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Atmel SAM/SAM0 pin configurations

This directory contains a set of files describing valid pin configurations for multiple Atmel Smart Arm MCUs (SAM) devices. This configuration files maps a pin to a peripheral signal which multiplex, at end, I/O lines pins. For example, PWMH0 signal can be mapped to PA0, PA11, PA23, PB0, PC18 or PD20 for SAM4E SoC. These configurations can be used to generate valid pin mappings.

Atmel SAM devices use three distinct controllers to configure signal multiplexing: PIO (SAM), GPIO (SAM4L) and PORT (SAM0). In general, all devices uses similar definitions where each pin has one or more associated alternate function. These alternate functions can be sometimes changed using especific system functionality. The struct created to map the alternate functions is shared between all controllers and was concepted to be more close possible to datasheet tables.

In the following sections the expected file format is described.


All fields are common, independently of the pin controller, and all fields are mandatory.

  • model: Always defined as atmel,sam
  • family: Family name like: sam4e, sam4l, d5x-e5x
  • map: Define the macro that will be used to generate code for an specific controller. Currently SAM_PINMUX is used for all cases.
  • series: The SoC series set
  • revisions (optional): The SoC die revision which exists for sam0 series.
  • variants: Each variant has a different set of valid pin combinations because of a different number of pins.
  • pins (required): The pin map itself


The below yaml snip have all the common fields defined. It defines few aleatory pins to help understand the definition schema.

# Pin codes:
# - 48      pins: g
# - 64      pins: j
# - 100     pins: n
# - 120/128 pins: p (package exception)

model: atmel,sam

family: d5x-e5x


series: [d51, e51, e53, e54]

  d51: a
  e51: ab
  d53: ab
  d54: abcd

  - pincode: g
    series: [d51, e51]
  - pincode: j
    series: [d51, e51, e53]
  - pincode: n
    series: [d51, e51, e53, e54]
  - pincode: p
    series: [d51, e54]
    exception: y

    pincodes: [n, p]
      - [a, eic, extint0]
      - [b, adc1, ain10]
    pincodes: [g, j, n, p]
      - [a, eic, extint8]
      - [c, sercom3, pad2]
      - [d, sercom5, pad2]
      - [e, tc5, wo0]
      - [f, tc2, wo2]
      - [g, pdec, qdi0]
      - [h, usb, dm]
      - [i, can0, tx, [d51, e53]]
      - [n, ccl, in8]
    pincodes: [g, j, n, p]
      - [a, eic, extint9]
      - [c, sercom3, pad3]
      - [d, sercom5, pad3]
      - [e, tc5, wo1]
      - [g, pdec, qdi1]
      - [h, usb, dp]
      - [i, can0, rx, [d51, e53]]
      - [n, ccl, out2]
    pincodes: [g, j, n, p]
      - [a, eic, extint3]
      - [b, ptc, xy13]
      - [c, sercom1, pad3]
      - [d, sercom3, pad3]
      - [e, tc3, wo1]
      - [f, tcc1, wo3]
      - [g, tcc0, wo7]
      - [k, pcc, data3]
      - [l, gmac, gtx1, [d51, e51]]
      - [m, ac, cmp1]
      - [n, ccl, out0]
    pincodes: [n, p]
      - [a, eic, extint0]
      - [c, sercom6, pad0]
      - [d, sercom0, pad1]
      - [f, tcc0, wo0]
      - [g, pdec, qdi0]
      - [l, gmac, gtx2, [d51, e51]]

The series key define a list of SoC models [d51, e51, e53, e54]. This list is used to generate file names and map peripherals.

Some sam0 SoC have optimized pins in some revisions. To differentiate those a new mux table should be defined. The revisions help to identify correct pinctrl files by sufix.

The variants key define a list of available packages by SoC series. This means that for pincode: g, which is 48 pins packages, there are valid combination of samd51g and samde51g pin mux. Note, some devices my present some chalenges like define a part number which uses same pin code with different pin counts. For that ones, we add exception: y property. The exception will add a WARNING message to uses in the auto generated file asking to user look datasheet. Any variation with exception must map all pins to allow users access functionality.

The pins section is a vaiable length list of pin definitions. Each entry is a pin itself composed by one mandatory properties which is pincodes and many optional properties: periph, extra, system, lpm. The pincode instructs the engine to generate pin definitions only for those packages were pin is, in fact, available. The periph is the set of multiplexed peripheral signals. It is a variable length list where each entry is a list. Each peripheral list entry is composed of 4 fields, where the first 3 are mandatory. The peripheral list represents:

  • alternate function index
  • peripheral [instance]
  • signal
  • SoC/pincode exclusion list (optional)

Additionaly some SoCs define special pin configuration. In the datasheet user can find a column named extra and another as systems. The syntax is the same as periph. The lpm is reserved for future use. Some SoCs may require special pin configuration to allow system consume less possible power.


At below yaml snip code defines pc16 pin:

    pincodes: [n, p]
      - [a, eic, extint0]
      - [c, sercom6, pad0]
      - [d, sercom0, pad1]
      - [f, tcc0, wo0]
      - [g, pdec, qdi0]
      - [l, gmac, gtx2, [d51, e51]]

This means, that port C pin 16 is available for packages n and p. The alternate function available for these pin is that:

  • at position a the eic controller have access to signal extint0
  • at position c the signal pad0 can be defined for sercom6
  • at position d the signal pad1 can be defined for sercom0
  • at position f the tcc0 can output signal wo0
  • at position g the pdec uses qdi0 as quadrature input 0.
  • at position l the gmac define signal gtx2 which won't be available for SoC d51 and e51.

In this case, besides n and p packages tells to engine that pin pc16 must be generated for the entire SoC series d51, e51, e53, e54 the engine allows to deliberate exclude some signal combination.

The exclusion list can have both SoC series and pincodes. This allow create less files and give better granularity. The next example shows how to drop smc functionality in the SAM4E SoC. In this case, only one series can accomodate all variations and the tunning is made using pincode at periph config.

# Pin codes:
# - 100 pins: c
# - 144 pins: e

model: atmel,sam

family: sam4e


series: [4eX]

  - pincode: c
    series: [4eX]
  - pincode: e
    series: [4eX]

    pincodes: [c, e]
      - [a, pwm, pwmh0]
      - [b, tc0, tioa0]
      - [c, smc, a17, [c]]
      - [d, supc, wkup0]

It is recommended use one filter at exclusion list. When necessary combine both series and pincodes the exclusion will operate first in the series and then will lookup by pincode.

The next example shows how to specify extra function and system functions.

    pincodes: [c, e]
      - [a, twi1, twck1]
      - [b, pwm, pwml0]
      - [x, supc, wkup13]
      - [s, jtag, tdo]
      - [s, swd, traceswo]

Auto Generated Code

After define all pins the user should run scripts/ script to auto generate Zephyr RTOS devicetree pinctrl definitions. See scripts/README for instructions how to do it.

Output Format

The output format define constants to be used inside devitree pins definitions, see below snip of output:

 * Autogenerated file
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/atmel_sam_pinctrl.h>

 * WARNING: this variant has package exception.
 *   Read datasheet topics related to I/O Multiplexing and Considerations or
 *   Peripheral Signal Multiplexing on I/O Lines for more information.

/* pa0a_eic_extint0 */
#define PA0A_EIC_EXTINT0 \
	SAM_PINMUX(a, 0, a, periph)

The output format uses the compressed representation which of:

  • port index (PIOx, GPIOx or PORTx)
  • pin number
  • alternate function index
  • function (gpio, periph, extra, system, lpm)

In this case PA0A_EIC_EXTINT0 is at PORT a pin 0 using alternate function a, which selects pin for external interrupt controller EIC interrupt extint0.

Devicetree definitions

The pinctrl devicetree entries follow current Zephyr RTOS conventions. See below example which define serial console for atsame54_xpro board.

#include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/same54p-pinctrl.h>

&pinctrl {
	sercom2_usart_default: sercom2_usart_default {
		group1 {
			pinmux = <PB25D_SERCOM2_PAD1>, <PB24D_SERCOM2_PAD0>;

&sercom2 {
	status = "okay";
	compatible = "atmel,sam0-uart";
	current-speed = <115200>;
	rxpo = <1>;
	txpo = <0>;
	#address-cells = <1>;
	#size-cells = <0>;

	pinctrl-0 = <&sercom2_usart_default>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";