Here is the quickstart video clip.
See node Properties
See link Properties
Get to the node console
Packet capture
Wireshark Client Helper
There are two type of suported client here, Windows version and MAC version, both of the clients can be find in "Setting Menu, TopoViewer Helper App". Once the Wireshark client helper installed, simply click Cross Launch Button in link Properties.
Using Windows version of Wireshark Client Helper:
- Download and install the Windows version of Wireshark Client Helper.
- Ensure PowerShell installed in Windows client side
- Ensure the Wireshark is installed in client side, from client side, otherwise the password need tobe entered manually
- Setup SSH keyless access to ContainerLab host
- Copy clabcapture.bat and clab-capture.reg into C:\Program Files\clab-client
- Merge clab-capture.reg into Windows Registry, simply double click it.
Using MAC version of Wireshark Client Helper:
- Download and install the MAC version of Wireshark Client Help, extract and copy the app into /Applications folder
- Ensure iTerm installed in MAC client side
- Ensure the Wireshark is installed in client side.
- Setup SSH keyless access to ContainerLab host from client side, otherwise the password need tobe entered manually
- From link properties, click Capture Source/Target Endpoint cross-launch button
Link impairment
- containerlab version: 0.41.2, 0.44.3, 0.46.0
- docker-ce version: 24.0.2
build linux amd64 binary
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer (development) $ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o topoviewer cloudshellwrap
Ensure to run binary file in the same directory with html folder Running inside dist folder
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer/dist (development ✗) $ ./topoviewer clab -t topo-topoViewerDemo.yaml
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer (development ✗) $ ./tools/
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer (development ✗) go run go_cloudshellwrapper/cmd/main.go clab --allowed-hostnames --clab-user aarafat --server-port 8087 --topology-file-json ./rawTopoFile/clab/nokia-MultiAccessGateway-lab/clab-nokia-MAGc-lab/topology-data.json
[aarafat@nsp-clab1 topoViewer]$ sudo topoviewer clab --allowed-hostnames --clab-user aarafat --server-port 8087 --topology-file-json /home/aarafat/topoViewer/rawTopoFile/clab/nokia-MultiAccessGateway-lab/clab-nokia-MAGc-lab/topology-data.json
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer (development) $ pwd
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer (development) $ go run go_cloudshellwrapper/cmd/main.go --help
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer (development) $ go run go_cloudshellwrapper/cmd/main.go clab -H -t rawTopoFile/clab-topo-file.yaml ## obsolete
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer (development) $ go run go_cloudshellwrapper/cmd/main.go clab -j rawTopoFile/clab-Vodafone-CO-HCO/topology-data.json -H 138.203.
40.63 -u suuser ## obsolete
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer (development) $ go run go_cloudshellwrapper/cmd/main.go clab -j rawTopoFile/clab/bng-cups/clab-cups/topology-data.json -H 138.2
03.40.63 -u root
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer (development ✗) $≈nsp -H --topology-ietf-l2-topo rawTopoFile/topo-ietf-L2
.json --topology-ietf-l3-topo rawTopoFile/topo-ietf-L3-TopologyId-1\:65000\:1-isis.json --multi-layer enabled
build linux amd64 binary
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer (development) $ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o topoviewer cloudshellwrapper/cmd/main.go
Ensure to run binary file in the same directory with html folder Running inside dist folder
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer/dist (development ✗) $ ./topoviewer clab -t topo-topoViewerDemo.yaml
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer (development ✗) $ ./tools/
[suuser@nsp-kvm-host-antwerp bng-cups]$ sudo clab deploy -t cups.yml --debug --export-template /home/suuser/topoViewer/rawTopoFile/clab-topo-export-template/c lab-topo-cytoscape.tmpl
[root@kvm-host-antwerp02 topoViewer]# go run cloudshellwrapper/cmd/main.go nsp -H --topology-ietf-l2-topo rawTopoFile/ietf-topo-examples/ietf-L2 .json --multi-layer disable
docker exec -it clab-nokia-MAGc-lab-topoviewer /opt/topoviewer/topoviewer clab -H -P 8080 -u suuser -p Lab-Her0 -j local-bind/topo-file.json
go run go_cloudshellwrapper/cmd/main.go clab --allowed-hostnames --clab-user aarafat --server-port 8087 --topology-file-json ./rawTopoFile/clab/nokia-MultiAccessGateway-lab/clab-nokia-MAGc-lab/topology-data.json
vscode ➜ /workspaces/topoViewer/dist (development ✗) $ ./topoviewer clab -t topo-topoViewerDemo.yaml
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