This document describes the electrical connections between a NEMA-17 stepper motor from Adafruit, an L298N dual H-bridge motor controller, and a Raspberry Pi 4.
- Connect the yellow wire to OUT1
- Connect the green wire to OUT2
- Connect the red wire to OUT3
- Connect the gray wire to OUT4
- The inputs on the L298N are arranged from left to right below output contacts 3 and 4. Connect them to any of the general-purpose pins on the Raspberry Pi and reference those pins in your code so that they inputs they connect to are arranged in ascending order. For example:
motor = stepper.Motor(7, 11, 13, 15)
- Pin 7 should be connected to IN1
- Pin 11 should be connected to IN2
- Pin 13 should be connected to IN3
- Pin 15 should be connected to IN4
- Connect the positive terminal of the 12 volt power supply to the -12V contact on the controller.
- Connect the ground contact on the controller to both the negative terminal of the power supply and to one of the ground pins on the Raspberry Pi. You may need to use a breadboard.