How to install this clustered AWX setup.
Use MAAS and ehi-proxmaas to provision at least 3 control-plane servers and 0 to N worker nodes if you prefer to have seperate worker nodes.
A/AAAA records for and pointing to the external IP of the load balancer (or use CNAME records for it pointing both of them to your load balancers A/AAAA record).
setup internal A/AAAA DNS records (or external if you need) for each RKE2 server, this is to ensure they can reach each other with the FQDN.
First add new backend and frontend definitions to the /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg file on each haproxy host, you can see a few examples of a haproxyconfig file in the docs.
Then reload the haproxy service:
$ sudo systemctl reload haproxy.service
Note: The other server nodes besides the bootstrap node are commented out, this is needed to deploy initially but once 3 of the server nodes are up you can include them here too.
- Install the following ansible-galaxy packages on the controller:
ansible-galaxy collection install --force awx.awx:21.14.0
ansible-galaxy install lablabs.rke2
ansible-galaxy collection install community.grafana
ansible-galaxy collection install community.digitalocean
- Edit hosts into a new inventory of your choosing, see the current ./inventories/development-ehi/hosts inventory as an example.
Create folder for each host at: ./inventories/your-inventory/host_vars/
Record each hosts variables into each hosts ./inventories/your-inventory/host_vars/{{ inventory_hostname }}/vars.yml file.
Create a global variables file for your new inventory in ./inventories/your-inventory/group_vars/all.yml, you can see an example for this in ./inventories/development-ehi/group_vars/all.yml
Run the playbook with the following tags:
ansible-playbook -v -i ./inventories/your-inventory/ setup.yml
This playbook has the following tags available (-t):
- setup-rke2 Runs only the RKE2 setup section.
- rancher-setup Runs only the Rancher setup section.
- awx-setup Runs only the AWX setup section.
- configure-awx Runs only the AWX configuration section.