params(detected_poses, MAX_SIZE)
refimg_aligned_path = save_aligned_img(ori_frame, res_params['video_params'], MAX_SIZE)

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nitinmukesh commented Jan 8, 2025


Thank you.

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JV-X commented Jan 9, 2025


Thank you.

you're welcome

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Did you get good result with your own video. I tried and there are problems.

@mengrang mengrang added the done label Jan 10, 2025
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JV-X commented Jan 13, 2025


Did you get good result with your own video. I tried and there are problems.

Yes, the results I got were good enough

@mengrang mengrang added dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file tutorial labels Jan 13, 2025
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