The latest untagged master branch can be obtained at
Tagged source code releases from R4-0 onward can be obtained at
- Comply with v2.0 of protocol for Uom devices - still backward compatible with Merlin Quad protocol
- Remove redundant protocol versions
- Change Medipix to Merlin. Merlin is the detector that uses Medipix chips. The Merlin protocol was copied by Uom to control their BPMs which do not use Medipix chips.
- Changed configure/RELEASE files for compatibility with areaDetector R3-3.
- Added merlinApp/op/Makefile to autoconvert adl files to opi, ui, edl.
- First 'non-DLS' version of Merlin based on ADCore 2-4. Thanks to Mark Rivers and Matthew Moore for the work in converting to ADCore and removal of DLS specifics.
Earlier release tags are internal to Diamond Light Source