No longer maintained, please feel free to fork!
Grails does not come with a Grails-centric access log which shows useful info for every request.
This plugin sets up a filter that logs the following info:
- source IP address
- http response status code
- total time and percentage spent in view processing
- http method
- controller and action names
- params hash with configurable list of sensitive parameters that should be filtered, e.g. passwords
Example log entry:
( Status 200 in 3.525s (view 73%) for [GET] to PromotionController#dashboard [omhPropertyId:1, password:[FILTERED], promoStatus:[APP, FUT], promoType:[DO, FN, PO, VA]]
- add as runtime dependency to BuildConfig.groovy
- configure grails.exceptionresolver.params.exclude to Config.groovy to filter sensitive data
- Configure log4j loggers in Config.groovy, e.g. root { info 'stdout' }
To ensure that your application's LoggingFilters is executed before the plugin log is written, add the following to Config.groovy = [filters.LoggingFilters.class]
This can be used to set app-specific data into the Log4j's MDC, so that it would be logged along with the access log entry.
Configure list of parameter names for the values should be replaced with '[FILTERED]' in the log.
grails.exceptionresolver.params.exclude = 'password'