All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.4 (2023-06-03)
- axios: add instance with interceptors (a4f7298)
- husky: pre-commit (4c713c5)
0.0.3 (2023-04-28)
- type error (e5a2cfb)
- add type UpperSnakecase (07661c8)
- change api to (19850df)
- integrate pwa (017fa08)
- integrate react-query and zustand (42a8619)
- unit test integration (3f31e14)
- add proper typing for custom env var in import.meta (19413b1)
- change example for UpperSnakecase (d6e0e03)
- remove unwanted packages (086f73c)
- toast login error (75eb585)
- types update regarding rhf update (eefedce)
- update env variables to vite's format (a39781b)
- add loader state (730b88e)
- add logout button (f32aa60)
- add react hook form and form validation (f37e702)
- add react router (12f6d68)
- dd redux with typescript (03e9432)
- format date (47fa1ce)
- get articles api (077857f)
- header component (4a2fe76)
- setup husky (e79ff3f)
- setup standard-version (a6d8484)
- update package.json (fba7959)