Launch the lab here
You have started a new role as a Data Engineer for TaxiCab Inc. You are expected to import some historical data to a working BigQuery dataset, and build a basic model that predicts fares based on information available when a new ride starts. Leadership is interested in building an app and estimating for users how much a ride will cost. The source data will be provided in your project.
As soon as you sit down at your desk and open your new laptop you receive your first assignment: build a basic BQML fare prediction model for leadership. Perform the following tasks to import and clean the data, then build the model and perform batch predictions with new data so that leadership can review model performance and make a go/no-go decision on deploying the app functionality.
Go to BigQuery > Run these queries:
taxirides.taxi_training_data AS
(tolls_amount + fare_amount) AS fare_amount,
pickup_longitude AS pickuplon,
pickup_latitude AS pickuplat,
dropoff_longitude AS dropofflon,
dropoff_latitude AS dropofflat,
passenger_count AS passengers,
RAND() < 0.001
AND trip_distance > 0
AND fare_amount >= 2.5
AND pickup_longitude > -78
AND pickup_longitude < -70
AND dropoff_longitude > -78
AND dropoff_longitude < -70
AND pickup_latitude > 37
AND pickup_latitude < 45
AND dropoff_latitude > 37
AND dropoff_latitude < 45
AND passenger_count > 0
CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL taxirides.fare_model
* EXCEPT(pickup_datetime)
, ST_Distance(ST_GeogPoint(pickuplon, pickuplat), ST_GeogPoint(dropofflon, dropofflat)) AS euclidean
, CAST(EXTRACT(DAYOFWEEK FROM pickup_datetime) AS STRING) AS dayofweek
, CAST(EXTRACT(HOUR FROM pickup_datetime) AS STRING) AS hourofday
OPTIONS(input_label_cols=['fare_amount'], model_type='linear_reg')
SELECT * FROM taxirides.taxi_training_data
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE taxirides.2015_fare_amount_predictions
SELECT * FROM ML.PREDICT(MODEL taxirides.fare_model,(
SELECT * FROM taxirides.report_prediction_data)