- test task
- forever-monitor for cli https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever-monitor
parse github wiki links to point at files
Move task causes multiple updates to board
Filter should stick with project, but clear when project changes
Fix include and excludes
Fix show list on task-link
User should be able to execute a javscript callback when a files are modified in the editor or by moving a task
User should be able to jump back to the task in the board if the task is clicked in the file view task notification
User should be able to rename a file
Switch from flattr to gittip
User should get a modal confirmation if closing a file that has been edited #feature
User should be able to add #hashtags to a #task and filter by them #feature
- They could be after the list name like #doing#feature and apear as a pill or badge on the front end
User should be able to jump to task by clicking it in preview and if list is hidden it should show and task should be highlighted
[Use prism for syntax highlighting Prism](#done:160)
User should be able to create .md files and have them open in the editor
[Modularize code Organizing your application using Modules (require.js) - Backbone.js Tutorials](#planning:110)
Use context menu api > http://developer.chrome.com/beta/extensions/contextMenus.html#examples for chrome extension that opens the live kanban board
- On links that look like tasks include something in markdown that defines the source of the content
[whatever you want](http://link/to/project/root "imdone:source")
Start using travis for CI https://travis-ci.org/
Implement find and replace ajaxorg/ace#56
Spell check in Ace http://www.chrisfinke.com/2011/03/31/announcing-typo-js-client-side-javascript-spellchecking/ http://jasonaclark.com/2011/05/04/ode-to-my-spell-checker/ https://npmjs.org/package/spellcheck
[use doco languages.js to detect TODO and FIXME style comments and convert but keep the TODO or FIXME or whatever in the front.](#planning:190)
If links to files exist in tasks, open the file on click
User should be able to select the color of lists by bootstrap badge class
Leave manage lists open when hiding/showing list
[Add links to imdone website, pledgie and twitter, also use flattr](#planning:270)
Add search for files and tasks https://github.com/visionmedia/search or https://github.com/visionmedia/reds
Block entry and ask the user to load changes if a file changes while editing
When a user clicks task link in MD, current task should change
On opening of file, set the project at the global level
User should be able to print board as lists of tasks
If a README.md exists, show notification with link
Create docs site http://blog.jetstrap.com/2013/03/building-a-docs-site-with-jekyll-github-pages/
Add link to Asciiflow http://www.asciiflow.com/#Draw
Make html and xml files printable
[Upgrade to font-awesome 3.1.1 ](#planning:140)
accept more data about a task with
Use icon-asterisk for menu of more options when editing
Set up user page and point leannotes.com to it
- When a file is modified and a search link is clicked, changes are lost
- Renaming lists is broken with multiple projects loaded #bug
- Open editor for new files #bug
- Move search to a dialog that's always available with ctrl+shift+f #bug
- Default Default
- Success Success
- Warning Warning
- Important Important
- Info Info
- Inverse Inverse
- Enable svn and git commit after file changes
- Convert front end to use backbone.js
- respect marked configuration in client javascript
- User should be able to remove task syntax with hotkey when in task text
- User should be able to use TOC in preview mode for md files
- User should be able to quickly add a date and assigned to tasks using @<user> @<date>
- User should be able to get quick help with keyboard shortcuts
- User should get a guided tour
- Enable vfs https://github.com/c9/vfs-socket as method of interacting with other storage providers.
- [Use Broadway for IOC.](#planning:0)
- Save and load source files
- Handle authentication for accessing files
- Handle text search
- Project
- Return a repository object capable of storing and retrieving files
- Repository
- Container for information
- User(s)
- Role(s)
- Repositories
- Container for information
- Projects
- Run a text search in a given repository
- Ask the RepositoryFactory for a Repository
- If there are multiple Repositories for a project delegate to each for searhing
- RepositoryFactory
- Repository
- Project