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+title: 百度地图
+order: 2
+## Introduction
+L7 geographical visualization focuses on the visual expression of geographical data. The map layer needs to rely on third-party maps. Third-party maps are created and managed uniformly through Scene. You only need to pass in map configuration items through Scene.
+L7 internally resolves the differences between different map basemaps, and at the same time, L7 manages the operation methods of the map in a unified manner.
+The Baidu map currently supported by L7 is[APIGL version](https://lbsyun.baidu.com/index.php?title=jspopularGL), which is also the officially recommended version of Baidu Maps.
+### Apply for token
+Before using Baidu Maps, you need to apply for a Baidu Map key. How to apply for a Baidu Map key?[Click me to view](https://lbs.baidu.com/index.php?title=jspopularGL/guide/getkey)。
+⚠️ L7 has a default token set internally, which is for testing only
+### import
+import { BaiduMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
+### Instantiate
+L7 provides BaiduMap to directly instantiate the map, and can also instantiate the map through external input.
+It is recommended for new projects to instantiate BaiduMap directly. Existing map projects can be passed in externally to quickly access L7 capabilities.
+#### BaiduMap instantiation
+import { BaiduMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
+const scene = new Scene({
+ id: 'map',
+ map: new BaiduMap({
+ // Fill in the Baidu map key. This is a test token and cannot be used for production.
+ token: 'zLhopYPPERGtpGOgimcdKcCimGRyyIsh',
+ center: [103, 30],
+ pitch: 4,
+ zoom: 10,
+ rotation: 19,
+ }),
+#### external instantiation
+⚠️ The scene id parameter needs to be in the same container as the BMapGL.Map instance.
+⚠️ The incoming map instance needs to be imported by yourself[Baidu Map API](https://lbs.baidu.com/index.php?title=jspopularGL/guide/show)
+const map = new BMapGL.Map('map', {
+ zoom: 11, // Initialize map level
+ minZoom: 4,
+ maxZoom: 23,
+ enableWheelZoom: true
+const scene = new Scene({
+ id: 'map',
+ map: new BaiduMap({
+ mapInstance: map,
+ }),
+BaiduMap [Example address](/examples/map/map/#baidumap), external incoming[Example address](/examples/map/map/#bmapInstance)
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+title: 高德地图
+order: 1
+## Introduction
+L7 geographical visualization focuses on the visual expression of geographical data. The map layer needs to rely on third-party maps. Third-party maps are created and managed uniformly through Scene. You only need to pass in map configuration items through Scene.
+L7 internally resolves the differences between different map basemaps, and at the same time, L7 manages the operation methods of the map in a unified manner.
+* [Amap official website](https://lbs.amap.com/api/javascript-api-v2/update)
+## Apply for token
+Amap API configuration parameters
+* token
+ Register Amap[API token](https://lbs.amap.com/api/javascript-api/guide/abc/prepare)
+## Map initialization
+const L7AMap = new GaodeMap({
+ pitch: 35.210526315789465,
+ style: 'dark',
+ center: [104.288144, 31.239692],
+ zoom: 4.4,
+ token: 'xxxx-token',
+ plugin: [], // Can not be set
+## Pass in external instance
+In order to support the ability of existing map projects to quickly access L7, L7 provides a method for passing in map instances. If you are a new project, it is recommended to use Scene to initialize the map.
+⚠️ The scene id parameter requires the Map instances of the map to be in the same container.
+⚠️ When passing in a map instance, you need to introduce the API of the relevant map yourself
+⚠️ Set viewMode to 3D mode (GaodeMap2.0 supports 2D mode and does not need to be set)
+#### Pass in Gaode map instance
+const map = new AMap.Map('map', {
+ viewMode: '3D',
+ resizeEnable: true, // Whether to monitor map container size changes
+ zoom: 11, // Initialize map level
+ center: [116.397428, 39.90923], // Initialize the map center point
+const scene = new Scene({
+ id: 'map',
+ map: new GaodeMap({
+ mapInstance: map,
+ }),
+[Example address](/examples/tutorial/map#amapInstance)[code address](https://github.com/antvis/L7/blob/master/examples/tutorial/map/demo/amapInstance.js)
+[Example address (2D)](/examples/tutorial/map#amapInstance2d)[code address](https://github.com/antvis/L7/blob/master/examples/tutorial/map/demo/amapInstance.js)
+## Register to use Gaode plug-in
+const scene = new Scene({
+ id: 'map',
+ map: new GaodeMap({
+ center: [116.475, 39.99],
+ pitch: 0,
+ zoom: 13,
+ plugin: ['AMap.ToolBar', 'AMap.LineSearch'],
+ }),
+// plugin: ['AMap.ToolBar', 'AMap.LineSearch'],
+// In order to use the capabilities of the corresponding plug-in, the corresponding plug-in should first be registered in plugin
+//The loaded AMap will be mounted on the global window object
+scene.on('loaded', () => {
+ window.AMap.plugin(['AMap.ToolBar', 'AMap.LineSearch'], () => {
+ // add control
+ scene.map.addControl(new AMap.ToolBar());
+ var linesearch = new AMap.LineSearch({
+ pageIndex: 1, //Page number, default value is 1
+ pageSize: 1, //The number of results displayed on a single page, the default value is 20, the maximum value is 50
+ city: 'Beijing', //Limit the query city, which can be the city name (Chinese/Chinese full spelling), city code, the default value is "National"
+ extensions: 'all', //Whether to return bus route details, the default value is "base"
+ });
+ //Execute bus route keyword query
+ linesearch.search('536', function (status, result) {
+ //Print status information status and result information result
+ // ...do something
+ });
+ });
+[Online case](/examples/amapplugin/bus#busstop)
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+title: Leaflet
+order: 6
+## Introduction
+L7 geographical visualization focuses on the visual expression of geographical data. The map layer needs to rely on third-party maps. Third-party maps are created and managed uniformly through Scene. You only need to pass in map configuration items through Scene.
+L7 internally resolves the differences between different map basemaps, and at the same time, L7 manages the operation methods of the map in a unified manner.
+* [Leaflet official website](https://leafletjs.com/)
+* [Leaflet GitHub](https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet)
+### Install
+L7-Leafet is a third-party plug-in. L7 itself is not built-in and needs to be followed independently.
+* [L7-Leaflet GitHub](https://github.com/antvis/l7-leaflet)
+* [L7-Leaflet Demo ](https://l7-leaflet.antv.vision/)
+npm install '@antv/l7-leaflet'
+### initialization
+import { Scene } from '@antv/l7';
+import * as L from 'leaflet';
+import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css';
+import { Map } from '@antv/l7-leaflet';
+const scene = new Scene({
+ id: 'map',
+ map: new Map({
+ pitch: 0,
+ center: [112, 37.8],
+ zoom: 3,
+ minZoom: 1,
+ }),
+### Using L7 in Leaflet
+import * as L from 'leaflet';
+import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css';
+import { LineLayer } from '@antv/l7';
+import { L7Layer } from '@antv/l7-leaflet';
+const map = L.map('map', {
+ minZoom: 1,
+ }).setView([30, 112], 3);
+ const mapType = 'vec';
+ L.tileLayer(
+ 'https://t{s}.tianditu.gov.cn/' +
+ mapType +
+ mapType +
+ '&STYLE=default&TILEMATRIXSET=w&FORMAT=tiles&TILECOL={x}&TILEROW={y}&TILEMATRIX={z}&tk=b72aa81ac2b3cae941d1eb213499e15e',
+ {
+ subdomains: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'],
+ attribution:
+ '© 天地图 GS(2022)3124号 - 甲测资字1100471',
+ },
+ ).addTo(map);
+ const l7layer = new L7Layer().addTo(map);
+ const scene = l7layer.getScene();
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+title: 地图 Map
+order: 0
+## Introduction
+L7 geographical visualization focuses on the visual expression of geographical data. The map layer needs to rely on third-party maps. The third-party maps are created and managed uniformly through Scene.
+Just pass in the map configuration items through Scene.
+L7 internally resolves the differences between different map basemaps, and at the same time, L7 manages the operation methods of the map in a unified manner.
+* Map is an independent map engine that does not require basemaps or loading map tile services, and does not require Token.
+## import
+import { Map } from '@antv/l7-maps';
+## Map instantiation
+import { Scene, PointLayer } from '@antv/l7';
+import { Map } from '@antv/l7-maps';
+const scene = new Scene({
+ id: 'map',
+ map: new Map({
+ zoom: 10,
+ minZoom: 0,
+ maxZoom: 18,
+ })
+ });
+scene.on('loaded', () => {
+ // 添加地图底图
+ const layer = new RasterLayer();
+ layer.source(
+ 'https://webrd0{1-3}.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?lang=zh_cn&size=1&scale=1&style=8&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',
+ {
+ parser: {
+ type: 'rasterTile',
+ tileSize: 256,
+ minZoom: 2,
+ maxZoom: 18,
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ scene.addLayer(layer);
diff --git a/packages/site/docs/api/map/mapbox.en.md b/packages/site/docs/api/map/mapbox.en.md
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+title: MapBox 地图
+order: 4
+## Introduction
+L7 geographical visualization focuses on the visual expression of geographical data. The map layer needs to rely on third-party maps. Third-party maps are created and managed uniformly through Scene. You only need to pass in map configuration items through Scene.
+L7 internally resolves the differences between different map basemaps, and at the same time, L7 manages the operation methods of the map in a unified manner.
+* [Mapbox-gl official website](https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/)
+* [ Mapbox-gl GitHub](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js)
+## Apply for token
+[Apply for token](https://docs.mapbox.com/help/getting-started/access-tokens/)
+## Initialize map
+import { Scene, PointLayer } from '@antv/l7';
+import { Mapbox } from '@antv/l7-maps';
+const scene = new Scene({
+ id: 'map',
+ map: new Mapbox({
+ zoom: 10,
+ minZoom: 0,
+ maxZoom: 18,
+ token:"xxxx", //必须
+ })
+ });
+#### Pass in a Mapbox map instance
+mapboxgl.accessToken = 'xxxx - token';
+const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
+ container: 'map', // container id
+ style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11', // stylesheet location
+ center: [-74.5, 40], // starting position [lng, lat]
+ zoom: 9, // starting zoom
+const scene = new Scene({
+ id: 'map',
+ map: new Mapbox({
+ mapInstance: map,
+ }),
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+title: MapLibre
+order: 5
+## Introduction
+L7 geographical visualization focuses on the visual expression of geographical data. The map layer needs to rely on third-party maps. Third-party maps are created and managed uniformly through Scene. You only need to pass in map configuration items through Scene.
+L7 internally resolves the differences between different map basemaps, and at the same time, L7 manages the operation methods of the map in a unified manner.
+* [MapLibre](https://maplibre.org/)
+* [ MapLibre GitHub](https://github.com/maplibre/maplibre-gl-js)
+## Initialize map
+import { Scene, PointLayer } from '@antv/l7';
+import { MapLibre } from '@antv/l7-maps';
+const scene = new Scene({
+ id: 'map',
+ map: new MapLibre({
+ zoom: 10,
+ style: "https://api.maptiler.com/maps/streets/style.json?key=YbCPLULzWdf1NplssEIc", // style URL
+ minZoom: 0,
+ maxZoom: 18
+ })
+ });
+#### Pass in a MapLibre map instance
+import { Scene, PointLayer } from '@antv/l7';
+import { MapLibre } from '@antv/l7-maps';
+var map = new maplibregl.Map({
+ container: 'map', // container id
+ style: 'https://demotiles.maplibre.org/style.json', // style URL
+ center: [0, 0], // starting position [lng, lat]
+ zoom: 1 // starting zoom
+const scene = new Scene({
+ id: 'map',
+ map: new MapLibre({
+ mapInstance: map,
+ }),
diff --git a/packages/site/docs/api/map/tencent.en.md b/packages/site/docs/api/map/tencent.en.md
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+title: 腾讯地图
+order: 3
+## Introduction
+L7 geographical visualization focuses on the visual expression of geographical data. The map layer needs to rely on third-party maps. Third-party maps are created and managed uniformly through Scene. You only need to pass in map configuration items through Scene.
+L7 internally resolves the differences between different map basemaps, and at the same time, L7 manages the operation methods of the map in a unified manner.
+* [Tencent Map API](https://lbs.qq.com/webApi/javascriptGL/glGuide/glOverview)
+### Apply for token
+[Tencent map token application](https://lbs.qq.com/webApi/javascriptGL/glGuide/glBasic)
+## Initialize map
+import { Scene, PointLayer } from '@antv/l7';
+import { TencentMap } from '@antv/l7-maps';
+ const scene = new Scene({
+ id: 'map',
+ map: new TencentMap({
+ zoom: 10,
+ minZoom: 5,
+ maxZoom: 18
+ })
+ });
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+title: 天地图
+order: 10
+## Introduction
+L7 geographical visualization focuses on the visual expression of geographical data. The map layer needs to rely on third-party maps. Third-party maps are created and managed uniformly through Scene. You only need to pass in map configuration items through Scene.
+L7 internally resolves the differences between different map basemaps, and at the same time, L7 manages the operation methods of the map in a unified manner.
+* [Tiantu official website](http://lbs.tianditu.gov.cn/api/js4.0/guide.html)、
+## Apply for token
+Tiantu JavaScript API 4.0 supports HTTP and HTTPS, is free and open to the public, and can be used directly. Before using the API, you need to[Apply for application key](https://console.tianditu.gov.cn/api/key).
+## Function under development...