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File metadata and controls

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NGSIv2 Implementation Notes

This document describes some considerations to take into account regarding the specific implementation done by Orion Context Broker of the NGSIv2 specification.

Forbidden characters

From "Field syntax restrictions" section at NGSIv2 specification:

In addition to the above rules, given NGSIv2 server implementations could add additional syntactical restrictions in those or other fields, e.g., to avoid cross script injection attacks.

The additional restrictions that apply to Orion are the ones describe in the forbidden characters section of the manual.

Note that you can use "TextUnrestricted" attribut type (and special attribute type beyond the ones defined in the NGSIv2 Specification) in order to skip forbidden characters checkings in the attribute value. However, it could have security implications (possible script injections attacks) so use it at your own risk!


Update operators for attribute values

Some attribute value updates has special semantics, beyond the ones described in the NGSIv2 specification. In particular we can do requests like this one:

POST /v2/entities/E/attrs/A
  "value": { "$inc": 3 },
  "type": "Number"

which means "increase the value of attribute A by 3".

This functionality is usefeul to reduce the complexity of applications and avoid race conditions in applications that access simultaneously to the same piece of context. More detail in specific documentation.


Metadata update semantics

The metadata update semantics used by Orion Context Broker (and the related overrideMetadata option are detailed in this section of the documentation.

Moreover, from NGSIv2 specification section "Partial Representations":

Attribute metadata may be omitted in requests, meaning that there are no metadata elements associated to the attribute.

Depending if overrideMetadata is used or not, this sentence has two interpretations:

  • If overrideMetadata is not used (default behaviour) it is interpreted as "... meaning that there are no metadata elements associated to the attribute, which need to be updated"
  • If overrideMetadata is used it is interpreted as "... meaning that there are no metadata elements associated to the attribute, as a result of the the attribute update"


Custom payload decoding on notifications

Due to forbidden characters restriction, Orion applies an extra decoding step to outgoing custom notifications. This is described in detail in this section of the manual.


Option to disable custom notifications

Orion can be configured to disable custom notifications, using the -disableCustomNotifications CLI parameter.

In this case:

  • httpCustom is interpreted as http, i.e. all sub-fields except url are ignored
  • No ${...} macro substitution is performed.


Non-modifiable headers in custom notifications

The following headers cannot be overwritten in custom notifications:

  • Fiware-Correlator
  • Ngsiv2-AttrsFormat

Any attempt of doing so (e.g. "httpCustom": { ... "headers": {"Fiware-Correlator": "foo"} ...} will be ignored.


Header removal in custom notifications

It is not explicilty said in NGSIv2 specification ("Custom Notifications" section) but an empty string value for a header key in the headers object will remove that header from notifications. For instance the following configuration:

"httpCustom": { 
   "headers": {"x-auth-token": ""}

will remove the x-auth-token header in notifications associated to the subscription.

This can be useful to remove headers that Orion will include automatically in notifications. For instance:

  • To avoid headers included by default in notifications (e.g. Accept)
  • To cut the propagation of headers (from updates to notifications), such the aforementioned x-auth-token


Limit to attributes for entity location

From "Geospatial properties of entities" section at NGSIv2 specification:

Client applications are responsible for defining which entity attributes convey geospatial properties (by providing an appropriate NGSI attribute type). Typically this is an entity attribute named location, but nothing prevents use cases where an entity contains more than one geospatial attribute. For instance, locations specified at different granularity levels or provided by different location methods with different accuracy. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that spatial properties need special indexes which can be under resource constraints imposed by backend databases. Thus, implementations may raise errors when spatial index limits are exceeded. The recommended HTTP status code for those situations is 413, Request entity too large, and the reported error on the response payload must be NoResourcesAvailable.

In the case of Orion, that limit is one (1) attribute.

However, you can set ignoreType metadata to true to mean that a given attribute contains an extra informative location (more detail in this section of the documentation). This disables Orion interpretation of that attribute as a location, so it doesn't count towards the limit.

For instance:

  "id": "Hospital1",
  "type": "Hospital",
  "location": {
    "value": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [ -3.68666, 40.48108 ]
    "type": "geo:json"
  "serviceArea": {
    "value": {
      "type": "Polygon",
      "coordinates": [ [ [-3.69807, 40.49029 ], [ -3.68640, 40.49100], [-3.68602, 40.50456], [-3.71192, 40.50420], [-3.69807, 40.49029 ] ] ]
    "type": "geo:json",
    "metadata": {
        "value": true,
        "type": "Boolean"

Both attributes are of type geo:json, but serviceArea uses ignoreType metadata to true so the limit of one non-informative location is not overpassed.

If extra locations are defined in this way take, into account that the location that is used to solve geo-queries is the one without ignoreType set to true metadata (location attribute in the example above). All the locations defined with ignoreType set to true are ignored by Orion and, in this sense, doesn't take part in geo-queries.


Supported GeoJSON types in geo:json attributes

NGSIv2 specification doesn't specify any limitation in the possible GeoJSON types to be used for geo:json attributes. However, the current implementation in Orion (based in the MongoDB capabilities) introduces some limitations.

We have successfully tested the following types:

  • Point
  • MultiPoint
  • LineString
  • MultiLineString
  • Polygon
  • MultiPolygon

On the contrary, the following types doesn't work (you will get a "Database Error" if you try to use them):

  • Feature
  • GeometryCollection
  • FeatureCollection

More information on the tests conducted can be found here.

Legacy attribute format in notifications

Apart from the values described for attrsFormat in the NGSIv2 specification, Orion also supports a legacy value, in order to send notifications in NGSIv1 format. This way, users can benefit from the enhancements of NGSIv2 subscriptions (e.g. filtering) with NGSIv1 legacy notification receivers.

Note that NGSIv1 is deprecated. Thus, we don't recommend to use legacy notification format any longer.


Datetime support

From "Special Attribute Types" section at NGSIv2 specification:

DateTime: identifies dates, in ISO8601 format. These attributes can be used with the query operators greater-than, less-than, greater-or-equal, less-or-equal and range.

The following considerations have to be taken into account at attribute creation/update time or when used in q and mq filters:

  • Datetimes are composed of date, time and timezone designator, in one of the following patterns:
    • <date>
    • <date>T<time>
    • <date>T<time><timezone>
    • Note that the format <date><timezone> is not allowed. According to ISO8601: "If a time zone designator is required, it follows the combined date and time".
  • Regarding <date> it must follow the pattern: YYYY-MM-DD
    • YYYY: year (four digits)
    • MM: month (two digits)
    • DD: day (two digits)
  • Regarding <time> it must follow any of the patterns described in the ISO8601 specification:
    • hh:mm:ss.sss or hhmmss.sss.
    • hh:mm:ss or hhmmss. Milliseconds are set to 000 in this case.
    • hh:mm or hhmm. Seconds are set to 00 in this case.
    • hh. Minutes and seconds are set to 00 in this case.
    • If <time> is omitted, then hours, minutes and seconds are set to 00.
  • Regarding <timezones> it must follow any of the patterns described in the ISO8601 specification:
    • Z
    • ±hh:mm
    • ±hhmm
    • ±hh
  • ISO8601 specifies that "if no UTC relation information is given with a time representation, the time is assumed to be in local time". However, this is ambiguous when client and server are in different zones. Thus, in order to solve this ambiguity, Orion will always assume timezone Z when timezone designator is omitted.

Orion always provides datetime attributes/metadata using the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ. However, note that Orion provides other timestamps (registration/subscription expiration date, last notification/failure/sucess in notifications, etc.) using YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssZ format (see related issue about this)).

In addition, note Orion uses always UTC/Zulu timezone when provides datetime (which is the best default option, as clients/receivers may be running in any timezone). This may change in the future (see related issue).

The string "ISO8601" as type for attributes and metadata is also supported. The effect is the same as when using "DateTime".


User attributes or metadata matching builtin name

(The content of this section applies to all builtins except dateExpires attribute. Check the document on transient entities for specific information about dateExpires).

First of all: you are strongly encouraged to not use attributes or metadata with the same name as an NGSIv2 builtin. In fact, the NGSIv2 specification forbids that (check "Attribute names restrictions" and "Metadata names restrictions" sections in the specification).

However, if you are forced to have such attributes or metadata (maybe due to legacy reasons) take into account the following considerations:

  • You can create/update attributes and/or metadata which name is the same of a NGSIv2 builtin. Orion will let you do so.
  • User defined attributes and/or metadata are shown without need to explicit declare it in the GET request or subscription. For instance, if you created a dateModified attribute with value "2050-01-01" in entity E1, then GET /v2/entities/E1 will retrieve it. You don't need to use ?attrs=dateModified.
  • When rendered (in response to GET operations or in notifications) the user defined attribute/metadata will take preference over the builtin even when declared explicitly. For instance, if you created a dateModified attribute with value "2050-01-01" in entity E1 and you request GET /v2/entities?attrs=dateModified you will get "2050-01-01".
  • However, filtering (i.e. q or mq) is based on the value of the builtin. For instance, if you created a dateModified attribute with value "2050-01-01" in entity E1 and you request GET /v2/entities?q=dateModified>2049-12-31 you will get no entity. It happens that "2050-01-01" is greater than "2049-12-31" but the date you modified the entity (some date in 2018 or 2019 maybe) will not be greater than "2049-12-31". Note this is somehow inconsistent (i.e. user defined takes preference in rendering but not in filtering) and may change in the future.


Subscription payload validations

The particular validations that Orion implements on NGSIv2 subscription payloads are the following ones:

  • description: optional (max length 1024)
  • subject: mandatory
    • entities: mandatory
      • id or idPattern: one of them is mandatory (but both at the same time is not allowed). id must follow NGSIv2 restrictions for IDs. idPattern must be not empty and a valid regex.
      • type or typePattern: optional (but both at the same time is not allowed). type must follow NGSIv2 restrictions for IDs. type must not be empty. typePattern must be a valid regex, and non-empty.
    • condition: optional (but if present it must have a content, i.e. {} is not allowed)
      • attrs: optional (but if present it must be a list; empty list is allowed)
      • expression: optional (but if present it must have a content, i.e. {} is not allowed)
        • q: optional (but if present it must be not empty, i.e. "" is not allowed)
        • mq: optional (but if present it must be not empty, i.e. "" is not allowed)
        • georel: optional (but if present it must be not empty, i.e. "" is not allowed)
        • geometry: optional (but if present it must be not empty, i.e. "" is not allowed)
        • coords: optional (but if present it must be not empty, i.e. "" is not allowed)
  • notification:
    • http: must be present if httpCustom is omitted, forbidden otherwise
      • url: mandatory (must be a valid URL)
    • httpCustom: must be present if http is omitted, forbidden otherwise
      • url: mandatory (must be not empty)
      • headers: optional (but if present it must have a content, i.e. {} is not allowed)
      • qs: optional (but if present it must have a content, i.e. {} is not allowed)
      • method: optional (but if present it must be a valid HTTP method)
      • payload: optional (empty string is allowed)
    • attrs: optional (but if present it must be a list; empty list is allowed)
    • metadata: optional (but if present it must be a list; empty list is allowed)
    • exceptAttrs: optional (but it cannot be present if attrs is also used; if present it must be a non-empty list)
    • attrsFormat: optional (but if present it must be a valid attrs format keyword)
  • throttling: optional (must be an integer)
  • expires: optional (must be a date or empty string "")
  • status: optional (must be a valid status keyword)


alterationType attribute

Appart from the attributes described in the "Builtin Attributes" section in the NGSIv2 specification, Orion implements the alterationType attribute.

This attribute can be used only in notifications (in queries such GET /v2/entities?attrs=alterationType is ignored) and can take the following values:

  • entityCreate if the update that triggers the notification is a entity creation operation
  • entityUpdate if the update that triggers the notification was an update but it wasn't an actual change
  • entityChange if the update that triggers the notification was an update with an actual change
  • entityDelete if the update that triggers the notification was a entity delete operation

The type of this attribute is Text

This builtin attribute is related with the subscriptions based in alteration type feature.


actionType metadata

From NGSIv2 specification section "Builtin metadata", regarding actionType metadata:

Its value depend on the request operation type: update for updates, append for creation and delete for deletion. Its type is always Text.

Current Orion implementation supports "update" and "append". The "delete" case will be supported upon completion of this issue.


ignoreType metadata

Appart from the metadata described in the "Builtin metadata" section in the NGSIv2 specification, Orion implements the ignoreType metadata.

When ignoreType with value true is added to an attribute, Orion will ignore the semantics associated to the attribute type. Note that Orion ignored attribute type in general so this metadata is not needed most of the cases, but there are two cases in which attribute type has an special semantic for Orion (check NGSIv2 specification for details):

  • DateTime
  • Geo-location types (geo:point, geo:line, geo:box, geo:polygon and geo:json)

At the present moment ignoreType is supported only for geo-location types, this way allowing a mechanism to overcome the limit of only one geo-location per entity (more details in this section of the documentation. Support for ignoreType in DateTime may come in the future.


noAttrDetail option

The value noAttrDetail of the URI param options may be used in order to avoid NGSIv2 type browsing queries (GET /v2/types and GET /v2/types/<type>) to provide attribute type details. When used, the types list associated to each attribute name is set to [].

Using this option, Orion solves these queries much faster, especially in the case of a large number of attributes, each one with a different type. This can be very useful if your use case doesn't need the attribute type detail. In some cases savings from 30 seconds to 0.5 seconds with the noAttrDetails option have been detected.


Notification throttling

From NGSIv2 specification regarding subscription throttling:

throttling: Minimal period of time in seconds which must elapse between two consecutive notifications. It is optional.

The way in which Orion implements this is discarding notifications during the throttling guard period. Thus, notifications may be lost if they arrive too close in time. If your use case doesn't support losing notifications this way, then you should not use throttling.

In addition, Orion implements throttling in a local way. In multi-CB configurations, take into account that the last-notification measure is local to each Orion node. Although each node periodically synchronizes with the DB in order to get potentially newer values (more on this here) it may happen that a particular node has an old value, so throttling is not 100% accurate.


Ordering between different attribute value types

From NGISv2 specification "Ordering Results" section:

Operations that retrieve lists of entities permit the orderBy URI parameter to specify the attributes or properties to be used as criteria when ordering results

It is an implementation aspect how each type is ordered with regard to other types. In the case of Orion, we use the same criteria as the one used by the underlying implementation (MongoDB). See the following link for details.

From lowest to highest:

  1. Null
  2. Number
  3. String
  4. Object
  5. Array
  6. Boolean


Oneshot subscriptions

Apart from the status values defined for subscription in the NGSIv2 specification, Orion also allows to use oneshot. Please find details in the oneshot subscription document


Subscriptions based in alteration type

Apart from the sub-fields allowed in subscriptions conditions field according to NGSIv2 specifiction, Orion supports the alterationTypes field to specify under which alterations (entity creation, entity modification, etc.) the subscription is triggered.

Please find details in this specific documentation

Custom notifications without payload

If payload is set to null within httpCustom field in custom notifcations, then the notifications associated to that subscription will not include any payload (i.e. content-length 0 notifications).

Note this is not the same than using payload set to "" or omitting the field. In that case, the notification will be sent using the NGSIv2 normalized format.


MQTT notifications

Apart from the http and httpCustom fields withint notification object in subscription described in the NGISv2 specification, Orion also supports mqtt and mqttCustom for MQTT notifications. This topic is described with more detail in this specific document.


Notify only attributes that change

Orion supports an extra field onlyChangedAttrs (within notification) in subscriptions, apart of the ones described in the NGSIv2 specification. This field takes a true or false value (default is false, if the field is ommitted). If set to true then notifications associated to the subscription include only attributes that changed in the triggering update request, in combination with the attrs or exceptAttrs field.

For instance, if attrs is [A, B, C] the default behavior (when onlyChangedAttrs is false) and the triggering update modified only A, then A, B and C are notified (in other words, the triggering update doesn't matter). However, if onlyChangedAttrs is true and the triggering update only modified A then only A is included in the notification.


timeout subscriptions option

Apart from the subscription fields described in NGSIv2 specification for GET /v2/subscriptions and GET /v2/subscriptions/subId requests, Orion supports the timeout extra parameter within the http or httpCustom field. This field specifies the maximum time the subscription waits for the response when using HTTP notifications in milliseconds.

The maximum value allowed for this parameter is 1800000 (30 minutes). If timeout is defined to 0 or omitted, then the value passed as -httpTimeout CLI parameter is used. See section in the Command line options for more details.


lastFailureReason and lastSuccessCode subscriptions fields

Apart from the subscription fields described in NGSIv2 specification for GET /v2/subscriptions and GET /v2/subscriptions/subId requests, Orion supports this two extra fields within the notification field:

  • lastFailureReason: a text string describing the cause of the last failure (i.e. the failure occurred at lastFailure time).
  • lastSuccessCode: the HTTP code (200, 400, 404, 500, etc.) returned by receiving endpoint last time a successful notification was sent (i.e. the success occurred at lastSuccess time).

Both can be used to analyze possible problems with notifications. See section in the problem diagnosis procedures document for more details.

Note these two fields are included in HTTP subscriptions, but not in MQTT ones. See MQTT notifications document for more detail.


failsCounter and maxFailsLimit subscriptions fields

Apart from the subscription fields described in NGSIv2 specification for GET /v2/subscriptions and GET /v2/subscriptions/subId requests, Orion supports a failsCounter field within the notification field. The value of this field is the number of consecutive failing notifications associated to the subscription. failsCounter is increased by one each time a notification attempt fails and reset to 0 if a notification attempt successes (failsCounter is ommitted in this case).

There is also an optional field maxFailsLimit (also within notification field) which establishes a maximum allowed number of consecutive fails. If the number of fails overpasses the value of maxFailsLimit (i.e. at a given moment failsCounter is greater than maxFailsLimit) then Orion automatically passes the subscription to inactive state. A subscripiton update operation (PATCH /v2/subscription/subId) is needed to re-enable the subscription (setting its state active again).

In addition, when Orion automatically disables a subscription, a log trace in WARN level is printed in this format:

time=... | lvl=WARN | corr=... | trans=... | from=... | srv=... | subsrv=... | comp=Orion | op=... | msg= Subscription <subId> automatically disabled due to failsCounter (N) overpasses maxFailsLimit (M)


flowControl option

As extra URI param option to the ones included in the NGSIv2 specification, Orion implements flowControl, than can be used to specify that an update operation have to use flow control, which can improve performance and avoid saturacion in high-load scenarios. This only works if the ContextBroker has been started using the -notifFlowControl parameter, otherwise is ignored. The flow control mechanism is explained in this section in the documentation.

The following requests can use the flowControl URI param option:

  • POST /v2/entities/E/attrs?options=flowControl
  • POST /v2/entities/E/attrs?options=append,flowControl
  • POST /v2/op/update?options=flowControl
  • PUT /v2/entities/E/attrs?options=flowControl
  • PUT /v2/entities/E/attrs/A?options=flowControl
  • PUT /v2/entities/E/attrs/A/value?options=flowControl
  • PATCH /v2/entities/E/attrs?options=flowControl


Ambiguous subscription status failed not used

NGSIv2 specification describes failed value for status field in subscriptions:

status: [...] Also, for subscriptions experiencing problems with notifications, the status is set to failed. As soon as the notifications start working again, the status is changed back to active.

Status failed was removed in Orion 3.4.0 due to it is ambiguous:

  • failed may refer to an active subscription (i.e. a subscription that will trigger notifications upon entity updates) which last notification sent was failed
  • failed may refer to an inactive subscription (i.e. a subscription that will not trigger notifications upon entity update) which was active in the past and which last notification sent in the time it was active was failed

In other words, looking to status failed is not possible to know if the subscription is currently active or inactive.

Thus, failed is not used by Orion Context Broker and the status of the subscription always clearly specifies if the subscription is active (including the variant oneshot) or inactive (including the variant expired). You can check the value of failsCounter in order to know if the subscription failed in its last notification or not (i.e. checking that failsCounter is greater than 0).


forcedUpdate option

As extra URI param option to the ones included in the NGSIv2 specification, Orion implements forcedUpdate, than can be used to specify that an update operation have to trigger any matching subscription (and send corresponding notification) no matter if there is an actual attribute update or not. Remember that the default behaviour (i.e. without using the forcedUpdate URI param option) is to updated only if attribute is effectively updated.

The following requests can use the forcedUpdate URI param option:

  • POST /v2/entities/E/attrs?options=forcedUpdate
  • POST /v2/entities/E/attrs?options=append,forcedUpdate
  • POST /v2/op/update?options=forcedUpdate
  • PUT /v2/entities/E/attrs?options=forcedUpdate
  • PUT /v2/entities/E/attrs/A?options=forcedUpdate
  • PUT /v2/entities/E/attrs/A/value?options=forcedUpdate
  • PATCH /v2/entities/E/attrs?options=forcedUpdate

Check also the entityChange alteration type for the same effect, but applyed to the subscription, not matter if the update request included the forcedUpdate option or not.



Orion implements registration management as described in the NGSIv2 specification, except for the following aspects:

  • PATCH /v2/registration/<id> is not implemented. Thus, registrations cannot be updated directly. I.e., updates must be done deleting and re-creating the registration. Please see this issue about this.
  • idPattern is supported but only for the exact regular expression .*
  • typePattern is not implemented.
  • The expression field (within dataProvided) is not supported. The field is simply ignored. Please see this issue about it.
  • The inactive value for status is not supported. I.e., the field is stored/retrieved correctly, but the registration is always active, even when the value is inactive. Please see this issue about it.

According to NGSIv2 specification:

A NGSIv2 server implementation may implement query or update forwarding to context information sources.

The way in which Orion implements such forwarding is as follows:

  • POST /v2/op/query for query forwarding
  • POST /v2/op/update for update forwarding

More information on forwarding to context information sources can be found in this specific document.

Orion implements an additional field legacyForwarding (within provider) not included in the NGSIv2 specification. If the value of legacyForwarding is true then NGSIv1-based query/update will be used for forwarding requests associated to that registration. Although NGSIv1 is deprecated, some Context Provider may not have been migrated yet to NGSIv2, so this mode may prove useful.


skipForwarding option

You can use skipForwarding option in queries (e.g. GET /v2/entities?options=skipForwarding) in order to skip forwarding to CPrs. In this case, the query is evaluated using exclusively CB local context information.

Note that in updates skipForwarding has no effect (if you want an update to be interpreted locally to the CB just use an update request with append/creation semantics).


null support in DateTime and geolocation types

According to NGSIv2 specification:

  • DateTime attributes and metadata: has to be strings in in ISO8601 format
  • geo:point, geo:line, geo:box, geo:polygon and geo:json: attributes has to follow specific formatting rules (defined in the "Geospatial properties of entities section)

It is not clear in the NGSIv2 specification if the null value is supported in these cases or not. Just to be clear, Orion supports that possibility.

With regards to DateTime attributes and metadata:

  • A DateTime attribute or metadata with null value will not be taken into account in filters, i.e. GET /v2/entities?q=T>2021-04-21

With regards to geo: attributes:

  • A geo: attribute with null value will not be taken into account in geo-queries, i.e. the entity will not be returned as a result of geo-query
  • geo: attributes with null value doesn't count towards the limit of one


keyValues not supported in POST /v2/op/notify

The current Orion implementation doesn't support keyValues option in POST /v2/op/notify operation. If you attempt to use it you would get a 400 Bad Request error.


Deprecated features

Although we try to minimize the changes in the stable version of the NGSIv2 specification, a few changes have been needed in the end. Thus, there is changed functionality that doesn't appear in the current NGSIv2 stable specification document but that Orion still supports (as deprecated functionality) in order to keep backward compatibility.

In particular:

  • The usage of dateCreated and dateModified in the options parameter (introduced in stable RC-2016.05 and removed in RC-2016.10) is still supported, e.g. options=dateModified. However, you are highly encouraged to use attrs instead (i.e. attrs=dateModified,*).

  • POST /v2/op/update accepts the same action types as NGSIv1, that is APPEND, APPEND_STRICT, UPDATE, DELETE and REPLACE. However, they shouldn't be used, preferring always the following counterparts: append, appendStrict, update, delete and replace.

  • attributes field in POST /v2/op/query is deprecated. It is a combination of attrs (to select which attributes to include in the response to the query) and unary attribute filter in q within expression (to return only entities which have these attributes). Use them instead.
