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Asciidoctor-LaTeX Technical Report

1. Introduction

Asciidoc-LaTeX defines an extended mathematical syntax for the Asciidoc markup language that closely parallels LaTeX. To render documents written in Asciidoc-LaTeX into HTML or LaTeX, one uses the Asciidoctor-LaTeX processor. It is used in the same way that the Asciidoctor processor is used to render Asciidoc documents into HTML.

You will find an on-line copy of this report at (The table of contents for this report is not displayed on GitHub, but is in the online copy.) roughly increasing order of size and technical complexity.

This report is a work-in-progress. I will extend its coverage of the above topics as time permits.

Asciidoctor-LaTeX is developed by James Carlson, Jakub Jirutka, and Dan Allen.

2. Installation

2.1. Using Rubygems

There is a development release at Beta alert!

2.2. From GitHub

If you would like to install a development version from the repository, use:

$ git clone
$ cd asciidoctor-latex
$ gem build asciidoctor-latex.gemspec
$ gem install *.gem

2.3. Commands for rendering

Asciidoc math files can be rendered

  • as HTML. Use $ asciidoctor-latex -b html foo.adoc to produce foo.html. With this command the Asciidoc-LaTeX syntax and extensions will be rendered.

  • as LaTeX. Use $ asciidoctor-latex foo.adoc to produce foo.tex.

2.4. Switches

Switch :stem: processing on by puttinng the text :stem: in your file. To turn the switch on and set it to latexmath, say instead of stem:latexmth.

3. Asciidoc-LaTeX

Asciidoctor-LaTeX supports two closely-related math formats, Asciidoc-LaTeX and AsciiMath. In Asciidoc-LaTeX, one can write $ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 $ and

    e^{2\pi \sqrt{-1}} = 1,

for in-line and display mathematial text, respectively. You will need to express dollar-denominated currency using escaped dollar signs, as in the sentence, "He paid \$100 for that theore.m" In AsciiMath, one writes stem:[ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 ] and

    e^{2\pi \sqrt{-1}} = 1.

3.1. Asciidoc-LaTeX environments

Asciidoc-LaTeX supports an env construct that maps to LaTeX environments. Thus

There exist infinitely many prime numbers.

renders as an automatically numbered theorem. Environments can contain in-line and display mathematics, e.g.,

A two-by-two matrix is invertible if
its determinant is nonzero, i.e., if
    a & b \\
    c & d
  \end{matrix}\right| \ne 0
This result extends to $n\times n$ matrices.

There is complete freedom in parameter NAME of [env.NAME], Thus,one can write

An integer $n$ is *prime* if (a) it is not
$\pm 1$ and (b) it has no divisors other
than $\pm 1$ and $\pm n$.


A mathematician, a philosopher, and
a lawyer met at the local bar
for a drink.  The lawyer said ...

One can make cross references by labeling the environment as in

A mathematician, a philosopher, and
a lawyer met at the local bar
for a drink.  The lawyer said ...

then referencing it later as [mathjoke1].

Certain environments receive special treatment. For numbered equations, use [env.equation] like this

a^{p-1} \equiv 1\ \text{mod}\ p

For sets of equations, use [env,equationalign]:

A & = 4\pi r^2 \\
V & = \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3

3.2. Click blocks

Click blocks are similar to [env] blocks exceptiipoo that the body of the block is not displayed until the user clicks on the heading. The heading of a click block is displayed in blue. Once a click block is "opened", it can be closed by clicking again on the heading.

It is sometimes useful to "hide" a comment
in a click block so as not to unduly
disturb the flow of the prose. Click
blocks are also useful for problem sets,
since one can make hints, solutions, etc.

The default for click blocks is not to number them. See the file click.adoc in the exampless directory for more information.

4. Converting to LaTeX

4.1. Inline mathematics

The text

  $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$

is rendered as

  $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$

4.2. Display mathematics

The text

   \int_0^1 x^n dx = \frac{1}{n+1}

is rendered as

   \int_0^1 x^n dx = \frac{1}{n+1}

4.3. Currency

The source text

Some finance: that theorem costs \$100!

maps to

Some finance: that theorem costs \$100!

4.4. Environments

The [env.FOO] construct in Asciidoc-LaTeX gives us a way to mimic the

 ... whatever ...

construct in LaTeX. The variable FOO can be something familiar — theorem, lemma, definition, etc. Asciidoctor-LaTeX provides default LaTeX definitions for the most common of these. You can override them with your own defintions and you can you can define environments for special needs, e.g., [env.joke], [env.objection], etc.

This said, there are special environments built in to Asciidoc-LaTeX which receive special treatment. We thus distinguish two classes of environments, Vanilla and Special.

4.5. Vanilla environments

The [env.theorem] environment is a typical vanilla environemet. Thus, the source text

The equation $a^2 + b^2  = c^2$
has infinitely many non-proportional
integer solutions.

renders as

The equation $a^2 + b^2  = c^2$
has infinitely many non-proportional
integer solutions.

Vanilla environments can contain display as well as inline mathematics. Thus, the source text

   e^{2\pi\sqrt{-1}} = 1

renders as

   e^{2\pi\sqrt{-1}} = 1

Vanilla environments can take a title, as in this example.

   e^{2\pi\sqrt{-1}} = 1

It renders as

\begin{theorem}{\rm (Euler) }
   e^{2\pi\sqrt{-1}} = 1

To label a vanilla environment for cross-referencing, do this:

   e^{2\pi\sqrt{-1}} = 1

To refer to this theorem, say [euler].

4.6. Special environments

For equations we have the special environment [env.equation]. The source text

\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n}

renders as

\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n}

The fictitious derivation

  a &= b + c        \\
  a &= (c + d) + d  \\
    &= c + 2d

renders as

  a &= b + c        \\
  a &= (c + d) + d  \\
    &= c + 2d

4.7. Sections

The source text

== Section

=== Going down farther -- subsection

==== And farther still ...

===== Yikes! We have hit bottom!!

is rendered as


\subsection*{Going down farther — subsection}

\subsubsection*{And farther still …​}

\paragraph*{Yikes! We have hit bottom!!}

If we precede the source text by the code


we turn on automatic numbering and get this instead:


\subsection{Going down farther — subsection}

\subsubsection{And farther still …​}

\paragraph{Yikes! We have hit bottom!!}

To turn automatic numbering off, insert this code:


4.8. Lists

4.8.1. Unordered

the Asciidoc source

    * Pay Bills
    * Get Groceries
    ** Milk
    ** Bread
    ** Orange Juice
    * Change Oil Filter on Car

is mapped to the LaTeX

   \item Pay Bills
   \item Get Groceries
       \item Milk
       \item Bread
       \item Orange Juice
   \item Change Oil Filter on Car

4.8.2. Ordered

The Asciidoc

   . Pay Bills
   . Get Groceries
   .. Milk
   .. Bread
   .. Orange Juice
   . Change Oil Filter on Car

is mapped to the LaTeX

	\item Pay Bills
	\item Get Groceries
	    \item Milk
	    \item Bread
	    \item Orange Juice
	\item Change Oil Filter on Car

4.8.3. Definition

The Asciidoc text

Foo:: a lambda expession of the first kind
Bar:: a lambda expressi of the second kind

is mapped to the LaTeX

\item[Foo]a lambda expession of the first kind
\item[Bar]a lambda expressi of the second kind

4.9. Tables

The Asciidoc text

| Eggs | one dozen
| Potatoes | nine pounds
| Milks | three quarts

is mapped to the LaTeX

Eggs & one dozen \\
Potatoes & nine pounds \\
Milks & three quarts \\

4.10. Bold, italic, and monospaced text

The text "She said potatoes but he said potaatoes", written in Asciidoc as

    She said _potatoes_ but he said *potaatoes*

is mapped to

    She said \emph{potatoes} but he said \textbf{potaatoes}

The text


is mapped to

    {\tt monospaced}

4.11. Quotations

The text

    [quote, Abraham Lincoln, Soldiers' National Cemetery Dedication]
    Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth
    on this continent a new nation

is mapped to

      Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth
      on this continent a new nation

4.12. Footnotes

Text like this

    Ho hum.footnote:[An expression of boredom]

is mapped to

    Ho hum\footnote{An expression of boredom}

4.13. References and labels

The label

    Ho hum[[foo]]

is mapped to

    Ho hum\label{foo}

The cross-reference

    Please see <<foo>>

is mapped to

   Please see \ref{foo}

Labels can also be constructed directly in Asciidoc-LaTeX environments. Consider the source text below.

Let $a$ an $b$ denote the
altitue and base of a right
triangle.  Let $c$ denote
its hypotenuse.  Then
$c^2= a + b$.

The code #pythagoras creates a label pythagoras.

The hyperlink[All the news that is fit to print]

is mapped to

   \href{}{All the news that is fit to print}

4.15. Line breaks

The source text

Roses are red, +
Daisies are white, +
But all need the light.

is mapped to

Roses are red, \\
Daisies are white, \\
But all need the light.

4.16. Images

Images can be rendered in both the HTML produced by Asciidoctor-LaTeX and in the PDF files generated by LaTeX. Typical source text for including an image in an .adoc file is


This is rendered in LaTeX as follows.


In both LaTeX and Asciidoc-LaTeX, the default is to keep all images in the directory images ad the root of your document directory.

4.17. Listing

The source text

sum = 0
k = 1
100.times do
  sum += 1.0/k
  k += 1
puts sum

is mapped to

sum = 0
k = 1
100.times do
  sum += 1.0/k
  k += 1
puts sum

4.18. Open blocks

Here is an open block:

This is an anonymous
open block.

End of story.

It is rendered as-is in LaTeX:

This is an anonymous
open block.

End of story.

Here is an open block masquerading as a listing block:

This is an anonymous
open block masquerading
a listing block.

End of story.

And here is how it is rendered in LaTeX:

This is an anonymous
open block masquerading
a listing block.

End of story.

4.19. Literal

The text

    a test of
    it realy

is rendered as

    a test of
    it realy

Note that in the source text there are no blank lines. If there are blank lines, there is an alternate construction:

  is also

    a test of

    it realy

It is rendered as

  is also

    a test of

    it realy

4.20. Page break

The text

  Fee, fie


  fo, fum!

will render in TeX las

  Fee, fie


  fo, fum!

4.21. Pass

The source text

pass:[<<<] is normally a page break.
But now it isn't.

is rendered as

<<< is normally a page break.
But now it isn’t.
More attention needed here

5. Design of the Asciidoctor-LaTeX processor

Asciidoctor-LaTeX adds new behavior to the existing Html5Converter for Asciidoctor. It does this via Ruby 2.0’s prepend method:

class Asciidoctor::Converter::Html5Converter
  # inject our custom code into the
  # existing Html5Converter class
  prepend Asciidoctor::LaTeX::Html5ConverterExtensions

This code ensures that methods of module Asciidoctor::LaTeX:Html5ConverterExtensions are executed in preference to methods of module Asciidoctor::LaTeX:.

The new behavior itself is defined in the module Asciidoctor::LaTeX:Html5ConverterExtensions. There we find, for example, a new method, environment(node) which handles a new type of block, the environment block. One also finds the method inline_anchor(node), which already exists in Asciidoctor::LaTeX:Html5Converter and which processes inline anchors such as[Asciidoctor]

5.1. Outline

At its highest level, module Asciidoctor::LaTeX has two components, module Html5ConverterExtensions and class Converter. Let us examine these in ever greater detail.

module Asciidoctor::LaTeX

  module Html5ConverterExtensions

  class Converter


5.2. module Html5ConverterExtensions

The Html5ConverterExtensions module contains handlers for nodes, e.g, the environment_block node, which is new, and the inline_anchor node, which has new behavior.

module Asciidoctor::LaTeX
  module Html5ConverterExtensions
    # Node handlers ...

5.2.1. Html5ConverterExtensions in more detail

module Html5ConverterExtensions

  def environment node

      attrs = node.attributes

      case attrs['role']
        when 'equation'
        when 'equationalign'
        ###### etc ######

      node.attributes['roles'] = (node.roles + ['environment']) * ' ' node

  def click node
    node.lines = [ENV_CSS] + node.lines + [DIV_END]
    node.attributes['roles'] = (node.roles + ['click']) * ' ' node

  def handle_equation(node)

  ###### etc ######


5.2.2. A typical node handler

def handle_equation(node)
  options = node.attributes['options']
  node.title = nil
  number_part = '<td style="text-align:right">' + "(#{node.caption}) </td>"
  number_part = ["+++ #{number_part} +++"]
  equation_part = ['+++<td style="width:100%";>+++'] + ['\\['] + node.lines + ['\\]'] + ['+++</td>+++']
  table_style='style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;border:0"  class="zero" '
  row_style='style="border-collapse: collapse; border:0; font-size: 12pt; "'
  if options['numbered']
    node.lines =  ["+++<table #{table_style}><tr #{row_style}>+++"] + equation_part + number_part + [TABLE_ROW_END]
    node.lines =  ["+++<table #{table_style}><tr #{row_style}>+++"] + equation_part + [TABLE_ROW_END]

5.3. class Converter

In the Converter class, preprocessors, postprocessors, etc., are registered, the backend is initialized, and converter method is defined. Asciidoctor-LaTeX calls the converter on AST (abstract syntax tree) that the parser has produced, and proceeds to walk through it node by node. The converter dispatches each node to its processor. The handler is determined by the node, e.g., by its name and role. In so doing, the converter looks in an array of node types to see if it knows about that kind of node. If it does, the node is dispatched to its processor. If it does not, it issues a warning which can be used to add the needed behavior to the converter.

class Converter

  include Asciidoctor::Converter

  # Register processors ...

  # def initialize backend, opts ...

  # def convert node, transform = nil ...


5.3.1. Registration

  class Converter
    include Asciidoctor::Converter

   register_for 'latex'

   Asciidoctor::Extensions.register do
     preprocessor TeXPreprocessor
     preprocessor MacroInsert if File.exist? 'macros.tex' and document.basebackend? 'html'
     block EnvironmentBlock
     block ClickBlock
     inline_macro ChemInlineMacro
     # preprocessor ClickStyleInsert if document.attributes['click_extras'] == 'include2'
     postprocessor InjectHTML unless document.attributes['noteshare'] == 'yes'
     postprocessor EntToUni if document.basebackend? 'tex' unless document.attributes['unicode'] == 'no'
     postprocessor Chem if document.basebackend? 'html'
     postprocessor HTMLPostprocessor if document.basebackend? 'html'
     postprocessor TexPostprocessor if document.basebackend? 'tex'

   Asciidoctor::Extensions.register :latex do
     # EnvironmentBlock

  # TYPES ...

  # def initialize

  # def convert


5.3.2. Converter code

class Converter

  # Registration

  # TYPES ...

  def initialize backend, opts
    basebackend 'tex'
    outfilesuffix '.tex'

  def convert node, transform = nil
    if NODE_TYPES.include? node.node_name
      warn %(Node to implement: #{node.node_name}, class = #{node.class}).magenta  if $VERBOSE
      # This warning should not be switched off by $VERBOSE


6. Design of the HTML Backend

6.1. Environment Blocks

7. Design of the LaTeX Backend

La di dah: content needed here.