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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie edited this page Jul 9, 2019 · 9 revisions


Add local model to Workspace

The easiest way to enable collaboration work on an existing or newly created model is:

  1. Create a new Git repository on your Git server (can be any cloud or on premise solution like GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab...).

  2. Open (or create) your model in Archi.

    1. Select the "Collaboration > Add local model to workspace and publish" menu option:


  3. In the dialog that will appear, enter the URL of the newly created Git repository and your credentials on the Git server of your choice.

    Don't confuse the URL of the web page with the URL of the Git repository (which usually ends with .git)!

  4. The model will be added to the Collaboration Workspace and publish on the Git server

Import a model

Once a model has been switched to collaborative mode and published on the server, it can be imported by another user:

  1. Select the "Collaboration > Import Remote Model to Workspace" menu option:


  2. In the dialog box that will appear, enter the Git repository’s URL and your credentials on the Git server.

  3. The model will be added to the Collaboration Workspace.

Delete a model

When you no longer wish to work on a model, you can remove it from your workspace through the "Collaboration > Delete Model from Workspace”. You’ll then be prompted to confirm.

This action only deletes your local copy. The remote model stored on the Git server will not be impacted.