Releases: anyone-oslo/pages
Rails 5
Now runs on Rails 5.2.
New UI for attachments
All new UI for image and file uploads.
Pages can now have calendar-style dates.
Deleted pages
Deleted pages can now be restored.
A simple PubSub mechanism has been added, for subscribing to user creation.
Support for has been built in.
Extracted Thinking Sphinx support
Sphinx search integration has been extracted to a separate gem.
Various bug fixes
Fix for CSRF vulnerability.
Fix for CSRF vulnerability.
Fix for CSRF vulnerability.
Pages UI
Pages now has a new React-based tree view. The rich text editor has
been rewritten. -
Pages now generates short, human friendly URLs.
To update existing sites, runbin/rake pages:page_paths:build
Postgres is now officially supported.
Uploaded files
Uploaded files can be embedded with the [file:123] syntax.
Localizable has been extracted to a separate gem,
DSL helper for creating page trees, useful for seeding the database
Tags can now be flagged as pinned. Pages can be sorted by matching tags.
sitemap.xml is now automatically generated from published pages
The page search index now includes the names of PageFiles
Page path scoping
Page URLs can now be scoped under an optional subpath
Rich text tags
Now uses
instead of Textile markup for bold and italic -
Images: alternative text and localizations
Images can now have alternative text, and captions are localized
Page metadata
Pages now have a tab for additional metadata like description, open graph tags and so on
Rails 4.2
Now runs on Rails 4.2. All background tasks have been converted to ActiveJob.
XML serialization
XML serialization and importing of pages has been removed
Image embedding
"portrait", "landscape" or "square" classes are now applied to images embedded with PagesCore::HtmlFormatter.
Inline images are now wrapped in a <figure> -
Creating pages
The New page view now mirrors editing
DynamicImage 2.0
The image backend has been replaced with DynamicImage 2.0.
To upgrade existing applications:
- Remove config/initializers/dynamic_image.rb
- Add config/initializers/active_job.rb
- Add config/initializers/dis.rb (can be generated with the manual_server gem)
- Run migrations
User accounts
Logging in with username is now deprecated. The username is hidden everywhere, and will default to the email address.
The password minimum length has been increased to 8 characters.
Removed unused attributes:
is nowUser#name
User accounts are now created through invites.
This means all users get to pick their own login and password, and that passwords are never sent in plain text via email.
Password resets
Password resets are now handled with password reset tokens.
RSpec 3.0
RSpec has been upgraded to 3.0.
Rails generator template
A template for generating new apps has been provided. To use it, run:
rails new [app name] -T -d mysql -m /path/to/pages_core/template.rb
Page images
Page images can now be embedded wherever
is called.Examples:
[image:19] [image:19 class="foo" size="100x"]
OpenID removed
OpenID seems to be dead. All support has been removed.
Unique email addresses
Email addresses are now unique per user account
Username validation
Validation of usernames is now case insensitive
Realtime indexes
Pages now uses the realtime indexes feature of Sphinx, rather than
relying on DelayedJob. This requires that a Sphinx process is always running. -
Updated to Rails 4.1
Now runs on Rails 4.1.
Language module removed
The Language module has been removed, use I18n.default_locale
instead of Language.default to specify the default locale.3 letter language codes have been deprecated in favor of
ISO639-1. -
JSON rendering for pages
Pages can now be accessed via JSON.
Open Graph properties
Open Graph properties can be overriden through the
helper. -
Removed deprecated helpers
no longer accepts options.publish_time
has been removed.formatted_date
has been removed.formatted_time
has been removed.nav_link
has been removed.nav_list_items
has been removed.hash_for_translated_route
has been removed.indent
has been removed.labelled_field
has been removed.smart_time
has been removed.video_embed
and related helpers have been removed.