You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
I have searched in the issues and found no similar issues.
Describe the bug
I have realized the relationship between users and groups through ldap, and I can see the corresponding information through the log, but I still can't get the corresponding spark sql task.
2025-01-10 15:30:15 DEBUG LDAPGroupProvider:52 - mGroupQuery: (&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=evmli))
2025-01-10 15:30:15 INFO LDAPGroupProvider:64 - User [evmli] belongs to groups: evm, predictive, evm_1, evm_1_1
2025-01-10 15:30:15 INFO ProcBuilder:64 - Creating evm's working directory at /opt/kyuubi/work/evm
2025-01-10 15:30:15 INFO Utils:64 - Loading Kyuubi properties from /opt/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf
2025-01-10 15:30:16 INFO ProcBuilder:64 - Logging to /opt/kyuubi/work/evm/kyuubi-spark-sql-engine.log.0
2025-01-10 15:30:16 INFO EngineRef:64 - Launching engine:
/opt/kyuubi/externals/spark-3.5.2-bin-hadoop3/bin/spark-submit \
--class org.apache.kyuubi.engine.spark.SparkSQLEngine \
--conf spark.hive.server2.thrift.resultset.default.fetch.size=1000 \
--conf spark.kyuubi.client.ipAddress=xxxx \
--conf spark.kyuubi.client.version=1.10.1 \
--conf spark.kyuubi.engine.appMgrInfo=xxxx \
--conf spark.kyuubi.engine.engineLog.path=/opt/kyuubi/work/evm/kyuubi-spark-sql-engine.log.0 \
--conf spark.kyuubi.engine.share.level=GROUP \
--conf spark.kyuubi.engine.submit.time=1736494215818 \
--conf spark.kyuubi.engine.type=SPARK_SQL \
--conf spark.kyuubi.frontend.connection.url.use.hostname=false \
--conf spark.kyuubi.frontend.protocols=REST,THRIFT_BINARY \
--conf spark.kyuubi.ha.addresses=xxxx:2181 \
--conf \
--conf spark.kyuubi.ha.namespace=/kyuubi_1.10.1_GROUP_SPARK_SQL/evm/default \
--conf spark.kyuubi.kubernetes.namespace=dev \
--conf spark.kyuubi.kubernetes.spark.cleanupTerminatedDriverPod.kind=ALL \
--conf spark.kyuubi.kubernetes.terminatedApplicationRetainPeriod=PT1M \
--conf spark.kyuubi.metrics.enabled=true \
--conf spark.kyuubi.metrics.reporters= \
--conf spark.kyuubi.server.ipAddress=XXXX \
--conf spark.kyuubi.session.connection.url=XXXX:10009 \
--conf spark.kyuubi.session.engine.check.interval=PT1M \
--conf spark.kyuubi.session.engine.idle.timeout=PT2M \
--conf spark.kyuubi.session.engine.trino.connection.catalog=s3dev \
--conf spark.kyuubi.session.engine.trino.connection.url=https://trino-ranger-dev \
--conf,dc=com \
--conf,dc=XXX,dc=com \
--conf \
--conf \
--conf \
--conf \
--conf \
--conf{0})) \
--conf \
--conf spark.kyuubi.session.real.user=evmli \
--conf \
--conf spark.kubernetes.driver.label.kyuubi-unique-tag=56107026-fb7a-4ebd-8d6e-53e3af91ebbc \
--conf \
--conf spark.kubernetes.executor.podNamePrefix=kyuubi-group-spark-sql-evm-default-56107026-fb7a-4ebd-8d6e-53e3af91ebbc \
--conf spark.user=evmli \
--conf spark.kubernetes.driverEnv.SPARK_USER_NAME=evm \
--conf spark.executorEnv.SPARK_USER_NAME=evm \
--proxy-user evm /opt/kyuubi/externals/engines/spark/kyuubi-spark-sql-engine_2.12-1.10.1.jar
2025-01-10 15:30:17 DEBUG ClientCnxn:846 - Reading reply sessionid:0x100046a74831d25, packet:: clientPath:null serverPath:null finished:false header:: 8,12 replyHeader:: 8,118287032,-101 request:: '/kyuubi_1.10.1_GROUP_SPARK_SQL/evm/default,F response:: v{}
2025-01-10 15:30:17 DEBUG JDBCMetadataStore:52 - executeQuery sql: SELECT identifier,session_type,real_user,user_name,ip_address,kyuubi_instance,state,resource,class_name,request_name,request_conf,request_args,create_time,engine_type,cluster_manager,engine_open_time,engine_id,engine_name,engine_url,engine_state,engine_error,end_time,peer_instance_closed FROM metadata WHERE 1 = 1 AND session_type = ? AND state = ? AND kyuubi_instance = ? AND peer_instance_closed = ? ORDER BY key_id ASC LIMIT 2147483647 OFFSET 0, with params: BATCH, PENDING,, true
2025-01-10 15:30:17 DEBUG JDBCMetadataStore:52 - executeQuery sql: SELECT identifier,session_type,real_user,user_name,ip_address,kyuubi_instance,state,resource,class_name,request_name,request_conf,request_args,create_time,engine_type,cluster_manager,engine_open_time,engine_id,engine_name,engine_url,engine_state,engine_error,end_time,peer_instance_closed FROM metadata WHERE 1 = 1 AND session_type = ? AND state = ? AND kyuubi_instance = ? AND peer_instance_closed = ? ORDER BY key_id ASC LIMIT 2147483647 OFFSET 0, with params: BATCH, RUNNING,, true
2025-01-10 15:30:18 DEBUG ClientCnxn:846 - Reading reply sessionid:0x100046a74831d25, packet:: clientPath:null serverPath:null finished:false header:: 9,12 replyHeader:: 9,118287034,-101 request:: '/kyuubi_1.10.1_GROUP_SPARK_SQL/evm/default,F response:: v{}
2025-01-10 15:30:19 DEBUG ClientCnxn:846 - Reading reply sessionid:0x100046a74831d25, packet:: clientPath:null serverPath:null finished:false header:: 10,12 replyHeader:: 10,118287034,-101 request:: '/kyuubi_1.10.1_GROUP_SPARK_SQL/evm/default,F response:: v{}
2025-01-10 15:30:20 DEBUG ClientCnxn:846 - Reading reply sessionid:0x100046a74831d25, packet:: clientPath:null serverPath:null finished:false header:: 11,12 replyHeader:: 11,118287034,-101 request:: '/kyuubi_1.10.1_GROUP_SPARK_SQL/evm/default,F response:: v{}
2025-01-10 15:30:20 DEBUG KyuubiServer:52 - OperationHandle [785a9f40-1ead-4b63-af37-7bf18768b6c7]: Long polling timed out, null
2025-01-10 15:30:20 DEBUG TSaslTransport:466 - writing data length: 79
2025-01-10 15:30:20 DEBUG TSaslTransport:427 - SERVER: reading data length: 117
2025-01-10 15:30:20 DEBUG KyuubiTBinaryFrontendService:52 - TFetchResultsReq(operationHandle:TOperationHandle(operationId:THandleIdentifier(guid:78 5A 9F 40 1E AD 4B 63 AF 37 7B F1 87 68 B6 C7, secret:C2 EE 5B 97 3E A0 41 FC AC 16 9B D7 08 ED 8F 38), operationType:UNKNOWN, hasResultSet:false), orientation:FETCH_NEXT, maxRows:1000, fetchType:1)
2025-01-10 15:30:20 DEBUG TSaslTransport:466 - writing data length: 67
2025-01-10 15:30:20 DEBUG TSaslTransport:427 - SERVER: reading data length: 100
2025-01-10 15:30:20 DEBUG KyuubiTBinaryFrontendService:52 - TGetOperationStatusReq(operationHandle:TOperationHandle(operationId:THandleIdentifier(guid:78 5A 9F 40 1E AD 4B 63 AF 37 7B F1 87 68 B6 C7, secret:C2 EE 5B 97 3E A0 41 FC AC 16 9B D7 08 ED 8F 38), operationType:UNKNOWN, hasResultSet:false))
2025-01-10 15:30:21 DEBUG ClientCnxn:769 - Got notification sessionid:0x100046a74831d25
2025-01-10 15:30:21 DEBUG ClientCnxn:791 - Got WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeChildrenChanged path:/kyuubi_1.10.1_GROUP_SPARK_SQL_lock/evm/default/leases for sessionid 0x100046a74831d25
2025-01-10 15:30:21 DEBUG ClientCnxn:846 - Reading reply sessionid:0x100046a74831d25, packet:: clientPath:null serverPath:null finished:false header:: 12,2 replyHeader:: 12,118287037,0 request:: '/kyuubi_1.10.1_GROUP_SPARK_SQL_lock/evm/default/leases/_c_3fa241a2-039c-41b2-a6d3-0edd47190f83-lease-0000000009,-1 response:: null
2025-01-10 15:30:21 DEBUG CuratorFrameworkImpl:282 - Closing
2025-01-10 15:30:21 INFO CuratorFrameworkImpl:821 - backgroundOperationsLoop exiting
2025-01-10 15:30:21 DEBUG CuratorZookeeperClient:199 - Closing
2025-01-10 15:30:21 DEBUG ConnectionState:115 - Closing
2025-01-10 15:30:21 DEBUG ZooKeeper:682 - Closing session: 0x100046a74831d25
2025-01-10 15:30:21 DEBUG ClientCnxn:1370 - Closing client for session: 0x100046a74831d25
2025-01-10 15:30:21 DEBUG ClientCnxn:846 - Reading reply sessionid:0x100046a74831d25, packet:: clientPath:null serverPath:null finished:false header:: 13,-11 replyHeader:: 13,118287038,0 request:: null response:: null
2025-01-10 15:30:21 DEBUG ClientCnxn:1354 - Disconnecting client for session: 0x100046a74831d25
2025-01-10 15:30:22 DEBUG ClientCnxn:1146 - An exception was thrown while closing send thread for session 0x100046a74831d25 : Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x100046a74831d25, likely server has closed socket
2025-01-10 15:30:22 INFO ZooKeeper:693 - Session: 0x100046a74831d25 closed
2025-01-10 15:30:22 INFO ClientCnxn:522 - EventThread shut down for session: 0x100046a74831d25
2025-01-10 15:30:22 INFO LaunchEngine:64 - Processing evmli's query[785a9f40-1ead-4b63-af37-7bf18768b6c7]: RUNNING_STATE -> ERROR_STATE, time taken: 6.254 seconds
2025-01-10 15:30:22 INFO OperationAuditLogger:64 - operation=785a9f40-1ead-4b63-af37-7bf18768b6c7 opType=LaunchEngine state=ERROR user=evmli session=56107026-fb7a-4ebd-8d6e-53e3af91ebbc
2025-01-10 15:30:22 DEBUG KyuubiServer:52 - OperationHandle [785a9f40-1ead-4b63-af37-7bf18768b6c7]: The background operation was aborted, org.apache.kyuubi.KyuubiSQLException: org.apache.kyuubi.KyuubiSQLException: Exception in thread "main" io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Failure executing: POST at: https://kubernetes.default.svc:443/api/v1/namespaces/dev/pods. Message: Pod "kyuubi-group-spark-sql-evm-default-56107026-fb7a-4ebd-8d6e-53e3af91ebbc-driver" is invalid: spec.containers[0].resources.requests: Invalid value: "1": must be less than or equal to cpu limit. Received status: Status(apiVersion=v1, code=422, details=StatusDetails(causes=[StatusCause(field=spec.containers[0].resources.requests, message=Invalid value: "1": must be less than or equal to cpu limit, reason=FieldValueInvalid, additionalProperties={})], group=null, kind=Pod, name=kyuubi-group-spark-sql-evm-default-56107026-fb7a-4ebd-8d6e-53e3af91ebbc-driver, retryAfterSeconds=null, uid=null, additionalProperties={}), kind=Status, message=Pod "kyuubi-group-spark-sql-evm-default-56107026-fb7a-4ebd-8d6e-53e3af91ebbc-driver" is invalid: spec.containers[0].resources.requests: Invalid value: "1": must be less than or equal to cpu limit, metadata=ListMeta(_continue=null, remainingItemCount=null, resourceVersion=null, selfLink=null, additionalProperties={}), reason=Invalid, status=Failure, additionalProperties={}).
at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException.copyAsCause(
at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.internal.OperationSupport.waitForResult(
I also looked at the source code related to the engine startup, which should be like thiscase GROUP => groupProvider.primaryGroup(sessionUser, conf.getAll.asJava)Press the first one of the returned group, then I should submit the task according to evm here and configure the relevant information,I also tried to submit using admin, and it worked because the group name and user name of admin are the same. I want to know why the evmli user cannot use the group name evm to start the spark SQL task.
Code of Conduct
Search before asking
Describe the bug
I have realized the relationship between users and groups through ldap, and I can see the corresponding information through the log, but I still can't get the corresponding spark sql task.
I also looked at the source code related to the engine startup, which should be like this
case GROUP => groupProvider.primaryGroup(sessionUser, conf.getAll.asJava)
Press the first one of the returned group, then I should submit the task according to evm here and configure the relevant information,I also tried to submit using admin, and it worked because the group name and user name of admin are the same. I want to know why the evmli user cannot use the group name evm to start the spark SQL task.Affects Version(s)
Kyuubi Server Log Output
No response
Kyuubi Engine Log Output
No response
Kyuubi Server Configurations
No response
Kyuubi Engine Configurations
No response
Additional context
No response
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