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Digital Explorer Roadmap Module metamodel

Conceptual view


Graph Model


Idea Model

The idea sub Graph within the Roadmap modules represents the hypothesis of a business or technical solution to be discussed with the customer.

Conceptual view


Graph Model


Node Definitions

Node Label: Account

Property Description
id system generated
name Name of the Account Required

Node Label: InnovationAgenda

Property Description
id system generated
text Short name of the agenda Required
description extended description of the innovation agenda Required
creationDate system generated - creation date of the agenda Required
validUntil user input - valid until date Required

Node Label: ClientValueChain

Property Description
id system generated
name Name of the client value chain Required
Description extended description of the client value chain
businessArea pick-list - associated business area from the DE trend model
notes free text to add notes

Node Label: AgendaGoal

Property Description
id system generated
name short text of the business goal
Description extended description of the business goal

Node Label: KPI

Property Description
id system generated
name short description of the KPI
measure associated measure for the KPI

Node Label: Stakeholder

Property Description
id system generated
name name of the stakeholder
email email address of the stakeholder

Node Label: ClientDisruptor

Specialized instance of the business or technology trend within the innovation agenda

Property Description
id system generated
Name short description of the disruptor, can be changed
description extended description of the disruptor, can be changed
businessArea picklist - defines the business area this disruptor is impacting
segment location within the agenda Q1-Y3+
trendType system generate for catalog trends, picklist for signals - reference to the type of disruptor BUSINESS or TECHNOLOGY
innovationLevel picklist - defines the innovation level associated to this disruptor and the client
focusArea flag to set the value if the disruptor becomes a focus area for the account team

Node Label: ClientIdea

Outcome of the innovation agenda, selected focus areas are combined to create a new project idea

Property Description
id system generated
Name short name of the client strategic initiative
creationDate system generated creation date
modifiedDate system generated last modified date
description extended description of the
SFDCID free text to capture the SFDC id
discover Estimated value of the discover stage
discoverCloseDate Estimated completion date for Discover state
PrototypeCloseDate Estimated completion date for the Prototype
PilotCloseDate Estimated completion date for the pilot
ProductionCloseDate Estimated completion date for the Production
operationCloseDate Estimated completion date for the Operations
Status approved or rejected

Node Label: DXCInternalProgram

Internal program group to help track the creation of innovation agendas

Property Description
id system generated
Name short name of the internal program
description long description of the internal program
starttime start date of the program
endtime target completion date of the program
isActive boolean value is program active true or false


Source Destination Name Properties
Account InnovationAgenda ASSOICATED
InnovationAgenda ClientValueChain ASSOICATED
InnovationAgenda AgendaGoal ASSOICATED
Person Account ASSIGNED {role}
Account Region ASSIGNED
Stakeholder InnovationAgenda ASSIGNED
Stakeholder ClientValueChain ASSIGNED
ClientDisruptor ClientValueChain DISRUPTORS
ClientDisruptor BusinessTrend SPECIALIZES
ClientDisruptor TechnologyTrend SPECIALIZES
ClientIdea ClientDistruptor ASSIGNED
ClientIdea KPI ADDRESSES order
ClientIdea AgendaGoal ADDRESSES order
ClientIdea Person ASSIGNED role
ClientIdea Person RANKED vote
Account DXCInternalProgram MEMBER_OF
ClientIdea Solution TRIGGERED
Solution Solution SPECIALIZED

Change log

Date By Description
Jan 2018 David Stevens First version
May 2018 David Stevens DXCInternalProgram - allow accounts to be grouped into internal programs
June 2018 David Stevens updates to ClientStrategicInitiative, allow KPI's and Goals to be related to these.
March 2019 David Stevens Idea voting, status and owners
August 2019 David Stevens Idea revenue values and estimated dates
September 2019 David Stevens Idea > Solution > Solution relationships - introduced with the Idea Analyzer feature