These are my notes on improving the namespace support for anti-xml.
Rename "scope" to "namespace", ensure that the naming and concepts are closer to the XML specs.
Selecting a child nodes with \
, should it require the child elements to be in the same namespace as the element it's
applied on?
I think it should as that'll give a consumer the least number of surprises. When doing the xpath-like lookups you're already in a "lax mode" and only picking out stuff that you know and ignoring the rest.
In XML elements might override namespace prefixes, for example:
Element namespace: "urn:a"
Namespace bindings: "urn:a"
<root xmlns="urn:a">
Element namespace: "urn:person"
Namespace bindings: "urn:person", "urn:a"
<person xmlns="urn:person">
Element namespace: "urn:person"
Namespace bindings: "urn:person", "urn:a"
<name>Captain Awesome</name>
Element namespace: "urn:person"
Namespace bindings: person="urn:person", "urn:a"
This is the same element as the above <persion/>
<person:person xmlns:person="urn:person">
Element namespace: "urn:person"
Namespace bindings: "urn:person", "urn:a"
<person:name>Captain Awesome</name>
Another example:
Element namespace: None
Namespace bindings: None
Element namespace: "urn:person"
Namespace bindings: "urn:person", "urn:a"
<person xmlns="urn:person">
Element namespace: "urn:person"
Namespace bindings: "urn:person", "urn:a"
<name>Captain Awesome</name>
With these example it's easy to see that the NamespaceBinding
objects can be easily share between Elem
objects and
will give a rather conservative memory usage as child bindings just reference a parent binding.
TODO: this really isn't a problem as far as I can tell - trygve
As it is now there's nothing that prevent namespace collisions. If there's a generic piece of code that generate a
"person" Elem
inside the "urn:person" namespace and another piece of code that generate a "car" Elem
stuff will
get complicated:
<person xmlns="urn:person"/>
<car xmlns="urn:car"/>
Right now they're almost the same but both have some extra tests which apply to the other parser too. I don't know how to do that best with specs, but there's got to be a clever way.
- Use the same concepts for namespacing attributes as elements.
- Update documentation and examples.
- Added a "NamespaceBinding" class which contain the current bindings. Similar to scala.xml's bindings.
- The "scope" field is not an Option, however it can reference the empty namespace binding. This is mainly a memory optimalization so that the bindings doesn't have to be wrapped in an Option and unwrapped all the time when pattern matching them.