###3D Art/Design
UX of VR
A list of resources about the UI/UX considerations for VR.
Look at books about interior design, architecture, industrial design human factors for things like factory line workers, board game design. [Link] (https://github.com/omgmog/uxofvr.com)
Sketch Fab
Sketchfab is the world's largest platform to publish, share and discover 3D content online and in VR. Link
Design MOOCs
Digital Tutors a Pluralsight company - acquired - Learn proven creative skills, software, techniques & workflows with tutorials & training for 3D animation, Game dev, Design, VFX, Web, CAD and more.[Link] (http://www.digitaltutors.com/11/index.php)
CG Society
The CGSociety supports artists at every level by offering a range of services to connect, inform, educate and promote digital artists worldwide Bloop Animation [Link] (http://www.cgsociety.org)
Tools and software you need past Unity: (not covered by class)
3d modeling, animation and texturing:
ZBrush - Best overall for games doesn’t take too long to learn like Maya
Substance Painter - Vital for materials and texturing for Unity.
Modo - made by engineers who actually listened to artists best for modelling Maya - industry standard best overall best for scientific stuff and super high end (Really tough learning curve).
3DSMax - not recommended unless this is where you started
Mudbox - good for sculptors for high end movies example: Godzilla. You can then simplfiy them for games and VR but not as well as ZBrush.
Beginner Programming and programming CG Introduction to Computer Science - Harvard : CS 50x - EdX (recommended by Erin to learn C and basic programming) [Link] (https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-computer-science-harvardx-cs50x)
Introduction to Computer Graphics - Stanford [Link] (https://graphics.stanford.edu/) (recommended by Erin, ask for notes)
Udemy [Link] (https://www.udemy.com/courses/search/?ref=home&src=ukw&q=virtual%20reality&lang=en)
Udacity - VR Developer Nanodegree [Link] (https://www.udacity.com/course/vr-developer-nanodegree--nd017)
Lynda [Link] (https://www.lynda.com/search?q=virtual+reality)
Wikis VR Devs Wiki [Link] (http://vrdevs.org/Main_Page)
Oculus reddit [Link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/)
GearVR reddit [Link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/GearVR/)
VR reddit [Link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/)
Augmented Reality reddit [Link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/augmentedreality/)
Local Bay Area
[Silicon Valley Virtual Reality] (SVVR) (http://svvr.com/)
[San Francisco Virtual Reality] (SFVR) (http://www.meetup.com/virtualreality/)
[Augmented Reality Bay Area (ARBA)] (https://www.meetup.com/ARSFBA)
[The VR AR Association SF and Silicon Valley] (www.thevrara.com)
[EE / Biotech + Hardware Hackers] (https://www.facebook.com/groups/646450488826004/)
[Women in VR facebook group] (https://www.facebook.com/groups/womeninvr/) [SH//FT] (http://www.shiift.world/)
Community Slack Channels
VRDevs - VRDevs.Slack.com - fill this google form out, if you do not hear back, ask Erin so she can ask the moderator to invite you.
Get an invite [here] (https://www.reddit.com/r/vrdev/comments/4n18sl/slack_channel_for_vr_developers/).
Unreal Slackers - unrealslackers.slack.com → [Moved to Discord] (http://join.unrealslackers.org)
VR Creators Network - vrcreators.slack.com - ask for invite from person on Reddit
Get invite [here] (https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/3uv3cv/your_invitation_to_the_vr_creators_network_on/).
[VRScout] (vrscout.com/)
[UploadVR] (uploadvr.com)
[RoadtoVR] (www.roadtovr.com)
[Marxent] (http://www.marxentlabs.com/blog/)
[Voices of VR] (voicesofvr.com/)
Email Lists: SVVR (see above) The VR AR Association (see above)
[All Things VR] (www.allthingsvr.co/)
[Inside] (https://www.inside.com/?ref=newsletter?ref=newsletterc) Also has a good job board
Event Listings:
The VR Fund
[Link] (http://www.thevrfund.com/)
Also great infographics Community Resources from Women in VR
[Women in VR director form] (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDAcjeWdn0vhARCVatKLuUmrsB67QCTnB4jJF5QH5jl_35ew/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=send_form)