A hook that manages all the necessary operations to incorporate a toggle switch for dark and light modes on your website
- Keep information about dark/light mode consistent and in sync across sessions using localStorage
- Return the methods that allows you to change into dark/light mode
- Safely read information about the dark/light mode from user's operating system using
import { Typography, Tag, Button } from 'antd';
import useDarkMode from 'beautiful-react-hooks/useDarkMode';
const UseDarkModeExample = () => {
const { toggle, enable, disable, isDarkMode } = useDarkMode();
const Actions = [
<Button type='primary' onClick={enable}>
Enable dark mode
<Button onClick={disable}>
Disable dark mode
<Button onClick={toggle}>
Toggle dark mode
return (
<DisplayDemo title="useDarkMode" actions={Actions}>
<Typography.Paragraph>Click on the buttons to update isDarkMode flag</Typography.Paragraph>
<Typography.Paragraph>isDarkMode: <Tag>{isDarkMode ? 'true' : 'false'}</Tag></Typography.Paragraph>
<UseDarkModeExample />
- in server-only components (during SSR)
export declare const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = "beautiful-react-hooks-is-dark-mode";
declare const useDarkMode: (defaultValue?: boolean, localStorageKey?: string) => Readonly<UseDarkModeReturn>;
export interface UseDarkModeReturn {
isDarkMode: boolean;
toggle: () => void;
enable: () => void;
disable: () => void;
export default useDarkMode;