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;;; consult-web.el --- Consulting Web Search Engines -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:


;;; Requirements
(require 'consult)
(require 'url)
(require 'json)
(require 'request)

Define Group, Customs, Vars, Etc.


;;; Group
(defgroup consult-web nil
  "Consulting search engines and AI assistants"
  :group 'convenience
  :group 'minibuffer
  :group 'consult
  :group 'web
  :group 'search
  :prefix "consult-web-")

customization variables

;;; Customization Variables
(defcustom consult-web-sources-modules-to-load  (list)
  "List of source modules/features to load.

This variable is a list of symbols;
each symbol being a source featue (e.g. consult-web-brave)"
  :type '(repeat :tag "list of source modules/features to load" symbol))

(defcustom consult-web-default-browse-function #'browse-url
  "consult-web default function when selecting a link"
  :type '(choice (function :tag "(Default) Browse URL" #'browse-url)
                 (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(defcustom consult-web-alternate-browse-function #'eww-browse-url
  "consult-web default function when selecting a link"
  :type '(choice (function :tag "(Default) EWW" #'eww-browse-url)
                 (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(defcustom consult-web-default-preview-function #'eww-browse-url
  "consult-web default function when previewing a link"
  :type '(choice (function :tag "(Default) EWW" #'eww-browse-url)
                 (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(defcustom consult-web-show-preview nil
  "Should`consult-web' show previews?
This turns previews on/off globally for all consult-web sources."
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom consult-web-preview-key consult-preview-key
  "Preview key for consult-web.
This is similar to `consult-preview-key' but explicitly For consult-web."
  :type '(choice (const :tag "Any Key" Any)
                 (List :tag "Debounced"
                       (const :Debounce)
                       (Float :tag "Seconds" 0.1)
                       (const Any))
                 (const :tag "No Preview" nil)
                 (Key :tag "Key")
                 (repeat :tag "List Of Keys" Key)))

(defcustom consult-web-default-count 5
  "Number Of search results to retrieve."
  :type 'integer)

(defcustom consult-web-default-page 0
  "Offset of search results to retrieve.
If this is set to N, the first N “pages”
(or other first N entities, items for example,
depending On the source search engine capabilities)
of the search results are omitted and the rest are shown."
  :type 'integer)

(defcustom consult-web-default-timeout 30
  "Default timeout in seconds for
  :type 'integer)

(defcustom consult-web-log nil
  "Default timeout in seconds for
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom consult-web-log-buffer-name " *consult-web-log*"
"String for consult-web-log buffer name"
:type 'string)

(defcustom consult-web-log-level nil
  "How to make logs for consult-web requests?
This can be set to nil, info or debug
nil: Does not log anything
info: Logs urls and response's http header
debug: Logs urls and the entire http response.

When non-nil, information is logged to `consult-web-log-buffer-name'."
  :type '(choice
          (const :tag "No Logging" nil)
          (const :tag "Just HTTP Header" info)
          (const :tag "Full Response" debug)))

(defcustom consult-web-group-by :domain
  "What field to use to group the results in the minibuffer?

By default it is set to :domain. but can be any of:

  :url      group by URL
  :domain   group by the domain of the URL
  :source   group by source
  :type '(radio (const :tag "url path" :url)
                (const :tag "domain of url path":domain)
                (const :tag "name of the search engine or source" :source)
                (const :tag "custom other field (constant)" :any)
                (const :tag "do not group" nil)))

(defcustom consult-web-multi-sources  (list)
  "List of sources used by `consult-web-multi'.

This variable is a list of strings, each string being name of a source.
The source name has to be a key from `consult-web-sources-alist'.
Sources can be made with the convinient macro `consult-web-define-source'."
  :type '(choice (repeat :tag "list of source names" string)))

(defcustom consult-web-omni-sources  (list)
"List of sources used by `consult-web-omni'.

This variable is a list of strings or symbols;
 - strings can be name of a source, a key from `consult-web-sources-alist',
which can be made with the convinient macro `consult-web-define-source'
or by using `consult-web--make-source-from-consult-source'.
 - symbols can be other consult sources
(see `consult-buffer-sources' for example.)"
:type '(repeat :tag "list of source names" (choice (string symbol))))

(defcustom consult-web-dynamic-omni-sources  (list)
"List of sources used by `consult-web-dynamic-omni'.

This variable is a list of strings, each string being name of a source.
The source name has to be a key from `consult-web-sources-alist'.
Sources can be made with the convinient macro `consult-web-define-source'
or by using `consult-web--make-source-from-consult-source'."
  :type '(choice (repeat :tag "list of source names" string)))

(defcustom consult-web-scholar-sources  (list)
  "List of sources used by `consult-web-scholar'.

This variable is a list of strings, each string being name of a source.
The source name has to be a key from `consult-web-sources-alist'.
Sources can be made with the convinient macro `consult-web-define-source'
or by using `consult-web--make-source-from-consult-source'."
  :type '(choice (repeat :tag "list of source names" string)))

(defcustom consult-web-dynamic-sources  (list)
  "List of sources used by `consult-web-dynamic'.

This variable is a list of strings, each string being name of a source.
The source name has to be a key from `consult-web-sources-alist'.
Sources can be made with the convinient macro `consult-web-define-source'
or by using `consult-web--make-source-from-consult-source'."
  :type '(choice (repeat :tag "list of source names" string)))

(defcustom consult-web-highlight-matches t
  "Should `consult-web' highlight search queries in the minibuffer?"
  :type 'boolean)

(defcustom consult-web-default-interactive-command #'consult-web-multi
  "Which command should `consult-web' call?"
  :type '(choice (function :tag "(Default) Search with dynamic completion (i.e. `consult-web-dynamic')" #'consult-web-dynamic)
                 (function :tag "Search without dynamic completion (i.e. `consult-web-multi')"  #'consult-web-multi)
                 (function :tag "Search academic research literature (i.e. `consult-web-scholar')"  #'consult-web-scholar)
                 (function :tag "Custom function")))

(defcustom consult-web-retrieve-backend #'consult-web-url-retrieve-sync
  "Which command should `consult-web' use for url requests?"
  :type '(choice (function :tag "(Default) url-retrieve backend" #'consult-web-url-retrieve-sync)
                 (function :tag "Emacs Request Backend"  #'consult-web-request)))

(defcustom consult-web-default-autosuggest-command nil
  "Which command should `consult-web' use for auto suggestion on search input?"
  :type '(choice (function :tag "(default) use brave autosuggestion (i.e. `consult-web-dynamic-brave-autosuggest')" #'consult-web-dynamic-brave-autosuggest)
                 (function :tag "use google autosuggestion (i.e. `consult-web-dynamic-google-autosuggest')" #'consult-web-dynamic-google-autosuggest)
                 (function :tag "custom function")))

(defcustom consult-web-dynamic-input-debounce consult-async-input-debounce
  "Input debounce for dynamic commands.

The dynamic collection process is started only when
there has not been new input for consult-web-dynamic-input-debounce seconds. This is similarto `consult-async-input-debounce' but
specifically for consult-web dynamic commands.

By default inherits from `consult-async-input-debounce'."
  :type '(float :tag "delay in seconds"))

(defcustom consult-web-dynamic-input-throttle consult-async-input-throttle
  "Input throttle for dynamic commands.

The dynamic collection process is started only every
`consult-web-dynamic-input-throttle' seconds. this is similar
to `consult-async-input-throttle' but specifically for
consult-web dynamic commands.

By default inherits from `consult-async-input-throttle'."
  :type '(float :tag "delay in seconds"))

(defcustom consult-web-dynamic-refresh-delay consult-async-refresh-delay
  "refreshing delay of the completion ui for dynamic commands.

The completion UI is only updated every
`consult-web-dynamic-refresh-delay' seconds.
This is similar to `consult-async-refresh-delay' but specifically
for consult-web dynamic commands.

By default inherits from `consult-async-refresh-delay'. "
  :type '(float :tag "delay in seconds"))

other variables

;;; Other Variables

(defvar consult-web-sources--all-modules-list (list)
"List of all source modules.")

(defvar consult-web-category 'consult-web
  "Category symbol for the `consult-web' package.")

(defvar consult-web-scholar-category 'consult-web-scholar
  "Category symbol for the `consult-web' package.")

(defvar consult-web--selection-history (list)
  "History variable that keeps selected items.")

(defvar consult-web--search-history (list)
  "History variable that keeps search terms.")

(defvar consult-web-sources-alist (list)
  "Alist of search engine or ai assistant sources.

This is an alist mapping source names to source property lists.
This alist is used to define how to process data form
a source (e.g. format data) or find what commands to run on
selecting candidates from a source, etc.

You can use the convinient macro `consult-web-define-source'
or the command `consult-web--make-source-from-consult-source'
to add to this alist.")

(defvar consult-web--override-group-by nil
"Override grouping in `consult-group' based on user input.

This is used in dynamic collection to change grouping.")

(defvar consult-web--current-sources (list)
"List of sources of the candidates in the current minibuffer.

This is used for defining narrow functions
(e.g. `consult-web--dynamic-narrow-function'."

define faces

;;; Faces

(defface consult-web-default-face
  `((t :inherit 'default))
"Default face used for listing items in minibuffer.")

(defface consult-web-prompt-face
  `((t :inherit 'font-lock-variable-use-face))
"The face used for prompts in minibuffer.")

(defface consult-web-engine-source-face
  `((t :inherit 'font-lock-variable-use-face))
"The face for search engine source types in minibuffer.")

(defface consult-web-ai-source-face
  `((t :inherit 'font-lock-operator-face))
"The face for AI assistant source types in minibuffer.")

(defface consult-web-files-source-face
  `((t :inherit 'font-lock-number-face))
"The face for file source types in minibuffer.")

(defface consult-web-notes-source-face
  `((t :inherit 'font-lock-warning-face))
"The face for notes source types in minibuffer.")

(defface consult-web-scholar-source-face
  `((t :inherit 'font-lock-function-call-face))
"The face for academic literature source types in minibuffer.")

(defface consult-web-domain-face
  `((t :inherit 'font-lock-variable-face))
"The face for domain annotation in minibuffer.")

(defface consult-web-path-face
  `((t :inherit 'font-lock-warning-face))
"The face for path annotation in minibuffer.")

(defface consult-web-source-face
  `((t :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face))
"The face for source annotation in minibuffer.")

(defface consult-web-highlight-match-face
  `((t :inherit 'consult-highlight-match))
  "Highlight match face for `consult-web'.")

(defface consult-web-preview-match-face
  `((t :inherit 'consult-preview-match))
  "Preview match face in `consult-web' preview buffers.")

Define Backend Functions

general utility

formatting strings

fix string length
set string width
;;; Bakcend Functions

(defun consult-web--set-string-width (string width &optional prepend)
  "Sets the STRING width to a fixed value, WIDTH.

If the STRING is longer than WIDTH, it truncates the STRING
 and adds ellipsis, \"...\". if the STRING is shorter,
it adds whitespace to the STRING.
If PREPEND is non-nil, it truncates or adds whitespace from
 the beginning of STRING, instead of the end."
  (let* ((string (format "%s" string))
         (w (string-width string)))
    (when (< w width)
      (if prepend
          (setq string (format "%s%s" (make-string (- width w) ?\s) (substring string)))
        (setq string (format "%s%s" (substring string) (make-string (- width w) ?\s)))))
    (when (> w width)
      (if prepend
          (setq string (format "...%s" (substring string (- w (- width 3)) w)))
        (setq string (format "%s..." (substring string 0 (- width (+ w 3)))))))
justify left
(defun consult-web--justify-left (string prefix maxwidth)
  "Sets the width of STRING+PREFIX justified from left.
It uses `consult-web--set-string-width' and sets the width
 of the concatenate of STRING+PREFIX
(e.g. `(concat PREFIX STRING)`) within MAXWIDTH.
This is used for aligning marginalia info in minibuffer."
  (let ((s (string-width string))
        (w (string-width prefix)))
    (if (> maxwidth w)
    (consult-web--set-string-width string (- maxwidth w) t)
highlight match with text-properties
(defun consult-web--highlight-match (regexp str ignore-case)
  "Highlights REGEXP in STR.

If a regular expression contains capturing groups,
 only these are highlighted.
If no capturing groups are used, highlight the whole match.
Case is ignored, if ignore-case is non-nil.
(This is adapted from `consult--highlight-regexps'.)"
  (let ((i 0))
    (while (and (let ((case-fold-search ignore-case))
                  (string-match regexp str i))
                (> (match-end 0) i))
      (let ((m (match-data)))
        (setq i (cadr m)
              m (or (cddr m) m))
        (while m
          (when (car m)
            (add-face-text-property (car m) (cadr m)
                                     'consult-web-highlight-match-face nil str)
          (setq m (cddr m))))))
highlight match with overlay
(defun consult-web--overlay-match (match-str buffer ignore-case)
  "Highlights MATCH-STR in BUFFER using an overlay.
If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, it uses case-insensitive match.

This is provided for convinience,
if needed in formating candidates or preview buffers."
(with-current-buffer (or (get-buffer buffer) (current-buffer))
  (remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max) 'consult-web-overlay t)
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (let ((case-fold-search ignore-case)
        (consult-web-overlays (list)))
    (while (search-forward match-str nil t)
      (when-let* ((m (match-data))
                  (beg (car m))
                  (end (cadr m))
                  (overlay (make-overlay beg end))
        (overlay-put overlay 'consult-web-overlay t)
        (overlay-put overlay 'face 'consult-web-highlight-match-face)

(defun consult-web-overlays-toggle (&optional buffer)
  "Toggles overlay highlights in consult-web view/preview buffers."
(let ((buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))))
(with-current-buffer buffer
  (dolist (o (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
    (when (overlay-get o 'consult-web-overlay)
      (if (and (overlay-get o 'face) (eq (overlay-get o 'face) 'consult-web-highlight-match-face))
          (overlay-put o 'face nil)
         (overlay-put o 'face 'consult-web-highlight-match-face))

make url with params

(defun consult-web--make-url-string (url params &optional ignore-keys)
"Adds key value pairs in PARAMS to URL as “&key=val”.

PARMAS should be an alist with keys and values to add to the URL.
Does not add keys for the key in IGNORE-KEYS list."

  (let* ((url (if (equal (substring-no-properties url -1 nil) "?")
               (concat url "?")))
         (list (append (list url) (cl-loop for (key . value) in params
                                           (unless (member key ignore-keys)
                                             (format "&%s=%s" key value))))))
  (mapconcat #'identity list)))

properties to plist

(defun consult-web-properties-to-plist (string &optional ignore-keys)
"Returns a plist of the text properties of STRING.

Ommits keys in IGNORE-KEYs."
(let ((properties (text-properties-at 0 string))
      (pl nil))
  (cl-loop for k in properties
           when (keywordp k)
           collect (unless (member k ignore-keys) (push (list k (plist-get properties k)) pl)))
  (apply #'append pl)))


(defun consult-web-hashtable-to-plist (hashtable &optional ignore-keys)
"Converts a HASHTABLE to a plist.

Ommits keys in IGNORE-KEYS."

(let ((pl nil))
     (lambda (k v)
       (unless (member k ignore-keys)
         (push (list k v) pl)))
    (apply #'append pl)))

expand function in variable

(defun consult-web-expand-variable-function (var)
"Call the function if VAR is a function"
  (if (functionp var)
                 (funcall var)

url retrieve backend

(defun consult-web--log (string)
  "Logs the response from `consult-web-url-retrieve-sync' in `consult-web-log-buffer-name'."
   (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create consult-web-log-buffer-name)
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (insert "**********************************************\n")
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (insert (format-time-string "%F - %T%n" (current-time)))
     (insert string)
     (insert "\n")
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (insert "\n\n**********************************************\n")))
parse http response
(defun consult-web--parse-http-response (&optional buffer)
  "Parse the first header line such as \"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\"."
(with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (when (re-search-forward "\\=[ \t\n]*HTTP/\\(?1:[0-9\\.]+\\) +\\(?2:[0-9]+\\)" url-http-end-of-headers t)
    `(:http-version ,(match-string 1) :code ,(string-to-number (match-string 2)))))))
url retrieve synchronously
(cl-defun consult-web--url-retrieve-synchronously (url &rest settings &key params headers parser data type error encoding timeout)
"Retrieves URL synchronously.

Passes all the arguments to url-retriev and fetches the results.

PARAMS are parameters added to the base url using `consult-web--make-url-string'.
HEADERS are headers passed to `url-request-extra-headers'.
DATA are http request data passed to `url-request-data'.
TYPE is the http request type (e.g. “GET”, “POST”)
PARSER is a function that is executed in the url-retrieve response buffer and the results are returned s the output of this function.
  (let* ((url-request-method type)
         (url-request-extra-headers headers)
         (url-request-data data)
         (url-with-params (consult-web--make-url-string url params))
         (response-data nil)
         (buffer (if timeout
                          (setf response-data (plist-put response-data :status 'timeout))
                       (url-retrieve-synchronously url-with-params t))
                   (url-retrieve-synchronously url-with-params t))

    (when buffer
      (with-current-buffer buffer
        (when consult-web-log-level
            (goto-char (point-min))
             ((eq consult-web-log-level 'info)
              (consult-web--log (format "URL: %s\nRESPONSE: %s" url (buffer-substring (point-min) (pos-eol)))))
             ((eq consult-web-log-level 'debug)
                 (consult-web--log (format "URL: %s\n\nRESPONSE-HEADER:\n%s\n\nRESPONSE-BODY: %s\n" url (buffer-substring (point-min) url-http-end-of-headers) (buffer-substring url-http-end-of-headers (point-max))))))

        (let* ((response-header (buffer-substring (point-min) url-http-end-of-headers))
               (response-content (buffer-substring (+ url-http-end-of-headers 1) (point-max)))
               (response-status (consult-web--parse-http-response))
          (delete-region (point-min) (+ url-http-end-of-headers 1))

          (when-let ((parsed-data (funcall parser)))
            (setf response-data (plist-put response-data :data parsed-data))

          (when response-header
            (setf response-data (plist-put response-data :header response-header)))

          (when response-status
            (setf response-data (plist-put response-data :status response-status)))

          (when response-content
            (setf response-data (plist-put response-data :content response-content)))

get the response data
(defun consult-web--url-response-body (response-data)
"Extracts the response body from `url-retrieve'."
(plist-get response-data :data))
url retrieve sync
(cl-defun consult-web-url-retrieve-sync (url &key params headers parser data type error encoding timeout)
"Retrieves URL synchronously.

Passes all the arguments to `consult-web--url-retrieve-synchronously' and in trun to `url-retrieve' fetches the results.

PARAMS are parameters added to the base url using `consult-web--make-url-string'.
HEADERS are headers passed to `url-request-extra-headers'.
DATA are http request data passed to `url-request-data'.
TYPE is the http request type (e.g. “GET”, “POST”)
PARSER is a function that is executed in the url-retrieve response buffer and the results are returned s the output of this function.
  (let ((type (or type "GET"))
        (encoding (or encoding 'utf8))
        (timeout (or timeout consult-web-default-timeout))
     (consult-web--url-retrieve-synchronously url :params params :headers headers :parser parser :data data :type type :error error :encoding encoding :timeout timeout))))

request backend

(cl-defun consult-web--error-handler (&rest args &key symbol-status error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
  "Handles errors for `consult-web-request'."
  (message "request: %s - %s" symbol-status error-thrown))
  (cl-defun consult-web-request (url &rest args &key params headers data parser placeholder error &allow-other-keys)
    "Convinient wrapper for `request'.

Passes all the arguments to request and fetches the results *synchronously*.

Refer to `request' documents for details."
    (unless (functionp 'request)
      (error "Request backend not available. Either install the package “emacs-request” or change the custom variable `consult-web-retrieve-backend'"))
    (let (candidates)
        :sync t
        :params params
        :headers headers
        :parser parser
        :error (or error #'consult-web--error-handler)
        :data data
        :encoding 'utf-8
        :success (cl-function (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
                                (setq candidates data))))


consult-web backend

thing at point

(defun consult-web-dynamic--split-thingatpt (thing &optional split-initial)
  "Return THING at point.
If SPLIT-INITIAL is non-nil, use `consult--async-split-initial' to format the string."
  (when-let (str (thing-at-point thing t))
    (if split-initial
        (consult--async-split-initial str)

format a single candidate (a.k.a. a hashtable)

simple (non-searchable)
(defun consult-web--table-to-formatted-candidate-simple (table &optional face &rest args)
"Returns a formatted candidate for TABLE.

TABLE is a hashtable that stores metadata for a consult-web candidate.
Returns a cons set of `key . value`;
The key is the value of :title key in the TABLE.
The value is all the (key value) pairs in the table as a plist.
           (let* ((query (gethash :query table))
                  (title (format "%s" (gethash :title table)))
                  (title-str (consult-web--set-string-width title (floor (* (frame-width) 0.4))))
                  (pl (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table))
              (apply #'propertize title-str pl)
with metadata (searchable)
(defun consult-web--table-to-formatted-candidate-searchable (table &optional face &rest args)
"Formats a consult-web candidate.

TABLE is a hashtable with metadata for the candidate as (key value) pairs.
Returns a string (from :title field in TABLE) with text-properties that conatin
all the key value pairs in the table.
  (let* ((pl (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table))
         (title (format "%s" (gethash :title table)))
         (url (gethash :url table))
         (urlobj (if url (url-generic-parse-url url)))
         (domain (if (url-p urlobj) (url-domain urlobj)))
         (domain (if (stringp domain) (propertize domain 'face 'consult-web-domain-face)))
         (path (if (url-p urlobj) (url-filename urlobj)))
         (path (if (stringp path) (propertize path 'face 'consult-web-path-face)))
         (source (gethash :source table))
         (source (if (stringp source) (propertize source 'face 'consult-web-source-face)))
         (query (gethash :query table))
         (snippet (gethash :snippet table))
         (snippet (if (and snippet (stringp snippet) (> (string-width snippet) 25)) (concat (substring snippet 0 22) "...") snippet))
         (match-str (if (stringp query) (consult--split-escaped (car (consult--command-split query))) nil))
         (title-str (consult-web--set-string-width title (floor (* (frame-width) 0.4))))
         (title-str (propertize title-str 'face (or face 'consult-web-default-face)))
         (extra-args (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table '(:title :url :search-url :query :source :snippet)))
         (str (concat title-str (if domain (concat "\t" domain (if path path))) (if snippet (format "\s\s%s" snippet)) (if source (concat "\t" source)) (if extra-args (format "\s\s%s" extra-args))))
         (str (apply #'propertize str pl))
    (if consult-web-highlight-matches
         ((listp match-str)
          (mapcar (lambda (match) (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match str t))) match-str))
         ((stringp match-str)
          (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match-str str t)))))

format all candidates in a list (a.k.a. a list of hashtables)

(defun consult-web--format-candidates-list (list &optional format-func face)
"Format a LIST of candidates.

LIST is a list of hashtables, each representing one candidate.
FORMAT-FUNC is a function that is used to format candidates if provided.
Returns a list of formatted candidates using either FORMAT-FUNC or otherwise uses default formating for the source retrieved from `consult-web-sources-alist'."
  (mapcar (lambda (table)
            (let* ((source (gethash :source table))
                  (format-func (or format-func
                         (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :format-func)
                  (face (or face
                         (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :face)
              (funcall format-func table face))) list))

annotate candidates

(defun consult-web--annotate-function (cand)
"Annotates each candidate in the minibuffer.

This is provided for convinience to be passed as `:annotate' key when making sources using `consult-web-define-source'.
For more info on annotation refer to `consult' manual, particularly 'consult--read' and `consult--read-annotate' documentation."

    (let* ((url (get-text-property 0 :url cand))
           (urlobj (if url (url-generic-parse-url url)))
           (domain (if (url-p urlobj) (url-domain urlobj) nil))
           (path (if (url-p urlobj) (url-filename urlobj) nil))
           (url-str nil)
           (source (get-text-property 0 :source cand))
           (snippet (get-text-property 0 :snippet cand))
           (extra-args (consult-web-properties-to-plist cand '(:url :source :title :search-url :query :snippet :model :backend))))
      (if domain (setq domain (propertize domain 'face 'consult-web-domain-face)))
      (if path (setq path (propertize path 'face 'consult-web-path-face)))
      (if (and snippet (stringp snippet) (> (string-width snippet) 25)) (setq snippet (concat (substring snippet 0 22) "...")))
      (setq url-str (concat (if domain domain) (if path path)))
      (unless (string-empty-p url-str) (setq url url-str))
      (when (and url (> (string-width url) (floor (* (frame-width) 0.4))))
        (setq url (consult-web--set-string-width url (floor (* (frame-width) 0.4)))))
      (concat (if url (format "\s%s" url)) (if source (format "\t%s" source)) (if snippet (format "\s\s%s" snippet)) (if extra-args (format "\t%s" extra-args)))

group candidates based on a keyword

(defun consult-web--group-function (group-by cand transform)
  "Group candidates by GROUP-BY keyword.

This is passed as GROUP to `consult--read' on candidates and is used to define the grouping for CAND. "
  (let* ((group-by (or consult-web--override-group-by group-by consult-web-group-by))
         (group-by (if (not (keywordp group-by)) (intern (concat ":" (format "%s" group-by))) group-by))
         (name (or (if group-by (get-text-property 0 group-by cand) "N/A"))))
     ((equal group-by :domain)
      (when-let* ((url (get-text-property 0 :url cand))
                  (urlobj (if url (url-generic-parse-url url) nil))
                  (domain (if (url-p urlobj) (url-domain urlobj))))
        (setq name domain))))
  (if transform (substring cand) name)))

narrowing function (for multi-source commands)

single-source narrow
(defun consult-web--narrow-function (source)
"Make a narrowing (key . value) pair for the SOURCE string.

key is the first character, and value is the entire source STRING.
For example when “wikipedia” is passed as a source, it returns (w . “wikipedia”)."
 `(,(string-to-char source) . ,source)
dynamic multi source narrow
(defun consult-web--dynamic-narrow-function ()
  "Dynamically makes a list of (key . value) for all the sources in the current list of candidates using `consult-web--narrow-function'."
  (let* ((narrow-pred (lambda (cand)
                       (if-let ((source (get-text-property 0 :source (car cand))))
                         (equal (string-to-char source) consult--narrow)
        (narrow-keys (mapcar (lambda (c) (cons (string-to-char c) c))
`(:Predicate ,narrow-pred :keys ,narrow-keys)

lookup function

(defun consult-web--lookup-function ()
"Lookup function for `consult-web' minibuffer candidates.

This is passed as LOOKUP to `consult--read' on candidates and is used to format the output when a candidate is selected."
  (lambda (sel cands &rest args)
     (let* ((info (or (car (member sel cands)) ""))
            (title (get-text-property 0 :title info))
            (url (get-text-property 0 :url info))
      (apply #'propertize (or title url "nil") (or (text-properties-at 0 info) (list)))


(defun consult-web--default-url-preview (cand)
"Default function to use for previewing CAND."
(when-let* ((url (cond
                  ((listp cand)
                   (or (get-text-property 0 :url (car cand)) (car cand)))
                   (or (get-text-property 0 :url cand) cand))))
            (buff (funcall consult-web-default-preview-function url)))
               (funcall (consult--buffer-preview) 'preview


make state
(cl-defun consult-web--make-state-function (&rest args &key setup preview exit return &allow-other-keys)
"Convinient wrapper for `consult-web' to make custom state functions.

This can be passed as STATE to `consult--read' on candidates and is
used to define actions when setting up, previewing or selecting a
candidate. Refer to `consult--read' documentation for more details."
    (lambda (action cand &rest args)
      (if cand
          (pcase action
             (funcall setup cand))
             (funcall preview cand))
             (funcall exit cand))
             (funcall return cand))
dynamic state function
(defun consult-web--dynamic-state-function ()
"State function for `consult-web' minibuffer candidates.

This is passed as STATE to `consult--read' on candidates and is used
to define actions that happen when a candidate is previewed or
The preview and retrun actions are retrieve from `consult-web-sources-alist'."
  (lambda (action cand &rest args)
    (if cand
        (let* ((source (get-text-property 0 :source cand))
               (state (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :state))
               (preview (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :on-preview))
               (return (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :on-return)))
          (if state
              (funcall state action cand args)
              (pcase action
                 (if preview (funcall preview cand) (consult-web--default-url-preview cand)))
                 (if return (funcall return cand) cand))


(defun consult-web--default-callback (cand)
"Default CALLBACK for CAND.

The CALLBACK is called when a CAND is selected.
When making consult-web sources, if a CALLBACK is not provided, this
CALLBACK is used as a fall back."
  (if-let ((url (get-text-property 0 :url cand)))
      (funcall consult-web-default-browse-function url)))

read search string

(defun consult-web--read-search-string (&optional initial)
  (consult--read nil
                 :prompt "Search: "
                 :initial initial
                 :category 'consult-web
                 :history 'consult-web--search-history
                 :add-history (delq nil
                                     (append (mapcar (lambda (thing) (consult-web-dynamic--split-thingatpt thing nil))
                                             (list 'number 'word 'sexp 'symbol 'url 'filename 'sentence 'line)) (list isearch-string))))

dynamic collection

get key value pair from opt
(defun consult-web--extract-opt-pair (opt opts ignore-opts)
  "Extracts a pair of (OPT . value) from a list OPTS.

values is the next element after OPT in OPTS.
Excludes keys in IGNORE_OPTS.
This i suseful for example to extract key value pairs
from command-line options in alist of strings"
 (let* ((key (cond
             ((string-match "--.*$" opt)
             (intern (concat ":" (replace-regexp-in-string "--" "" opt))))
             ((string-match ":.*$" opt)
              (intern opt))
             (t nil)))
       (val (or (nth (+ (cl-position opt opts :test 'equal) 1) opts) "nil"))
       (val (cond
             ((string-match "--.*$\\|:.*$" val)
             ((stringp val)
              (intern val)))))
   (when (and key (not (member opt ignore-opts)))
   (cons key val))
split args to input and args
(defun consult-web--split-args (args)
  "Splits ARGS to remaining args and input
input is the last element of ARGS
remaining args are turned into a plist"
 (pcase-let* ((input (car (last args)))
              (args (seq-difference (remove input args) '((nil nil) (nil)))) ;;this is hacky should find a better way
              (`(,arg . ,opts) (consult--command-split input))
              (remaining-opts (list)))
    (cl-loop for opt in opts
             (pcase-let* ((`(,key . ,val) (consult-web--extract-opt-pair opt opts (list "--group" ":group"))))

        (when key
          (setq args (append args (list key val)))
          (setq remaining-opts (cl-delete-duplicates (append remaining-opts (list opt (format "%s" val))))))

    (setq opts (seq-difference opts remaining-opts))

    (when (member "-n" opts)
      (setq args (append args `(:count ,(intern (or (nth (+ (cl-position "-n" opts :test 'equal) 1) opts) "nil"))))))

    (when (member "-p" opts)
      (setq args (append args `(:page ,(intern (or (nth (+ (cl-position "-p" opts :test 'equal) 1) opts) "nil")))))

    (if (or (member "-g" opts) (member ":group" opts) (member "--group" opts))
       ((member "-g" opts)
        (setq consult-web--override-group-by (intern (or (nth (+ (cl-position "-g" opts :test 'equal) 1) opts) "nil")))
       ((member "--group" opts)
        (setq consult-web--override-group-by (intern (or (nth (+ (cl-position "--group" opts :test 'equal) 1) opts) "nil")))
       ((member ":group" opts)
        (setq consult-web--override-group-by (intern (or (nth (+ (cl-position ":group" opts :test 'equal) 1) opts) "nil")))
       (setq consult-web--override-group-by nil)
    (list (or arg input) args)
dynamically get list of candidates from source(s)
(defun consult-web-dynamic--list-from-sources (sources &optional format-func face &rest args)
  "Builds ARGS from user input and collects candidates from all
  (pcase-let* ((`(,input ,args) (consult-web--split-args args)))
     ((and (listp sources))
      (apply 'append
             (cl-loop for source in sources
                       (apply source input args)))))
     ((functionp sources)
       (apply sources input args) format-func face))
      (error "%s is not a consult-web-source!")))))
dynamic collection of results from source(s)
(defun consult-web-dynamic--collection (sources &optional format-func face &rest args)
"This is a wrapper using `consult--dynamic-collection' and
(consult--dynamic-collection (apply-partially #'consult-web-dynamic--list-from-sources sources format-func face args)))
internal read
(defun consult-web-dynamic--internal (prompt collection &optional initial category lookup history-var preview-key)
"internal function to run `consult--read'.

PROMPT COLLECTION and INITIAL are passed to `consult--read'."
(consult--read collection
                   :prompt prompt
                   :group (apply-partially #'consult-web--group-function :source)
                   :narrow (consult-web--dynamic-narrow-function)
                   :lookup (or lookup (consult-web--lookup-function))
                   :state (consult-web--dynamic-state-function)
                   :initial (consult--async-split-initial initial)
                   :category (or category 'consult-web)
                   :preview-key (and consult-web-show-preview (or preview-key consult-web-preview-key))
                   :history (cond
                             ((eq history-var t)
                             ((eq history-var nil)
                             ((and history-var (symbolp history-var))
                              `(:input ,history-var)))
                   :add-history (delq nil
                                     (append (mapcar (lambda (thing) (consult-web-dynamic--split-thingatpt thing t))
                                             (list 'number 'word 'sexp 'symbol 'url 'filename 'sentence 'line)) (list isearch-string))))
                   :sort t


make a variable for source

make symbol for source name

(defun consult-web--source-name (source-name &optional suffix)
  "Returns a symbol for SOURCE-NAME variable.

The variable is consult-web--source-%s (%s=source-name).
Adds suffix to the name if provided."
  (intern (format "consult-web--source-%s" (concat (replace-regexp-in-string " " "-" (downcase source-name)) (if suffix (downcase suffix) nil)))))

make generic docstring for varibale of source

(defun consult-web--source-generate-docstring (source-name)
  "Makes a generic documentation string for SOURCE-NAME.

This is used in `consult-web-define-source' macro to make generic
docstrings for variables."
  (format "consult-web source for %s.\n \nThis function was defined by the macro `consult-web-define-source'."
          (capitalize source-name)))

make a function for source

make a function symbol for source

(defun consult-web--func-name (source-name &optional prefix suffix)
  "Make a function symbol for interactive command for SOURCE-NAME.

Adds prefix and suffix if non-nil."
  (intern (concat "consult-web-" (if prefix prefix) (replace-regexp-in-string " " "-" (downcase source-name)) (if suffix suffix))))

make generic doctring for function of source

(defun consult-web--func-generate-docstring (source-name &optional dynamic)
  "Make a generic documentaion string for an interactive command.

This is used to make docstring for function made by `consult-web-define-source'."
  (concat "consult-web's " (if dynamic "dynamic ") (format "interactive command to search %s."
                                                             (capitalize source-name))))

make a consult–read source list

(defun consult-web--make-source-list (source-name request format annotate face narrow-char state preview-key category lookup selection-history input args)
  "Internal function to make a source for `consult--multi'.

Do not use this function directly, use `consult-web-define-source' macro
  `(:name ,source-name
          ,(if (and annotate face) :face)
          ,(if (and annotate face) (cond
            ((eq face t)
            (t face)))
          :narrow ,narrow-char
          :state ,(or state #'consult-web--dynamic-state-function)
          :category ,(or category 'consult-web)
          :history ,selection-history
          :add-history (delq nil
                                     (append (mapcar (lambda (thing) (consult-web-dynamic--split-thingatpt thing))
                                             (list 'number 'word 'sexp 'symbol 'url 'filename 'sentence 'line)) (list isearch-string))))
          :items ,(funcall #'consult-web--format-candidates-list  (funcall request input args) format)

          :annotate ,(cond
                      ((and annotate (functionp annotate))
                      ((eq annotate t)
                      (t nil))
          :lookup (if (and lookup (functionp lookup))
          :preview-key ,(and consult-web-show-preview (or preview-key consult-web-preview-key))
          :sort t

make a static interactive command

(defun consult-web--call-static-command (input no-callback args request format face state source-name category lookup selection-history-var annotate preview-key on-callback)
  "Internal function to make static `consult--read' command.

Do not use this function directly, use `consult-web-define-source' macro
  (let* ((input (or input
                    (and consult-web-default-autosuggest-command (funcall-interactively consult-web-default-autosuggest-command))
          (consult--read (funcall #'consult-web--format-candidates-list (funcall  request input args) format face)
                         :state (or state (consult-web--dynamic-state-function))
                         :require-match nil
                         :prompt (concat "[" (propertize (format "%s" (consult-web--func-name source-name)) 'face 'consult-web-prompt-face) "]" " Search:  ")
                         :sort t
                         :history (cond
                                   ((eq selection-history-var nil)
                                   ((eq selection-history-var t)
                                   ((symbolp selection-history-var)
                         :add-history (delq nil
                                             (append (mapcar (lambda (thing) (consult-web-dynamic--split-thingatpt thing))
                                                             (list 'number 'word 'sexp 'symbol 'url 'filename 'sentence 'line)) (list isearch-string))))
                         :group (if (functionp consult-web-group-by) consult-web-group-by (apply-partially #'consult-web--group-function consult-web-group-by))
                         :category (or category 'consult-web)
                         :lookup (if (and lookup (functionp lookup))
                         :annotate (cond
                                    ((and annotate (functionp annotate)) annotate)
                                    ((eq annotate t) #'consult-web--annotate-function)
                                    (t nil))
                         :preview-key (and consult-web-show-preview (or preview-key consult-web-preview-key))
         (source (get-text-property 0 :source selected))
    (unless no-callback
        (if source
            (funcall (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :on-callback) selected)))

make a dynamic interactive command

(defun consult-web--call-dynamic-command (initial no-callback args source-name request category face lookup search-history-var selection-history-var preview-key)
  "Internal function to make dynamic `consult--read' command.

Do not use this function directly, use `consult-web-define-source' macro
  (let* ((consult-async-refresh-delay consult-web-dynamic-refresh-delay)
         (consult-async-input-throttle consult-web-dynamic-input-throttle)
         (consult-async-input-debounce consult-web-dynamic-input-debounce)
         (prompt (concat "[" (propertize (format "%s" (consult-web--func-name source-name "dynamic-")) 'face 'consult-web-prompt-face) "]" " Search:  "))
         (collection (consult-web-dynamic--collection (list
                                                       request) nil face nil args))
         (selected (consult-web-dynamic--internal prompt collection initial category lookup search-history-var preview-key))
         (source (get-text-property 0 :source selected))
         (title (get-text-property 0 :title selected)))
    (add-to-history selection-history-var title)
    (unless no-callback
      (funcall (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :on-callback) selected)

macro to add a new source

;;; Macros
(cl-defmacro consult-web-define-source (source-name &rest args &key request format on-preview on-return state on-callback lookup dynamic group narrow-char category search-history selection-history face annotate preview-key docstring &allow-other-keys)
  "Macro to make a consult-web-source for SOURCE-NAME.

\* Makes
- source for `consult-web-multi' and/or `consult-web-dynamic'
- interactive commands (static or dynamic) for single source
- adds a new row to to `consult-web-sources-alist' with all the
metadata as a property list.

\* Keyword Arguments

Brief Description:

==========  ==========      =================================================
Keyword     Type            Explanation
==========  ==========      =================================================

REQUEST     (function)      Fetch results from source

FORMAT      (function)      Formats a single candidate

ON-PREVIEW  (function)      Preview action in `consult--read'

ON-RETURN   (function)      Return action in `consult--read'

STATE       (function)      STATE passed to `consult--read'
                            (bypasses ON-PREVIEW and ON-RETURN)

ON-CALLBACK (function)      Function called on selected candidate

DYNAMIC     (boolean/'both) Whether to make dynamic or non-dynamic commands

GROUP       (function)      Passed as GROUP to `consult--read'

ANNOTATE    (function)      Passed as ANNOTATE to `consult--read'

NARROW-CHAR (char)          Ppassed as NARROW to `consult-read'

CATEGORY    (symbol)        Passed as CATEGORY to `consult--read'

HISTORY     (symbol)        Passed as HISTORY to `consult--read'

FACE        (face)          Passed as FACE to `consult--read-multi'

PREVIEW-KEY (key)           Passed as PREVIEW-KEY to `consult--read'

DOCSTRING   (string)        DOCSTRING for the variable created for SOURCE-NAME


Detailed Decription:

REQUEST is a function that takes at least one string argument, INPUT, which is
the search term, and potentially other arguments. Keyword arguments
(e.g. by using `cl-defun') can be passed to this function from
minibuffer prompt using
`consult-async' commandline arguments.
Examples can be found in the wiki pages of the repo or in
“consult-web-sources.el” on the repository webpage or :
URL `'

FORMAT takes a hashtable and returns a cons with a propertized string as key
 and plist property as value. For an example see
`consult-web--table-to-formatted-candidate-simple' or `consult-web--table-to-formatted-candidate-searchable'.

ON-PREVIEW is used as a function to call on the candidate, when a preview is
requested. It takes one required argument, the candidate. For an example,
see `consult-web-default-preview-function'.

ON-RETURN is used as a function to call on the candidate, when the
candidate is selected. This is passed to consult built-in state
function machinery.
Note that the output of this function will be returned in the consult-web
commands. In consult-web, ON-CALLBACK is used to call further actions on
this returned value. This allows to separate the return value from the
commands and the action that i run on the selected candidates. Therefore
for most use cases, ON-RETURN can just be `#'identity' to get
the candidate back as it is. But if some transformation is needed,
ON-RETURN can be used to transform the selected candidate.

STATE is a function that takes no argument and returns a function for
consult--read STATE argument. For an example see
`consult-web--dynamic-state-function' that builds state function based on
 ON-PREVIEW and ON-RETURN. If STATE is non-nil, instead of using
ON-PREVIEW and ON-RETURN to make a state function, STATE will be directly
used in consult--read.

ON-CALLBACK is the function that is called with one required input argument,
 the selected candidate. For example, see `consult-web--default-callback'
that opens the url of the candidate in the default browser.
Other examples can be found in the wiki pages of the repo or in
“consult-web-sources.el” on the repository webpage or :
URL `'

DYNAMIC can be a bollean (nil or t) or the symbol 'both.
If nil only \*non-dynamic\* interactive commands are created in this macro.
if t only \*dynamic\* interactive commands are created in this macro.
If something else (e.g. 'both) \*Both\* dynamic and non-dynamic commands
are created.

`consult--read' or `consult--multi'. See consult's Documentaion for more

FACE is passed to `consult-multi'. See consult's Documentaion for more

DOCSTRING is used as docstring for the variable consult-web--source-%s
variable that this macro creates for %s=SOURCE-NAME.
  (if (symbolp source-name) (setq source-name (eval source-name)))


     ;; make a function that creates a consult--read source for consult-web-multi
     (defun ,(consult-web--source-name source-name "-list") (input &rest args)
       ,(or docstring (consult-web--source-generate-docstring source-name))
       (consult-web--make-source-list ,source-name ,request ,format ,annotate ,face ,narrow-char ,state ,preview-key ,category ,lookup ,selection-history input args)

     ;; make a static interactive command consult-web-%s (%s=source-name)
     (unless (eq ,dynamic t)
       (defun ,(consult-web--func-name source-name) (&optional input no-callback &rest args)
         ,(or docstring (consult-web--func-generate-docstring source-name))
         (interactive "P")
         (consult-web--call-static-command input no-callback args ,request ,format ,face ,state ,source-name ,category ,lookup ,selection-history ,annotate ,preview-key ,on-callback)

     ;; make a dynamic interactive command consult-web-dynamic-%s (%s=source-name)
     (if ,dynamic
         (defun ,(consult-web--func-name source-name "dynamic-") (&optional initial no-callback &rest args)
           ,(or docstring (consult-web--func-generate-docstring source-name t))
           (interactive "P")
           (consult-web--call-dynamic-command initial no-callback args ,source-name ,request ,category ,face ,lookup ,search-history ,selection-history ,preview-key)

     ;; make a variable called consult-web--source-%s (%s=source-name)
     (defvar ,(consult-web--source-name source-name) (list))
     (setq  ,(consult-web--source-name source-name) (cons ,source-name
                                                          (list :name ,source-name
                                                                :source (consult-web--source-name ,source-name "-list")
                                                                :face ,face
                                                                :request-func ,request
                                                                :format-func (or ,format #'consult-web--table-to-formatted-candidate-searchable)

                                                                :on-preview (or ,on-preview #'consult-web--default-url-preview)
                                                                :on-return (or ,on-return #'identity)
                                                                :on-callback (or ,on-callback #'consult-web--default-callback)
                                                                :state ,state
                                                                :group ,group
                                                                :annotate ,annotate
                                                                :narrow-char ,narrow-char
                                                                :preview-key ,preview-key
                                                                :category (or ',category 'consult-web)
                                                                :search-history ,search-history
                                                                :selection-history ,selection-history
                                                                :interactive-static (and (functionp (consult-web--func-name ,source-name)) (consult-web--func-name ,source-name))
                                                                :interactive-dynamic (and (functionp (consult-web--func-name ,source-name "dynamic-")) (consult-web--func-name ,source-name "dynamic-"))

     ;; add consult-web--source-%s (%s=source-name) to consult-web-sources-alist
     (add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-alist ,(consult-web--source-name source-name))


make fetch function for consult sources

(cl-defmacro consult-web--make-fetch-function (source &rest args &key source-name docstring &allow-other-keys)
  "Make a function for fetching result based on SOURCE.

SOURCE is a source for consult (e.g. a plist that is passed
to consult--red). See `consult-buffer-sources' for examples.
SOURCE-NAME is a string name for SOURCE
DOCSTRING is the docstring for the function that is returned."
  (let* ((source (if (plistp source) source (eval source)))
        (source-name (substring-no-properties (plist-get source :name))))
     ;; make a function that creates a consult--read source for consult-web-multi
     (defun ,(consult-web--source-name source-name "-fetch-results") (input &rest args)
       ,(or docstring (consult-web--source-generate-docstring source-name))
  (let ((results (funcall (plist-get ',source :items)))
        (source (substring-no-properties (plist-get ',source :name))))
    (cl-loop for a in results
             if (string-match (concat ".*" input ".*") a)
             (let* ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
                    (title a))
           (puthash :title title
           (puthash :url nil
           (puthash :query input
           (puthash :source (substring-no-properties source)

make source for consult-web from consult source

(cl-defun consult-web--make-source-from-consult-source (consult-source &rest args &key request format on-preview on-return state on-callback group narrow-char category dynamic search-history selection-history face annotate preview-key docstring &allow-other-keys)
"Makes a consult-web source from a consult source, CONSULT-SOURCE.
All othe input variables are passed to `consult-web-define-source'
macro. See `consult-web-define-source' for more details"
  (if (boundp consult-source)
        (let* ((source (eval consult-source))
               (source (if (plistp source) source (eval source)))
               (name (and (plistp source) (substring-no-properties (plist-get source :name))))
               (preview-key (or preview-key (and (plistp source) (plist-get source :preview-key))))
               (narrow-char (or narrow-char (and (plistp source) (plist-get source :narrow))))
               (narrow-char (if (listp narrow-char) (car narrow-char)))
               (face (if (member :face args) face (and (plistp source) (plist-get source :face))))
               (state (if (member :state args) state (and (plistp source) (plist-get source :state))))
               (annotate (if (member :annotate args) annotate (and (plistp source) (plist-get source :annotate))))
               (preview-key (or preview-key (and (plistp source) (plist-get source :preview-key)) consult-web-preview-key))
               (group (or group (and (plistp source)(plist-get source :group))))
               (category (or category (and (plistp source) (plist-get source :category)) 'consult-web)))
          (eval (macroexpand
           `(consult-web-define-source ,name
                                     :docstring ,docstring
                                     :annotate ',annotate
                                     :narrow-char ,narrow-char
                                     :category ',category
                                     :request (or ,request (consult-web--make-fetch-function ,source))
                                     :format ',format
                                     :face ',face
                                     :search-history ',search-history
                                     :selection-history ',selection-history
                                     :on-preview ',on-preview
                                     :on-return ',on-return
                                     :on-callback ',on-callback
                                     :preview-key ,preview-key
                                     :group ',group
                                     :dynamic ',dynamic))))
    (display-warning :warning (format "Consult-web: %s is not available. Make sure `consult-notes' is loaded and set up properly" consult-source)))

Frontend Interactive commands



;;; Frontend Interactive Commands
(defun consult-web-multi (&optional input sources no-callback &rest args)
  "Interactive “multi-source search”

INPUT is the initial search query.
Searches all sources in SOURCES. if SOURCES is nil
`consult-web-multi-sources' is used.
If NO-CALLBACK is t, only the selected candidate is returned without
any callback action.
  (interactive "P")
  (let* ((input (or input
                    (and consult-web-default-autosuggest-command (funcall-interactively consult-web-default-autosuggest-command))
         (sources (or sources consult-web-multi-sources))
         (sources (remove nil (mapcar (lambda (source) (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :source)) sources)))
         (candidates (consult--slow-operation "The web is a big place, allow me a few seconds..." (mapcar (lambda (func) (funcall func input args)) sources)))
         (selected (consult--multi candidates
                                   :require-match nil
                                   :prompt (concat "[" (propertize "consult-web-multi" 'face 'consult-web-prompt-face) "]" " Search:  ")
                                   :sort t
                                   :annotate nil
                                   :category 'consult-web
                                   :history 'consult-web--selection-history
         (source (get-text-property 0 :source (car selected)))
    (unless no-callback
      (funcall (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :on-callback) (car selected)))
    (car selected)



(defun consult-web-dynamic (&optional initial sources no-callback &rest args)
  "Interactive “multi-source dynamic search”

INITIAL is the initial search prompt in minibuffer.
Searches all sources in SOURCES. if SOURCES is nil
`consult-web-dynamic-sources' is used.
If NO-CALLBACK is t, only the selected candidate is returned without
any callback action.

This is an interactive command that fetches results form all the sources in `consult-web-dynamic-sources' with dynamic completion meaning that the search term can be dynamically updated by the user
and the results are fetched as the user types.

Additional commandline arguments can be passed in the minibuffer
entry similar to `consult-grep' by typing `--` followed by arguments.

For example the user can enter:

`#consult-web -- -g domain'

this will run a search on all the `consult-web-dynamic-sources' for
the term “consult-web” and then groups the results by the “domain
of the URL” of the results.

Built-in arguments include:

 -g, --groups, or :groups  for grouping (see `consult-web-group-by' and `consult-web--override-group-by'. for more info)

 -n, --count, or :count is passed as the value for COUNT to any source in `consult-web-dynamic-sources'.
If the request function for the source takes a keyword argument for COUNT (e.g. :count value), this is used as the value otherwise it is ignored.

 -p, --page, or :page is passed as the value for PAGE to any source in `consult-web-dynamic-sources'.
If the request function for the source takes a keyword argument for page (e.g. :page value), this is used as the value otherwise it is ignored.

Custom arguments can be passed by using “--ARG value” (or “:ARG value”).
For example, if the user types the following in the minibuffer:
“#how to do web search in emacs? -- --model gpt-4”
The term “how to do web search in emacs?” is passed as the search
term and the “gpt-4” as a keyword argument for :model to every
source in `consult-web-dynamic-sources'. If any request function of
the sources takes a keyword argument for :model, “gpt-4” is
used then.

Once the results are fetched, narrowing down can be done by using “#” after the serach term similar to `consult-grep'.
For example:
uses “consult-web” as the search term, and then narrows the choices to
results that have “” in them.

For more examples, refer to the official documentation of the repo here:
URL `'.

For more details on consult--async functionalities, see `consult-grep'
and the official manual of consult, here: URL `'."
  (interactive "P")
  (let* ((consult-async-refresh-delay consult-web-dynamic-refresh-delay)
         (consult-async-input-throttle consult-web-dynamic-input-throttle)
         (consult-async-input-debounce consult-web-dynamic-input-debounce)
         (sources (or sources consult-web-dynamic-sources))
         (request-sources (remove nil (mapcar (lambda (source)
(plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :request-func)) sources)))
         (prompt (concat "[" (propertize "consult-web-dynamic" 'face 'consult-web-prompt-face) "]" " Search:  "))
         (collection (consult-web-dynamic--collection request-sources nil nil args))
         (selected (consult-web-dynamic--internal prompt collection initial 'consult-web nil 'consult-web--search-history))
         (source (get-text-property 0 :source selected)))
        (unless no-callback
          (funcall (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :on-callback) selected))



(defun consult-web-scholar (&optional initial sources no-callback &rest args)
  "Interactive “multi-source acadmic literature” search

INITIAL is the initial search prompt in minibuffer.
Searches all sources in SOURCES. if SOURCES is nil
`consult-web-scholar-sources' is used.
If NO-CALLBACK is t, only the selected candidate is returned without
any callback action.

This is similar to `consult-web-dynamic', but runs the search on academic literature sources in `consult-web-scholar-sources'.
Refer to `consult-web-dynamic' for more details."
  (interactive "P")
  (let* ((consult-async-refresh-delay consult-web-dynamic-refresh-delay)
         (consult-async-input-throttle consult-web-dynamic-input-throttle)
         (consult-async-input-debounce consult-web-dynamic-input-debounce)
         (sources (or sources consult-web-scholar-sources))
         (request-sources (remove nil (mapcar (lambda (source)
                                                (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :request-func)) sources)))
         (collection (consult-web-dynamic--collection request-sources nil nil args))
         (selected (consult-web-dynamic--internal (concat "[" (propertize "consult-web-scholar" 'face 'consult-web-prompt-face) "]" " Search:  ") collection initial 'consult-web-scholar nil 'consult-web--search-history))
         (source (get-text-property 0 :source selected)))
    (unless no-callback
      (funcall (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :on-callback) selected)


concatentate all the sources

(defun consult-web-omni-get-sources (&optional input)
"Returns a flat list of candidates for input.

Passes input to sources in `consult-web-omni-sources' and returns a
flattend list of sources."
(apply #'append (mapcar (lambda (item) (cond
                                        ((stringp item)
                                         (if-let ((func (plist-get (cdr (assoc item consult-web-sources-alist)) :source)))
                                             (list (funcall func input))))
                                        ((symbolp item)
                                         (eval item))))



(defun consult-web-omni (&optional input sources no-callback &rest args)
"Interactive “multi-source omni” search.
This is for using combination of web and local sources defined in

Passes INPUT to SOURCES and returns results in minibuffer.
If SOURCES is nil, `consult-web-omni-sources' is used.
If NO-CALLBACK is t, only the selected candidate is returned without
any callback action."
  (let* ((input (or input  (consult-web-dynamic-brave-autosuggest input) ""))
         (consult-web-default-count 10)
         (sources (or sources (consult-web-omni-get-sources input)))
         (selected (consult--multi sources
                                   :prompt "Select: "
                                   :history 'consult-web--omni-history
                                   :add-history (list (thing-at-point 'word t)
                                   :sort t
                                   :initial input
         (source (get-text-property 0 :source (car selected))))
    (unless no-callback
       ((and source (member source (mapcar #'car consult-web-sources-alist)))
        (funcall (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :on-callback) (car selected)))
       ((and (bufferp (car selected)) (buffer-live-p (car selected)))
        (consult--buffer-action (car selected)))
       (t nil))
    (car selected)



(defun consult-web-dynamic-omni (&optional initial sources no-callback &rest args)
  "Interactive “multi-source and dynamic omni search”
This is for using combination of web and local sources defined in

INITIAL is the initial search prompt in minibuffer.
Searches all sources in SOURCES. if SOURCES is nil
`consult-web-dynamic-omni-sources' is used.
If NO-CALLBACK is t, only the selected candidate is returned without
any callback action.

This is a dynamic command and additional arguments can be passed in
the minibuffer. See `consult-web-dynamic' for more details."

  (interactive "P")
  (let* ((consult-async-refresh-delay consult-web-dynamic-refresh-delay)
         (consult-async-input-throttle consult-web-dynamic-input-throttle)
         (consult-async-input-debounce consult-web-dynamic-input-debounce)
         (sources (or sources consult-web-dynamic-omni-sources))
         (request-sources (remove nil (mapcar (lambda (source)
                                                (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :request-func)) sources)))
         (prompt (concat "[" (propertize "consult-web-dynamic-omni" 'face 'consult-web-prompt-face) "]" " Search:  "))
         (collection (consult-web-dynamic--collection request-sources nil nil args))
         (selected (consult-web-dynamic--internal prompt collection initial 'consult-web nil 'consult-web--search-history))
         (source (get-text-property 0 :source selected)))
    (unless no-callback
      (funcall (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :on-callback) selected))


(defun consult-web (&rest args)
"Wrapper function that calls the function in `consult-web-default-interactive-command'.

This is for conviniece to call the favorite consult-web interactive command."
  (apply consult-web-default-interactive-command args))

Provide and Footer

;;; provide `consult-web' module

(provide 'consult-web)

;;; consult-web.el ends here



;;; consult-web-embark.el --- Emabrk Actions for `consult-web' -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1") (consult "0.34") (consult-web "0.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:


;;; Requirements

(require 'embark)
(require 'consult-web)



;;; Define Embark Action Functions

(defun consult-web-embark-default-action (cand)
  "Calls the default action on CAND.

Gets the default callback function from `consult-web-sources-alist'."
  (let* ((source (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :source cand))))
    (funcall (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :on-callback) cand))

(add-to-list 'embark-default-action-overrides '(consult-web . consult-web-embark-default-action))

(defun consult-web-embark-insert-title (cand)
  "Insert the title oif the candidate at point"
  (if-let ((title (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :title cand))))
      (insert (format " %s " title))))

(defun consult-web-embark-copy-title-as-kill (cand)
  "Copy the title of the candidate to `kill-ring'."
  (if-let ((title (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :title cand))))
      (kill-new (string-trim title))))

(defun consult-web-embark-insert-url-link (cand)
  "Insert the title oif the candidate at point."
  (let* ((url (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :url cand)))
         (url (and (stringp url) (string-trim url)))
         (title (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :title cand))))
    (when url
       ((derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
        (insert (cond
                 ((and url title) (format " [[%s][%s]] " url title))
                 (url (format " [[%s]] " url))
                 (t ""))
       ((derived-mode-p 'markdown-mode)
        (insert (cond
                 ((and url title) (format " [%s](%s) " url title))
                 (url (format " <%s> " url))
                 (t ""))
        (insert (cond
                 ((and url title) (format " %s (%s) " title  url))
                 (url (format " %s " url))
                 (t ""))

(defun consult-web-embark-copy-url-as-kill (cand)
  "Copy the url of the candidate to `kill-ring'."
  (if-let ((url (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :url cand))))
      (kill-new (format " %s " (string-trim url)))

(defun consult-web-embark-external-browse-link (cand)
  "Open the url with `consult-web-default-browse-function'"
  (if-let* ((url (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :url cand))))
      (funcall consult-web-default-browse-function url)))

(defun consult-web-embark-alternate-browse-link (cand)
  "Open the url with `consult-web-alternate-browse-function'"
  (if-let* ((url (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :url cand))))
      (funcall consult-web-alternate-browse-function url)))

(defun consult-web-embark-external-browse-search-link (cand)
  "Open the search url (the search engine page) in the external browser."
  (if-let* ((search-url (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :search-url cand))))
      (funcall #'browse-url search-url)))

(defun consult-web-embark-show-preview (cand)
  "Get a preview of CAND.

Gets the preview function from `consult-web-sources-alist'."
  (let* ((source (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :source cand))))
    (funcall (plist-get (cdr (assoc source consult-web-sources-alist)) :on-preview) cand))


;;; Define Embark Keymaps

(defvar-keymap consult-web-embark-general-actions-map
  :doc "Keymap for consult-web-embark"
  :parent embark-general-map
  "i t"  #'consult-web-embark-insert-title
  "i u" #'consult-web-embark-insert-url-link
  "w t" #'consult-web-embark-copy-title-as-kill
  "w u" #'consult-web-embark-copy-url-as-kill
  "o o" #'consult-web-embark-external-browse-link
  "o O" #'consult-web-embark-alternate-browse-link
  "o s" #'consult-web-embark-external-browse-search-link
  "o p" #'consult-web-embark-show-preview

(add-to-list 'embark-keymap-alist '(consult-web . consult-web-embark-general-actions-map))



(defun consult-web-embark-scholar-external-browse-doi (cand)
  "Open the DOI url in external browser"
  (if-let* ((doi (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :doi cand))))
      (funcall #'browse-url (concat "" doi))))

(defun consult-web-embark-scholar-copy-authors-as-kill (cand)
  "Copy the authors of the candidate to `kill-ring'."
  (if-let ((authors (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :authors cand))))
      (kill-new (string-trim (format " %s " authors)))

(defun consult-web-embark-scholar-insert-authors (cand)
  "Insrt the authors of the candidate at point."
  (if-let ((authors (and (stringp cand) (get-text-property 0 :authors cand))))
      (insert (string-trim (mapconcat #'identity authors ", ")))


(defvar-keymap consult-web-embark-scholar-actions-map
  :doc "Keymap for consult-web-embark"
  :parent consult-web-embark-general-actions-map
  "o d" #'consult-web-embark-scholar-external-browse-doi
  "w a" #'consult-web-embark-scholar-copy-authors-as-kill
  "i a" #'consult-web-embark-scholar-insert-authors

(add-to-list 'embark-keymap-alist '(consult-web-scholar . consult-web-embark-scholar-actions-map))

(add-to-list 'embark-default-action-overrides '(consult-web-scholar . consult-web-embark-default-action))

Provide and Footer

;;; Provide `consul-web-embark' module

(provide 'consult-web-embark)

;;; consult-web-embark.el ends here


Multi Sources

all sources


;;; consult-web-sources.el --- Sources for Consulting Web Search Engines -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

  (require 'consult-web)

define all source modules

(setq consult-web-sources--all-modules-list
      (list 'consult-web-bing

add individual or list of sources

(defun consult-web-sources--load-module (symbol)
"Loads feature SYMBOL"
(require symbol))

(defun consult-web-sources-load-modules (&optional list)
  "Loads the LIST of symbols.
If list is nil, loads `consult-web-sources-modules-to-load'and if that is nil as well, loads `consult-web-sources--all-modules-list'."
  (mapcar #'consult-web-sources--load-module (or list consult-web-sources-modules-to-load consult-web-sources--all-modules-list)))

load the sources


provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-sources' module

(provide 'consult-web-sources)
;;; consult-web-sources.el ends here

Single Source



;;; consult-web-chatgpt.el --- Consulting chatGPT -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)


(defun consult-web-dynamic--chatgpt-format-candidate (table &optional face &rest args)
  "Returns a formatted string for candidates of `consult-web-chatgpt'.

TABLE is a hashtable from `consult-web--chatgpt-fetch-results'."
  (let* ((pl (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table))
         (title (format "%s" (gethash :title table)))
         (source (gethash :source table))
         (source (if (stringp source) (propertize source 'face 'consult-web-source-face)))
         (query (gethash :query table))
         (model (gethash :model table))
         (match-str (if (stringp query) (consult--split-escaped (car (consult--command-split query))) nil))
         (title-str (consult-web--set-string-width title (floor (* (frame-width) 0.4))))
         (title-str (propertize title-str 'face (or face 'consult-web-ai-source-face)))
         (extra-args (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table '(:title :url :search-url :query :source :model)))
         (str (concat title-str (if model (propertize (format "\tmodel: %s" model) 'face 'consult-web-path-face)) (if source (concat "\t" source)) (if extra-args (format "\t%s" extra-args))))
         (str (apply #'propertize str pl))
    (if consult-web-highlight-matches
         ((listp match-str)
          (mapcar (lambda (match) (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match str t))) match-str))
         ((stringp match-str)
          (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match-str str t)))))

chatgpt with consult-web-request

(defvar consult-web-chatgpt-api-url "")

(defcustom consult-web-openai-api-key nil
"Key for OpeAI API

See URL `' and URL `' for details"
:group 'consult-web
:type '(choice (const :tag "API Key" string)
               (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(cl-defun consult-web--chatgpt-fetch-results (input &rest args &key model &allow-other-keys)
  "Fetches chat response for INPUT from chatGPT."
  (let* ((model (or model gptel-model))
         (headers `(("Content-Type" . "application/json")
                    ("Authorization" . ,(concat "Bearer " (consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-openai-api-key))))))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :type "POST"
     :headers headers
     :data  (json-encode `((model . ,model)
                    (messages . [((role . "user")
                                  (content . ,input))])))
     (lambda ()
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (let* ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
              (response (json-parse-buffer))
              (title (gethash "content" (gethash "message" (aref (gethash "choices" response) 0)))))
         (puthash :url nil
         (puthash :title title
         (puthash :source "chatGPT"
         (puthash :model model
         (puthash :query input
         (list table)))

(defun consult-web--chatgpt-response-preview (response &optional query)
  "Returns a buffer with formatted RESPONSE from chatGPT"
    (let ((buff (get-buffer-create "*consult-web-chatgpt-response*")))
      (with-current-buffer buff
        (if query (insert (format "# User:\n\n %s\n\n" query)))
        (if response (insert (format "# chatGPT:\n\n %s\n\n" response)))
        (if (featurep 'mardown-mode)
            (require 'markdown-mode)

(defun consult-web--chatgpt-preview (cand)
  "Shows a preview buffer with chatGPT response from CAND"
  (when-let ((buff (get-buffer "*consult-web-chatgpt-response*")))
    (kill-buffer buff))

  (when-let*  ((query (cond ((listp cand)
                             (get-text-property 0 :query (car cand)))
                             (get-text-property 0 :query cand))))
               (response (cond ((listp cand)
                                (or (get-text-property 0 :title (car cand)) (car cand)))
                                (or (get-text-property 0 :title cand) cand))))
               (marker (consult-web--chatgpt-response-preview response query)))
    (consult--jump marker)

(consult-web-define-source "chatGPT"
                           :narrow-char ?G
                           :face 'consult-web-ai-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--chatgpt-fetch-results
                           :format #'consult-web-dynamic--chatgpt-format-candidate
                           :on-preview #'consult-web--chatgpt-preview
                           :on-return #'identity
                           :on-callback #'consult-web--chatgpt-preview
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic 'both

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-chatgpt' module

(provide 'consult-web-chatgpt)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-chatgpt)
;;; consult-web-chatgpt.el ends here



;;; consult-web-bing.el --- Consulting Bing -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:
(require 'consult-web)


(defvar consult-web-bing-search-api-url "")

(defcustom consult-web-bing-search-api-key nil
"Key for Bing (Microsoft Azure) search API

See URL `' and URL `' for details"
:group 'consult-web
:type '(choice (const :tag "API Key" string)
               (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(cl-defun consult-web--bing-fetch-results (input &rest args &key count page &allow-other-keys)
  "Fetches search results for INPUT from Bing web search api.

COUNT is passed as count in query parameters.
(* PAGE COUNT) is passed as offset in query paramters.

Refer to URL `' and `' for more info.
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                     (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (count (max count 1))
         (page (* page count))
         (params `(("q" . ,(replace-regexp-in-string " " "+" input))
                   ("count" . ,(format "%s" count))
                   ("offset" . ,(format "%s" page))))
         (headers `(("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key" . ,(consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-bing-search-api-key)))))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :params params
     :headers headers
     (lambda ()
       (goto-char (point-min))
        (let* ((results (json-parse-buffer))
               (webpages (gethash "webPages" results))
               (search-url (gethash "webSearchUrl" webpages))
               (items (gethash "value" webpages)))
         (cl-loop for a across items
                  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
                        (title (gethash "name" a))
                        (url (gethash "url" a))
                        (snippet (gethash "snippet" a)))
                    (puthash :url url
                    (puthash :search-url search-url
                    (puthash :title title
                    (puthash :source "Bing"
                    (puthash :query input
                    (puthash :snippet snippet

(consult-web-define-source "Bing"
                           :narrow-char ?m
                           :face 'consult-web-engine-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--bing-fetch-results
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic 'both

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-bing' module

(provide 'consult-web-bing)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-bing)
;;; consult-web-bing.el ends here



;;; consult-web-brave.el --- Consulting Brave -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)


(defvar consult-web-brave-search-url "")

(defvar consult-web-brave-url "")

(defcustom consult-web-brave-api-key nil
  "Key for Brave API.

See URL `' for more info"
  :group 'consult-web
  :type '(choice (const :tag "Brave API Key" string)
                 (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(cl-defun consult-web--brave-fetch-results (input &rest args &key count page &allow-other-keys)
  "Retrieve search results from Brave for INPUT.

COUNT is passed as count in query parameters.
PAGE is passed as page in query paramters.
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                   (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (count (min count 20))
         (params `(("q" . ,(url-hexify-string input))
                   ("count" . ,(format "%s" count))
                   ("page" . ,(format "%s" page))))
         (headers `(("User-Agent" . "Emacs:consult-web/0.1 (Emacs consult-web package;")
                    ("Accept" . "application/json")
                    ("Accept-Encoding" . "gzip")
                    ("X-Subscription-Token" . ,(consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-brave-api-key))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :params params
     :headers headers
     (lambda ()
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (let* ((results (gethash "results" (gethash "web" (json-parse-buffer))))
              (items  (mapcar (lambda (item) `(:url ,(format "%s" (gethash "url" item)) :title ,(format "%s" (gethash "title" item)))) results))
         (cl-loop for a in items
                  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
                    (puthash :url
                             (plist-get a :url) table)
                    (puthash :search-url (consult-web--make-url-string consult-web-brave-search-url params) table)
                    (puthash :title
                             (plist-get a :title) table)
                    (puthash :source "Brave"
                    (puthash :query input


(consult-web-define-source "Brave"
                           :narrow-char ?b
                           :face 'consult-web-engine-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--brave-fetch-results
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic 'both

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-brave' module

(provide 'consult-web-brave)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-brave)
;;; consult-web-brave.el ends here

Brave AutoSuggest


;;; consult-web-brave-autosuggest.el --- Consulting Brave Autosuggest -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)

brave autosuggest

(defvar consult-web-brave-autosuggest-api-url "")

(defcustom consult-web-brave-autosuggest-api-key nil
  "Key for Brave Autosuggest API.

See URL `' for more info"
  :group 'consult-web
  :type '(choice (const :tag "Brave Autosuggest API Key" string)
                 (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(cl-defun consult-web--brave-autosuggest-fetch-results (input &rest args &key count page &allow-other-keys)
  "Fetch search results for INPUT from `consult-web-brave-autosuggest-api-url'.
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                   (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (params  `(("q" . ,input)
                    ("count" . ,(format "%s" count))
                    ("page" . ,(format "%s" page))
                    ("country" . "US")))
         (headers `(("User-Agent" . "Emacs:consult-web/0.1 (Emacs consult-web package;")
                    ("Accept" . "application/json")
                    ("Accept-Encoding" . "gzip")
                    ("X-Subscription-Token" . ,(consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-brave-autosuggest-api-key))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :params params
     :headers headers
     (lambda ()
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))
       (let* ((content (json-parse-buffer))
              (original (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
              (_ (puthash "query" (gethash "original" (gethash "query" content)) original))
              (suggestions (gethash "results" content)))
         (cl-loop for a across (vconcat suggestions (vector original))
                  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
                        (word (gethash "query" a)))
                    (puthash :url
                             (concat "" (url-hexify-string word)) table)
                    (puthash :search-url nil
                    (puthash :title
                             word table)
                    (puthash :source
                             "Brave AutoSuggest" table)
                    (puthash :query input


(consult-web-define-source "Brave AutoSuggest"
                           :narrow-char ?B
                           :face 'consult-web-engine-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--brave-autosuggest-fetch-results
                           :on-preview #'ignore
                           :on-return #'identity
                           :on-callback #'string-trim
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history t
                           :dynamic t

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-brave-autosuggest' module

(provide 'consult-web-brave-autosuggest)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-brave-autosuggest)
;;; consult-web-brave-autosuggest.el ends here



;;; consult-web-line-multi.el --- Search Lines in All Buffers  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult)
(require 'consult-web)


(defun consult-web--line-multi-candidates (input &optional buffers)
  "Wrapper around consult--line-multi-candidates for consult-web."
  (let  ((buffers (or buffers (consult--buffer-query :directory (consult--normalize-directory default-directory) :sort 'alpha-current))))
    (consult--line-multi-candidates buffers input)))


(cl-defun consult-web--line-multi-fetch-results (input &rest args)
"Fetches search results for INPUT from `consult-line-multi'."
(unless (functionp 'consult-web--line-multi-candidates)
  (error "consult-web: consult-web-line-multi not available. Make sure `consult' is loaded properly"))
(let ((items (consult-web--line-multi-candidates input)))
  (cl-loop for a in items
           (let* ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
                  (marker  (consult--get-location a))
                  (title (substring-no-properties a 0 -1)))
           (puthash :title title
           (puthash :url nil
           (puthash :query input
           (puthash :source "Consult Line Multi"
           (puthash :marker marker


(defun consult-web-dynamic--line-multi-format-candidate (table &optional face &rest args)
  "Returns a formatted string for candidates of `consult-web-dynamic-line-multi'.

TABLE is a hashtable from `consult-web--line-multi-fetch-results'."
  (let* ((pl (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table))
         (title (format "%s" (gethash :title table)))
         (source (gethash :source table))
         (source (if (stringp source) (propertize source 'face 'consult-web-source-face)))
         (query (gethash :query table))
         (marker (car (gethash :marker table)))
         (buff (marker-buffer marker))
         (pos (marker-position marker))
         (match-str (if (stringp query) (consult--split-escaped (car (consult--command-split query))) nil))
         (title-str (consult-web--set-string-width title (floor (* (frame-width) 0.66))))
         (title-str (propertize title-str 'face (or face 'default)))
         (extra-args (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table '(:title :url :search-url :query :source :marker)))
         (str (concat title-str (if buff (concat "\t" (propertize (format "%s" buff) 'face 'consult-web-domain-face))) (if pos (concat "\t" (propertize (format "%s" pos) 'face 'consult-web-path-face))) (if source (concat "\t" source)) (if extra-args (format "\t%s" extra-args))))
         (str (apply #'propertize str pl))
    (if consult-web-highlight-matches
         ((listp match-str)
          (mapcar (lambda (match) (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match str t))) match-str))
         ((stringp match-str)
          (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match-str str t)))))


(defun consult-web--line-multi-preview (cand)
"Preview function for consult-web-line-multi."
  (let* ((marker (car (get-text-property 0 :marker cand)))
         (query (get-text-property 0 :query cand)))
    (consult--jump marker)

define source

(consult-web-define-source "Consult Line Multi"
                           :category 'consult-location
                           :narrow-char ?L
                           :face 'consult-web-files-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--line-multi-fetch-results
                           :format #'consult-web-dynamic--line-multi-format-candidate
                           :preview-key consult-preview-key
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :on-preview #'consult-web--line-multi-preview
                           :on-return #'identity
                           :dynamic 'both

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-line-multi' module

(provide 'consult-web-line-multi)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-line-multi)
;;; consult-web-line-multi.el ends here



;;; consult-web-buffer.el --- Consulting Buffers -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)


(defun consult-web--consult-buffer-preview (cand)
  "Preview function for `consult-web--buffer'."
  (if cand
      (let* ((title (get-text-property 0 :title cand)))
        (when-let ((buff (get-buffer title)))
          (consult--buffer-action buff))


(cl-loop for source in consult-buffer-sources
         do (if (symbolp source) (consult-web--make-source-from-consult-source source
                                              :category 'consult-web
                                              :on-preview #'consult-web--consult-buffer-preview
                                              :on-return #'identity
                                              :on-callback #'consult--buffer-action
                                              :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                                              :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                                              :dynamic 'both
                                              :preview-key 'consult-preview-key

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-buffer' module

(provide 'consult-web-buffer)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-buffer)
;;; consult-web-buffer.el ends here



;;; consult-web-notes.el --- Consulting Notes -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)
(require 'consult-notes)


(defun consult-web--org-roam-note-preview (cand)
  "Preview function for org-roam files."
  (if cand
      (let* ((title (get-text-property 0 :title cand))
             (node (org-roam-node-from-title-or-alias title)))
        (if (org-roam-node-p node)
            (consult--file-action (org-roam-node-file node))

(defun consult-web--org-headings-preview (cand)
  "Preview function for org headings."
  (if cand
      (let* ((title (get-text-property 0 :title cand))
             (marker (get-text-property 0 'consult--candidate title)))
        (if marker
            (consult--jump marker)))))


(defun consult-web--org-roam-note-callback (cand &rest args)
  "Callback function for org-roam files."
  (let* ((title (get-text-property 0 :title cand))
         (node (org-roam-node-from-title-or-alias title)))
    (org-roam-node-open node)))

(defun consult-web--org-headings-callback (cand &rest args)
  "Callback function for org headings."
  (if cand
      (let* ((title (get-text-property 0 :title cand))
             (marker (get-text-property 0 'consult--candidate title)))
        (if marker
           (let* ((buff (marker-buffer marker))
                 (pos (marker-position marker)))
             (if buff (with-current-buffer buff
               (if pos (goto-char pos))
               (funcall consult--buffer-display buff)
               (recenter nil t)


(when consult-notes-org-headings-mode
  (consult-web--make-source-from-consult-source 'consult-notes-org-headings--source
                                                :category 'file
                                                :face 'consult-web-notes-source-face
                                                :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                                                :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                                                :on-preview #'consult-web--org-headings-preview
                                                :on-return #'identity
                                                :on-callback #'consult-web--org-headings-callback
                                                :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                                                :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                                                :preview-key 'consult-preview-key
                                                :dynamic 'both


(when consult-notes-org-roam-mode
  (cl-loop for source in '(consult-notes-org-roam--refs consult-notes-org-roam--nodes)
           do (consult-web--make-source-from-consult-source source
                                                            :category 'file
                                                            :face 'consult-web-notes-source-face
                                                            :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                                                            :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                                                            :on-preview #'consult-web--org-roam-note-preview
                                                            :on-return #'identity
                                                            :on-callback #'consult-web--org-roam-note-callback

                                                            :preview-key 'consult-preview-key
                                                            :dynamic 'both)))

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-notes' module

(provide 'consult-web-notes)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-notes)
;;; consult-web-notes.el ends here



;;; consult-web-duckduckgo.el --- Consulting DuckDuckGo -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)

duckduckgo limited API

(defvar consult-web-duckduckgoapi-url "")

(cl-defun consult-web--duckduckgoapi-fetch-results (input &rest args &key count page &allow-other-keys)
  "Fetch search results got INPUT from DuckDuckGo limited API."
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                   (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (count (min count 10))
         (page (+ (* page count) 1))
         (params `(("q" . ,input)
                   ("format" . "json")))
         (headers `(("Accept" . "application/json"))))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :params params
     :headers headers
     :parser (lambda ()
               (goto-char (point-min))
               (let* ((results (gethash "RelatedTopics" (json-parse-buffer)))
                      (items  (mapcar (lambda (item) `(:url ,(format "%s" (gethash "FirstURL" item))
                                                  :title ,(format "%s" (gethash "Result" item))))
                 (cl-loop for a in items
                          (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
                            (puthash :url
                                     (plist-get a :url) table)
                            (puthash :title (if  (string-match "<a href=.*>\\(?1:.*\\)</a"  (plist-get a :title)) (match-string 1 (plist-get a :title)) "")
                            (puthash :source "DuckDuckGo API"
                            (puthash :query input

(consult-web-define-source "DuckDuckGo API"
                           :narrow-char ?d
                           :face 'consult-web-engine-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--duckduckgoapi-fetch-results
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic t

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-duckduckgo' module

(provide 'consult-web-duckduckgo)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-duckduckgo)
;;; consult-web-duckduckgo.el ends here



;;; consult-web-elfeed.el --- Consulting Elfeed -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'elfeed)
(require 'consult-web)

custom variables

;;; Customization Variables
(defcustom consult-web-elfeed-search-buffer-name "*consult-web-elfeed-search*"
  "Name for consult-web-elfeed-search buffer."
  :type 'string)

(defcustom consult-web-elfeed-default-filter nil
  "Default Filter for consult-web-elfeed-search."
  :type 'string)


(defun consult-web-dynamic--elfeed-format-candidate (table &optional face &rest args)
  "Returns a formatted string for candidates of `consult-web-elfeed'.

TABLE is a hashtable from `consult-web--elfeed-fetch-results'."
  (let* ((pl (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table))
         (title (format "%s" (gethash :title table)))
         (url (gethash :url table))
         (urlobj (if url (url-generic-parse-url url)))
         (domain (if (url-p urlobj) (url-domain urlobj)))
         (domain (if (stringp domain) (propertize domain 'face 'consult-web-domain-face)))
         (path (if (url-p urlobj) (url-filename urlobj)))
         (path (if (stringp path) (propertize path 'face 'consult-web-path-face)))
         (source (gethash :source table))
         (source (if (stringp source) (propertize source 'face 'consult-web-source-face)))
         (query (gethash :query table))
         (date (gethash :date table))
         (date (if (stringp date) (propertize date 'face 'consult-web-path-face)))
         (tags (gethash :tags table))
         (tags (cond
                ((listp tags)
                     (mapconcat (lambda (item) (format "%s" item)) tags " "))
                ((stringp tags)
                 (format "%s" tags))))
         (tags (propertize tags 'face 'consult-web-source-face))
         (match-str (if (stringp query) (consult--split-escaped (car (consult--command-split query))) nil))
         (title-str (consult-web--set-string-width title (floor (* (frame-width) 0.4))))
         (title-str (propertize title-str 'face (or face 'consult-web-scholar-source-face)))
         (extra-args (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table '(:title :url :query :source :id :tags :date :filter)))
          (str (concat title-str
                       (if domain (concat "\t" domain (if path path)))
                       (if date (format "\s\s%s" date))
                       (if tags (format "\s\s%s" tags))
                       (if source (format "\t%s" source))
                       (if extra-args (format "\s\s%s" extra-args))))
         (str (apply #'propertize str pl))
    (if consult-web-highlight-matches
         ((listp match-str)
          (mapcar (lambda (match) (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match str t))) match-str))
         ((stringp match-str)
          (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match-str str t)))))


(defun consult-web--elfeed-search-buffer ()
  "Get or create buffer for `consult-web-elfeed'"
  (get-buffer-create (or consult-web-elfeed-search-buffer-name "*consult-web-elfeed-search*")))

(defun consult-web--elfeed-search (input entries)
  "Convert elfeed search tnries to hashtables for `consult-web-elfeed'.

Returns a list of hashtables, each presenting one elfeed feed."
  (cl-loop for entry in entries
           collect (let* ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
                          (title (elfeed-entry-title entry))
                          (url (elfeed-entry-link entry))
                          (date (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" (elfeed-entry-date entry)))
                          (id (elfeed-entry-id entry))
                          (tags (elfeed-entry-tags entry))
                     (puthash :title title
                     (puthash :url url
                     (puthash :date date
                     (puthash :tags tags
                     (puthash :id id
                     (puthash :source "elfeed"
                     (puthash :query input

(cl-defun consult-web--elfeed-fetch-results (input &rest args &key filter &allow-other-keys)
  "Return entries matching INPUT in elfeed database.
uses INPUT as filter ro find entries in elfeed databse.
if FILTER is non-nil, it is used as additional filter parameters.
  (cl-letf* (((symbol-function #'elfeed-search-buffer) #'consult-web--elfeed-search-buffer))
    (let* ((input (if consult-web-elfeed-default-filter
                      (concat input " " consult-web-elfeed-default-filter)
          (new-filter (if (member :filter args)
                          (concat input " " (format "%s" filter))
      (setq elfeed-search-filter new-filter)
      (elfeed-search-update :force)
      (with-current-buffer (consult-web--elfeed-search-buffer)
          (goto-char (point-min))
          (consult-web--elfeed-search input (elfeed-search-selected))

(defun consult-web--elfeed-preview (cand)
 "Shows a preview buffer of CAND for `consult-web-elfeed'.

Uses `elfeed-show-entry'."
  (let*  ((id (cond ((listp cand)
                             (get-text-property 0 :id (car cand)))
                             (get-text-property 0 :id cand))))
          (entry (elfeed-db-get-entry id))
          (buff (get-buffer-create (elfeed-show--buffer-name entry))))
    (with-current-buffer buff
      (setq elfeed-show-entry entry)
    (funcall (consult--buffer-preview) 'preview

(consult-web-define-source "elfeed"
                           :narrow-char ?e
                           :face 'elfeed-search-unread-title-face
                           :request #'consult-web--elfeed-fetch-results
                           :format #'consult-web-dynamic--elfeed-format-candidate
                           :on-preview #'consult-web--elfeed-preview
                           :on-return #'identity
                           :on-callback #'consult-web--elfeed-preview
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic 'both

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-elfeed' module

(provide 'consult-web-elfeed)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-elfeed)
;;; consult-web-elfeed.el ends here



;;; consult-web-google.el --- Consulting Google -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)

custom search api

(defvar consult-web-google-search-url "")

(defvar consult-web-google-customsearch-api-url "")

(defcustom consult-web-google-customsearch-key nil
"Key for Google custom search API

See URL `' and URL `' for details"
:group 'consult-web
:type '(choice (const :tag "API Key" string)
               (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(defcustom consult-web-google-customsearch-cx nil
"CX for Google custom search API

See URL `' and URL `' for details"
:group 'consult-web
:type '(choice (const :tag "CX String" string)
               (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(cl-defun consult-web--google-fetch-results (input &rest args &key count page filter &allow-other-keys)
  "Fetches search results for INPUT from “Google custom search” service.

COUNT is passed as num in query parameters.
(* PAGE COUNT) is passed as start in query paramters.

Refer to URL `' and `' for more info.
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                     (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (filter (or (and (integerp filter) filter)
                     (and filter (string-to-number (format "%s" filter)))
         (filter (if (member filter '(0 1)) filter 1))
         (count (min count 10))
         (page (+ (* page count) 1))
         (params `(("q" . ,(replace-regexp-in-string " " "+" input))
                   ("key" . ,(consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-google-customsearch-key))
                   ("cx" . ,(consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-google-customsearch-cx))
                   ("gl" . "en")
                   ("filter" . ,(format "%s" filter))
                   ("num" . ,(format "%s" count))
                   ("start" . ,(format "%s" page))))
         (headers '(("Accept" . "application/json")
                    ("Accept-Encoding" . "gzip")
                    ("User-Agent" . "consult-web (gzip)"))))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :params params
     :headers headers
     (lambda ()
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (let* ((results (gethash "items" (json-parse-buffer)))
              (items  (mapcar (lambda (item) `(:url ,(format "%s" (gethash "link" item)) :title ,(format "%s" (gethash "title" item)) :snippet ,(string-trim (format "%s" (gethash "snippet" item))))) results)))
         (cl-loop for a in items
                  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
                    (puthash :url
                             (plist-get a :url) table)
                    (puthash :search-url (consult-web--make-url-string consult-web-google-search-url params '("key" "cx" "gl"))
                    (puthash :title
                             (plist-get a :title) table)
                    (puthash :source "Google"
                    (puthash :query input
                    (puthash :snippet (plist-get a :snippet) table)

(consult-web-define-source "Google"
                           :narrow-char ?g
                           :face 'consult-web-engine-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--google-fetch-results
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic 'both

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-google' module

(provide 'consult-web-google)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-google)
;;; consult-web-google.el ends here

Google Autosuggest


;;; consult-web-google-autosuggest.el --- Consulting Google Autosuggest -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)

google autosuggest

(defvar consult-web-google-autosuggest-api-url "")

(cl-defun consult-web--google-autosuggest-fetch-results (input &rest args &key count page &allow-other-keys)
  "Fetch search results for INPUT from Google Autosuggest.

Uses `consult-web-google-autosuggest-api-url' as autosuggest api url."
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                    (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (params `(("q" . ,input)
                   ("client" . "chrome")))
         (headers `(("Accept" . "application/json"))))
  (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
   :params params
   :headers headers
   (lambda ()
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (let* ((results (json-parse-buffer))
            (cands (vconcat (vector (elt results 0)) (aref (cl-subseq results 1) 0))))
       (cl-loop for a across cands
                (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
                  (puthash :url
                           (concat "" (url-hexify-string a)) table)
                  (puthash :title
                           a table)
                  (puthash :search-url nil table)
                  (puthash :source
                           "Google AutoSuggest" table)
                  (puthash :query input



(consult-web-define-source "Google AutoSuggest"
                           :narrow-char ?G
                           :face 'consult-web-engine-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--google-autosuggest-fetch-results
                           :on-preview #'ignore
                           :on-return #'identity
                           :on-callback #'string-trim
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history t
                           :dynamic t

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-google-autosuggest' module

(provide 'consult-web-google-autosuggest)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-google-autosuggest)
;;; consult-web-google-autosuggest.el ends here



;;; consult-web-gptel.el --- Consulting gptel -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'gptel)
(require 'consult-web)

custom variables

;;; Customization Variables
(defcustom consult-web-gptel-buffer-name  "*consult-web-gptel*"
  "Name for consult-web-gptel buffer."
  :type '(choice (:tag "A string for buffer name" string)
                 (:tag "A custom function taking prompt (and other args) as input and returning buffer name string" function)))

gptel buffer

(defun consult-web-dynamic--gptel-format-candidate (table &optional face &rest args)
  "Returns a formatted string for candidates of `consult-web-gptel'.

TABLE is a hashtable from `consult-web--gptel-fetch-results'."
  (let* ((pl (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table))
         (title (format "%s" (gethash :title table)))
         (source (gethash :source table))
         (source (if (stringp source) (propertize source 'face 'consult-web-source-face)))
         (query (gethash :query table))
         (backend (gethash :backend table))
         (model (gethash :model table))
         (stream (gethash :stream table))
         (match-str (if (stringp query) (consult--split-escaped (car (consult--command-split query))) nil))
         (title-str (consult-web--set-string-width title (floor (* (frame-width) 0.4))))
         (title-str (propertize title-str 'face (or face 'consult-web-ai-source-face)))
         (extra-args (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table '(:title :url :search-url :query :source :backend :model :stream)))
         (str (concat title-str
                      (if backend (concat
                                   (propertize (format "\t%s" backend) 'face 'consult-web-domain-face)
                                   (if model (propertize (format ":%s" model) 'face 'consult-web-path-face))))
                      (if stream (propertize " ~stream~ " 'face 'consult-web-source-face))
                      (if source (concat "\t" source)) (if extra-args (format "\t%s" extra-args))))
         (str (apply #'propertize str pl))
    (if consult-web-highlight-matches
         ((listp match-str)
          (mapcar (lambda (match) (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match str t))) match-str))
         ((stringp match-str)
          (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match-str str t)))))
(cl-defun consult-web--gptel-fetch-results (input &rest args &key backend model stream &allow-other-keys)
 "Makes cnaidate with INPUT as placeholder for `consult-web-gptel'.

This makes a placeholder string “ask gptel: %s” %s=INPUT with
metadata MODEL and BACKEND as text properties, so it can be send to
 (unless (featurep 'gptel)
   (error "consult-web: gptel is not available. Make sure to install and load `gptel'."))
  (let* ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
         (backend (if backend (format "%s" backend) nil))
         (backend (and backend (car (seq-filter (lambda (item) (when (string-match (format "%s" backend) item) item)) (mapcar #'car gptel--known-backends)))))
        (backend (or backend (and gptel-backend (cl-struct-slot-value (type-of gptel-backend) 'name gptel-backend))))
        (backend-struct  (cdr (assoc (format "%s" backend) gptel--known-backends)))
        (model (if model (format "%s" model)))
        (model (or (and model backend-struct (member model (cl-struct-slot-value (type-of backend-struct) 'models backend-struct)) model)
               (and model gptel-backend (member model (cl-struct-slot-value (type-of gptel-backend) 'models gptel-backend)) model)
               (and backend-struct (car (cl-struct-slot-value (type-of backend-struct) 'models backend-struct)))
               (and gptel-backend (car (cl-struct-slot-value (type-of gptel-backend) 'models gptel-backend)))))
        (stream (if (member :stream args) stream gptel-stream)))
    (puthash :url nil table)
    (puthash :title (concat "ask gptel: " (format "%s" input))
    (puthash :source "gptel"
    (puthash :query input
    (puthash :model model
    (puthash :stream stream
    (puthash :backend backend
    (list table)))

(defun consult-web--gptel-buffer-name (&optional query &rest args)
  "Returns a string for `consult-web-gptel' buffer name"
     ((functionp consult-web-gptel-buffer-name)
      (funcall consult-web-gptel-buffer-name query args))
     ((stringp consult-web-gptel-buffer-name)

(cl-defun consult-web--gptel-response-preview (query &rest args &key backend model stream &allow-other-key)
"Returns a `gptel' buffer.

QUERY is sent to BACKEND using MODEL.
If STREAM is non-nil, the response is streamed."
    (with-current-buffer (gptel (consult-web--gptel-buffer-name query args) nil nil nil)
      (let* ((backend (if backend (format "%s" backend) nil))
             (backend (and backend (car (seq-filter (lambda (item) (when (string-match (format "%s" backend) item) item)) (mapcar #'car gptel--known-backends)))))
             (backend (or (and backend (cdr (assoc backend gptel--known-backends)))
             (model (or (and model (format "%s" model))
                        (and backend (car (cl-struct-slot-value (type-of backend) 'models backend)))
                        (and gptel-backend (car (cl-struct-slot-value (type-of gptel-backend) 'models gptel-backend)))
             (stream (if stream t nil))

        (setq-local gptel-backend backend)
        (setq-local gptel-model model)
        (setq-local gptel-stream stream)
        (insert (gptel-prompt-prefix-string))
        (insert (format "%s" query))

(defun consult-web--gptelbuffer-preview (cand)
 "Shows a preview buffer of CAND for `consult-web-gptel'.

The preview buffer is from `consult-web--gptel-response-preview'."
  (let*  ((query (cond ((listp cand)
                             (get-text-property 0 :query (car cand)))
                             (get-text-property 0 :query cand))))
               (backend (cond ((listp cand)
                             (get-text-property 0 :backend (car cand)))
                             (get-text-property 0 :backend cand))))
               (model (cond ((listp cand)
                             (get-text-property 0 :model (car cand)))
                             (get-text-property 0 :model cand))))
               (stream (cond ((listp cand)
                             (get-text-property 0 :stream (car cand)))
                             (get-text-property 0 :stream cand))))
               (buff (consult-web--gptel-response-preview query :model model :backend backend :stream stream)))
  (if buff
    (funcall (consult--buffer-preview) 'preview

(consult-web-define-source "gptel"
                           :narrow-char ?G
                           :face 'consult-web-ai-source-face
                           :format #'consult-web-dynamic--gptel-format-candidate
                           :request #'consult-web--gptel-fetch-results
                           :on-preview #'consult-web--gptelbuffer-preview
                           :on-return #'identity
                           :on-callback #'consult-web--gptelbuffer-preview
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic 'both

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-gptel' module

(provide 'consult-web-gptel)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-gptel)
;;; consult-web-gptel.el ends here


;;; consult-web-doi.el --- Consulting -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)


(defvar consult-web-doiorg-api-url "")

(defvar consult-web-doiorg-search-url "")

(defun consult-web--doi-to-url (doi)
  "Converts DOI value to target url"
  (let* ((doi (if doi (format "%s" doi)))
         (url (concat consult-web-doiorg-api-url doi)))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
             (lambda ()
               (goto-char (point-min))
               (let* ((content (json-parse-buffer))
                      (items (gethash "values" content)))
                 (car (mapcar (lambda (item)
                                (if-let* ((type (gethash "type" item))
                                          (url (if (equal type "URL") (gethash "value" (gethash "data" item)))))
                                  nil)) items)))))))

(cl-defun consult-web--doiorg-fetch-results (doi &rest args)
  "Fetch target url of DOI.
  (let* ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
         (url (consult-web--doi-to-url doi)))
    (if url
          (puthash :url url
          (puthash :title doi
          (puthash :source "doiorg"
          (puthash :query doi
    (list table)))

(defvar consult-web--doi-search-history (list)
  "History variables for search terms when using
`consult-web-doi' commands.")

(defvar consult-web--doi-selection-history (list)
  "History variables for selected items when using
`consult-web-doi' commands.")

(consult-web-define-source "doiorg"
                           :narrow-char ?d
                           :face 'link
                           :request #'consult-web--doiorg-fetch-results
                           :search-history 'consult-web--doi-search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--doi-selection-history
                           :dynamic t

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-doi' module

(provide 'consult-web-doi)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-doi)
;;; consult-web-doi.el ends here



;;; consult-web-pubmed.el --- Consulting PubMed -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)

entrez utils api

(defcustom consult-web-pubmed-api-key nil
  "Key for Pubmed Entrez API.

See URL `' for more info"
  :group 'consult-web
  :type '(choice (const :tag "API Key" string)
                 (function :tag "Custom Function")))
(defvar consult-web-pubmed-search-url "")

(defvar  consult-web-pubmed-esearch-api-url "")

(cl-defun consult-web--pubmed-esearch-fetch-results (input &rest args &key db count page &allow-other-keys)
  "Fetches “esearch” results for INPUT from PubMed Entrez Utilities service.

COUNT is passed as retmax in query parameters.
(* PAGE COUNT) is passed as retstart in query paramters.
DB is passed as db in query parameters. (This is the databes to search.)

Refer to URL `'
for more info."
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                     (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (count (min count 20))
         (page (* page count))
         (db (if db (format "%s" db) "pubmed"))
         (params `(("db" . ,db)
                   ("term" . ,(replace-regexp-in-string " " "+" input))
                   ("usehistory" . "y")
                   ("retmax" . ,(format "%s" count))
                   ("retstart" . ,(format "%s" page))
                   ("retmode" . "json")
         (headers `(("tool" . "consult-web")
                    ("email" . "[email protected]")
                    ("api_key" . ,(consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-pubmed-api-key)))))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :params params
     :headers headers
     (lambda ()
       (goto-char (point-min))
     (let* ((results (gethash "esearchresult" (json-parse-buffer)))
            (webenv (gethash "webenv" results))
            (qk (gethash "querykey" results))
            (idlist (gethash "idlist" results)))
                    `(:webenv ,webenv :qk ,qk :idlist ,idlist)
(defvar consult-web-pubmed-esummary-api-url "")

(cl-defun consult-web--pubmed-esummary-fetch-results (input &rest args &key db qk webenv count page &allow-other-keys)
  "Fetches “esummary” results for INPUT from PubMed Entrez Utilities

COUNT is passed as retmax in query parameters.
(* PAGE COUNT) is passed as retstart in query paramters.
DB is passed as db in query parameters. (This is the database to search.)

Refer to URL `'
for more info.
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                   (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (page (* page count))
         (webenv (if webenv (format "%s" webenv)))
         (qk (if qk (format "%s" qk)))
         (retmax (min count 500))
         (retstart (max 0 page))
         (db (if db (format "%s" db) "pubmed"))
         (params `(("db" . ,db)
                   ("query_key" . ,qk)
                   ("WebEnv" . ,webenv)
                   ("retmax" . ,(format "%s" retmax))
                   ("retstart" . ,(format "%s" retstart))
                   ("retmode" . "json")
         (headers `(("tool" . "consult-web")
                    ("email" . "[email protected]")
                    ("api_key" . ,(consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-pubmed-api-key)))))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :params params
     :headers headers
     (lambda ()
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (let* ((response (json-parse-buffer))
              (results (gethash "result" response))
              (uids (gethash "uids" results))
         (cl-loop for uid across uids
                  (let* ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
                         (url (concat consult-web-pubmed-search-url (format "%s" uid)))
                         (data (gethash uid results))
                         (title (gethash "title" data))
                         (pubdate (date-to-time (gethash "pubdate" data)))
                         (date (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" pubdate))
                         (journal (gethash "fulljournalname" data))
                         (authors (mapcar (lambda (item) (gethash "name" item)) (gethash "authors" data)))
                         (ids (gethash "articleids" data))
                         (doi (car (remove nil (mapcar (lambda (item) (if (equal (gethash "idtype" item) "doi") (gethash "value" item))) ids))))
                    (puthash :url (url-unhex-string url)
                    (puthash :search-url (consult-web--make-url-string consult-web-pubmed-search-url `(("term" . ,(replace-regexp-in-string " " "+" input))))
                    (puthash :title title
                    (puthash :pmid uid
                    (puthash :date date
                    (puthash :journal journal
                    (puthash :authors authors
                    (puthash :doi doi table)
                    (puthash :source "PubMed"
                    (puthash :query input
(defun consult-web-dynamic--pubmed-format-candidate (table &optional face &rest args)
  "Returns a formatted string for candidates of `consult-web-pubmed'.

TABLE is a hashtable from `consult-web--pubmed-fetch-results'."
  (let* ((pl (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table))
         (title (format "%s" (gethash :title table)))
         (source (gethash :source table))
         (source (if (stringp source) (propertize source 'face 'consult-web-source-face)))
         (query (gethash :query table))
         (date (gethash :date table))
         (date (if (stringp date) (propertize date 'face 'consult-web-path-face)))
         (journal (gethash :journal table))
         (journal (if (stringp journal) (propertize journal 'face 'consult-web-domain-face)))
         (authors (gethash :authors table))
         (authors (cond
                   ((and authors (listp authors))
                    (concat (first authors) ",..., " (car (last authors))))
                   ((stringp authors)
         (authors (if (and authors (stringp authors)) (propertize authors 'face 'consult-web-source-face)))
         (doi (gethash :doi table))
         (doi (if (stringp doi) (propertize doi 'face 'link)))
         (match-str (if (stringp query) (consult--split-escaped (car (consult--command-split query))) nil))
         (title-str (consult-web--set-string-width title (floor (* (frame-width) 0.5))))
         (title-str (propertize title-str 'face (or face 'consult-web-scholar-source-face)))
         (extra-args (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table '(:title :url :search-url :query :source :journal :date :authors :doi :pmid)))
         (str (concat title-str
                      (if journal (format "\t%s" journal))
                      (if date (format "\s\s%s" date))
                      (if authors (format "\s\s%s" authors))
                      (if source (concat "\t" source))
                      (if extra-args (format "\t%s" extra-args))))
         (str (apply #'propertize str pl))
    (if consult-web-highlight-matches
         ((listp match-str)
          (mapcar (lambda (match) (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match str t))) match-str))
         ((stringp match-str)
          (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match-str str t)))))
(cl-defun consult-web--pubmed-fetch-results (input &rest args &key database count page &allow-other-keys)
  "Fetches results for INPUT from PubMed using Entrez Utilities

COUNT and PAGE are passed to `consult-web--pubmed-esearch-fetch-results' and `consult-web--pubmed-esummary-fetch-results'.

DATABASE is passed as DB to `consult-web--pubmed-esearch-fetch-results' and `consult-web--pubmed-esummary-fetch-results'."
(let* ((esearch (consult-web--pubmed-esearch-fetch-results input args :db database :count count :page page))
       (webenv (plist-get esearch :webenv))
       (qk (plist-get esearch :qk)))
(consult-web--pubmed-esummary-fetch-results input :webenv webenv :qk qk :db database :count count :page page args)

(consult-web-define-source "PubMed"
                           :narrow-char ?p
                           :face 'consult-web-scholar-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--pubmed-fetch-results
                           :format #'consult-web-dynamic--pubmed-format-candidate
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :category 'consult-web-scholar
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic 'both

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-pubmed' module

(provide 'consult-web-pubmed)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-pubmed)
;;; consult-web-pubmed.el ends here



;;; consult-web-scopus.el --- Consulting Scopus -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)


(defun consult-web--scopus-format-candidate (table &optional face &rest args)
  "Returns a formatted string for candidates of `consult-web-scopus'.

TABLE is a hashtable from `consult-web--scopus-fetch-results'."
  (let* ((pl (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table))
         (title (format "%s" (gethash :title table)))
         (source (gethash :source table))
         (source (if (stringp source) (propertize source 'face 'consult-web-source-face)))
         (query (gethash :query table))
         (date (gethash :date table))
         (date (if (stringp date) (propertize date 'face 'consult-web-path-face)))
         (journal (gethash :journal table))
         (journal (if (stringp journal) (propertize journal 'face 'consult-web-domain-face)))
         (authors (gethash :authors table))
         (authors (cond
                   ((and authors (listp authors))
                    (concat (first authors) ",..., " (car (last authors))))
                   ((stringp authors)
         (authors (if (and authors (stringp authors)) (propertize authors 'face 'consult-web-source-face)))
         (doi (gethash :doi table))
         (doi (if (stringp doi) (propertize doi 'face 'link)))
         (match-str (if (stringp query) (consult--split-escaped (car (consult--command-split query))) nil))
         (title-str (consult-web--set-string-width title (floor (* (frame-width) 0.4))))
         (title-str (propertize title-str 'face (or 'consult-web-scholar-source-face)))
         (extra-args (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table '(:title :url :search-url :query :source :journal :date :volume :pages :authors :doi :pmid :eid)))
         (str (concat title-str
                      (if journal (format "\t%s" journal))
                      (if date (format "\s\s%s" date))
                      (if authors (format "\s\s%s" authors))
                      (if source (concat "\t" source))
                      (if extra-args (format "\t%s" extra-args))))
         (str (apply #'propertize str pl))
    (if consult-web-highlight-matches
         ((listp match-str)
          (mapcar (lambda (match) (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match str t))) match-str))
         ((stringp match-str)
          (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match-str str t)))))


(defun consult-web--scopus-callback (cand)
  "Callback function for `consult-web-scopus'."
  (let* ((doi (get-text-property 0 :doi cand))
         (url (if doi (consult-web--doi-to-url doi)
                (get-text-property 0 :url cand))))
         (funcall consult-web-default-browse-function url)))


(defun consult-web--scopus-preview (cand)
   "Preview function for `consult-web-scopus'."
  (let* ((doi (get-text-property 0 :doi cand))
         (url (if doi (consult-web--doi-to-url doi)
                (get-text-property 0 :url cand))))
         (funcall consult-web-default-preview-function url)))


(defvar consult-web-scopus-search-url "")

(defvar consult-web-scopus-api-url "")

(defcustom consult-web-scopus-api-key nil
  "Key for Scopus API.

See URL `' for more info"
  :group 'consult-web
  :type '(choice (const :tag "Scopus API Key" string)
                 (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(cl-defun consult-web--scopus-fetch-results (input &rest args &key count page &allow-other-keys)
  "Retrieve search results from SCOPUS for INPUT.

COUNT is passed as count in query parameters.
(* PAGE COUNT) is passed as start in query paramters.
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                   (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (count (min (max count 1) 25))
         (page (* count page))
         (params `(("query" . ,(replace-regexp-in-string " " "+" input))
                   ("count" . ,(format "%s" count))
                   ("start" . ,(format "%s" page))
                   ("apiKey" . ,(consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-scopus-api-key))))
         (headers `(("Accept" . "application/json")
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :params params
     :headers headers
     (lambda ()
       (goto-char (point-min))
       ;; (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))
       (let* ((content (json-parse-buffer))
              (results (gethash "search-results" content))
              (items  (gethash "entry" results)))
         (cl-loop for a across items
                  (let* ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
                        (title (gethash "dc:title" a))
                        (journal (gethash "prism:publicationName" a))
                        (volume (gethash "prism:volume" a))
                        (pages (gethash "prism:pageRange" a))
                        (authors (gethash "dc:creator" a))
                        (authors (cond
                                  ((stringp authors) (list authors))
                                  (t authors)))
                        (date (gethash "prism:coverDate" a))
                        (eid (gethash "eid" a))
                        (doi (gethash "prism:doi" a))
                        (url (concat consult-web-scopus-search-url "&eid=" eid "&origin=inward"))

                        (search-url (concat consult-web-scopus-search-url "&eid=" eid "&origin=inward"))
                    (puthash :url url
                    (puthash :search-url search-url
                    (puthash :title title
                    (puthash :journal journal
                    (puthash :volume volume
                    (puthash :pages pages
                    (puthash :date date
                    (puthash :authors authors
                    (puthash :doi doi
                    (puthash :eid eid
                    (puthash :source "Scopus"
                    (puthash :query input


(consult-web-define-source "Scopus"
                           :narrow-char ?s
                           :face 'consult-web-scholar-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--scopus-fetch-results
                           :format #'consult-web--scopus-format-candidate
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :on-preview #'consult-web--scopus-preview
                           :on-return #'identity
                           :on-callback #'consult-web--scopus-callback
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic 'both)

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-scopus' module

(provide 'consult-web-scopus)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-scopus)
;;; consult-web-scopus.el ends here



;;; consult-web-stackoverflow.el --- Consulting StackOverflow -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)


(defvar consult-web-stackoverflow-search-url "")
(defvar consult-web-stackoverflow-api-url "")

(defcustom consult-web-stackexchange-api-key nil
  "Key for Stack Exchange API.

See URL `', and URL `' for more info"
  :group 'consult-web
  :type '(choice (const :tag "API Key" string)
                 (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(cl-defun consult-web--stackoverflow-fetch-results (input &rest args &key count page order sort &allow-other-keys)
  "Fetch search results for INPUT from stackoverflow.

COUNT is passed as pagesize in query parameters.
PAGE is passed as page in query parameters.
ORDER is passed as order in query parameters.
SORT is passed as sort in query parameters.

See URL `' for more info.
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (count (min count 25))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                   (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (page (max page 1))
         (order (if (and order (member (format "%s" order) '("desc" "asc"))) (format "%s" order)))
         (sort (if (and sort (member (format "%s" sort) '("activity" "votes" "creation" "relevance"))) (format "%s" sort)))
         (params `(("order" . ,(or order "desc"))
                   ("sort" . ,(or sort "relevance"))
                   ("site" . "stackoverflow")
                   ("q" . ,(replace-regexp-in-string " " "+" input))
                   ("pagesize" . ,(format "%s" count))
                   ("page" . ,(format "%s" page))
                   ("key" . ,(consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-stackexchange-api-key)))))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :params params
     (lambda ()
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (let* ((results (gethash "items" (json-parse-buffer)))
              (data  (mapcar (lambda (item) `(,(format "%s" (gethash "title" item)) ,(format "%s" (gethash "link" item)))) results))
              (table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
         (cl-loop for a in data
                  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
                    (puthash :url
                             (cadr a) table)
                    (puthash :search-url (concat consult-web-stackoverflow-search-url "?q=" input)
                    (puthash :title
                             (car a) table)
                    (puthash :source "StackOverflow"
                    (puthash :query input


(consult-web-define-source "StackOverflow"
                           :narrow-char ?s
                           :face 'consult-web-engine-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--stackoverflow-fetch-results
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic 'both

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-stackoverflow' module

(provide 'consult-web-stackoverflow)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-stackoverflow)
;;; consult-web-stackoverflow.el ends here



;;; consult-web-wikipedia.el --- Consulting Wikipedia -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)


(defvar consult-web-wikipedia-search-url "")
(defvar consult-web-wikipedia-url "")
(defvar consult-web-wikipedia-api-url "")

(cl-defun consult-web--wikipedia-fetch-results (input &rest args &key count page &allow-other-keys)
  "Retrieve search results from Wikipedia for INPUT.

COUNT is passed as srlimit in query parameters.
PAGEis passed as sroffset in query paramters."
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                   (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (params `(("action" . "query")
                   ("format" . "json")
                   ("list" . "search")
                   ("formatversion" . "2")
                   ("prop" . "info")
                   ("inprop" . "url")
                   ("srwhat" . "text")
                   ("srsearch" . ,(url-hexify-string input))
                   ("srlimit" . ,(format "%s" count))
                   ("sroffset" . ,(format "%s" page))))
         (headers '(("User-Agent" . "Emacs:consult-web/0.1 (;"))))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :params params
     :headers headers
     (lambda ()
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (let* ((results (gethash "search" (gethash "query" (json-parse-buffer))))
              (titles  (mapcar (lambda (item) (format "%s" (gethash "title" item))) results))
              (table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
         (cl-loop for a in titles
                  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
                    (puthash :url
                             (concat consult-web-wikipedia-url "wiki/" (string-replace " " "_" a)) table)
                    (puthash :search-url (concat  consult-web-wikipedia-search-url "?" "search=" input) table)
                    (puthash :title
                             a table)
                    (puthash :source "Wikipedia" table)
                    (puthash :query input

(consult-web-define-source "Wikipedia"
                           :narrow-char ?w
                           :face 'consult-web-engine-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--wikipedia-fetch-results
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic 'both

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-wikipedia' module

(provide 'consult-web-wikipedia)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-wikipedia)
;;; consult-web-wikipedia.el ends here



;;; consult-web-youtube.el --- Consulting YouTube -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Armin Darvish

;; Author: Armin Darvish
;; Maintainer: Armin Darvish
;; Created: 2024
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (consult "1.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: convenience

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'consult-web)


(defun consult-web-dynamic--youtube-format-candidate (table &optional face &rest args)
"Formats a candidate for `consult-web-youtube' commands.

TABLE is a hashtable with metadata for the candidate as (key value) pairs.
Returns a string (from :title field in TABLE)
with text-properties that conatin
all the key value pairs in the table.
  (let* ((pl (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table))
         (title (format "%s" (gethash :title table)))
         (url (gethash :url table))
         (urlobj (if url (url-generic-parse-url url)))
         (domain (if (url-p urlobj) (url-domain urlobj)))
         (domain (if (stringp domain) (propertize domain 'face 'consult-web-domain-face)))
         (channeltitle (gethash :channeltitle table))
         (channeltitle (if (stringp channeltitle) (propertize channeltitle 'face 'consult-web-path-face)))
         (source (gethash :source table))
         (source (if (stringp source) (propertize source 'face 'consult-web-source-face)))
         (query (gethash :query table))
         (snippet (gethash :snippet table))
         (snippet (if (and snippet (stringp snippet) (> (string-width snippet) 25)) (concat (substring snippet 0 22) "...") snippet))
         (match-str (if (stringp query) (consult--split-escaped (car (consult--command-split query))) nil))
         (title-str (consult-web--set-string-width title (floor (* (frame-width) 0.4))))
         (title-str (propertize title-str 'face (or face 'consult-web-default-face)))
         (extra-args (consult-web-hashtable-to-plist table '(:title :url :search-url :query :source :snippet :channeltitle :videoid)))
         (str (concat title-str
                      (if domain (format "\t%s" domain))
                      (if channeltitle (format " - %s" channeltitle))
                      (if snippet (format "\s\s%s" snippet))
                      (if source (concat "\t" source))
                      (if extra-args (propertize (format "\s%s" extra-args) 'face 'consult-web-source-face))))
         (str (apply #'propertize str pl))
    (if consult-web-highlight-matches
         ((listp match-str)
          (mapcar (lambda (match) (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match str t))) match-str))
         ((stringp match-str)
          (setq str (consult-web--highlight-match match-str str t)))))


(defvar consult-web-youtube-watch-url "")

(defvar consult-web-youtube-channel-url "")

(defvar consult-web-youtube-search-results-url "")

(defvar consult-web-youtube-search-api-url "")

(defcustom consult-web-youtube-search-key nil
"Key for YouTube custom search API

See URL `'
for details"
:group 'consult-web
:type '(choice (const :tag "API Key" string)
               (function :tag "Custom Function")))

(cl-defun consult-web--youtube-fetch-results (input &rest args &key count page order def type vidtype &allow-other-keys)
  "Fetches search results for INPUT from “Google custom search” service.

COUNT is passed as num in query parameters.
(* PAGE COUNT) is passed as start in query paramters.
  (let* ((count (or (and (integerp count) count)
                    (and count (string-to-number (format "%s" count)))
         (page (or (and (integerp page) page)
                     (and page (string-to-number (format "%s" page)))
         (def (if (and def (member (format "%s" def) '("any" "standard" "high"))) (format "%s" def) "any"))
         (type (if (and type (member (format "%s" type) '("channel" "playlist" "video"))) (format "%s" type) "video"))
         (vidtype (if (and type (member (format "%s" vidtype) '("any" "episode" "movie"))) (format "%s" vidtype) "any"))
         (count (min count 10))
         (page (+ (* page count) 1))
         (order  (if (and type (member (format "%s" order) '("date" "rating" "relevance" "title" "videoCount" "viewCount"))) (format "%s" vidtype) "relevance"))
         (params `(("q" . ,input)
                   ("part" . "snippet")
                   ("order" . ,order)
                   ("type" . ,type)
                   ("maxResults" . ,(format "%s" count))
                   ("videoDefinition" . ,def)
                   ("videoType" . ,vidtype)
                   ("key" . ,(consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-youtube-search-key))))
         (headers `(("Accept" . "application/json")
                    ("Accept-Encoding" . "gzip")
                    ("User-Agent" . "consult-web (gzip)")
                    ("X-Goog-Api-Key" . ,(consult-web-expand-variable-function consult-web-youtube-search-key )))))
    (funcall consult-web-retrieve-backend
     :params params
     :headers headers
     (lambda ()
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (let* ((results (json-parse-buffer))
              (items (gethash "items" results)))
         (cl-loop for a across items
                  (let* ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
                         (videoid (gethash "videoId" (gethash "id" a)))
                         (snippet (gethash "snippet" a))
                         (channeltitle (gethash "channelTitle" snippet))
                         (channelid (gethash "channelId" snippet))
                         (title (gethash "title" snippet))
                         (date (gethash "publishedAt" snippet))
                         (date (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %R" (date-to-time date)))
                         (url (cond
                               (videoid (consult-web--make-url-string consult-web-youtube-watch-url `(("v" . ,videoid))))
                               (channelid (concat consult-web-youtube-channel-url channelid))))
                         (search-url (consult-web--make-url-string consult-web-youtube-search-results-url `(("search_query" . ,input))))
                         (description (gethash "description" snippet)))
                    (puthash :url
                             url table)
                    (puthash :search-url search-url
                    (puthash :title title
                    (puthash :videoid videoid
                    (puthash :channeltitle channeltitle
                    (puthash :channelid channelid
                    (puthash :source "YouTube"
                    (puthash :query input
                    (puthash :snippet description table)

(consult-web-define-source "YouTube"
                           :narrow-char ?y
                           :face 'consult-web-engine-source-face
                           :request #'consult-web--youtube-fetch-results
                           :format #'consult-web-dynamic--youtube-format-candidate
                           :preview-key consult-web-preview-key
                           :search-history 'consult-web--search-history
                           :selection-history 'consult-web--selection-history
                           :dynamic 'both

provide and footer

;;; provide `consult-web-youtube' module

(provide 'consult-web-youtube)

(add-to-list 'consult-web-sources-modules-to-load 'consult-web-youtube)
;;; consult-web-youtube.el ends here