layout | title | categories | parent | weight |
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Puppet XAP Module |
production.html |
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{% summary page %}This pattern explains how to use Puppet to install and configure XAP.{% endsummary %}
{% tip %}
Author: Shay Hassidim
Recently tested with GigaSpaces version: XAP 9.6
Last Update: Feb 2014
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{%section%} {%column width=50% %}
This XAP module for Puppet performs two main tasks:
Step 1: Install Gigaspaces XAP.
Step 2: Configure node with one or more XAP roles e.g. Management role, Container role and Web-ui role.
{%column width=45% %}
To simulate the IT network we have built 3 virtual machines with VirtuaBox.
Step 1: Download and install Virtual Box
Step 2: Download the learning puppet VM notify to download the OVF file.
After download is completed follow the instructions at Importing the VM into VirtualBox. When the import is complete successfully the puppet master is ready.
Step 3: To prepare puppet agent clone the puppet master and follow the instructions at Learning Puppet - Preparing an Agent VM.
Step 4: Create a new VM with windows 7 installation then download and puppet agent for windows and install it.
After completing the steps above your development and testing environment should consist of 3 virtual machines:
- Centos Linux - puppet master
- Centos Linux - puppet agent
- Windows 7 - puppet agent for windows
XAP puppet module dependent on other puppet's modules that should be installed:
- Connect to the master VM: ssh root@<vm_ip_address>
- Type password: puupet
- List the already installed modules: puppet module list
- puppet module install biemond/jdk7
- puppet module install reidmv/windows_package
- puppet module install liamjbennett/windows_firewall
List the installed module again by running: puppet module list , and you expected to see the above module is installed.
To install the XAP module copy XAP folder under the modules
directory in your puppet labs installation.
Navigate to your puppet labs configuration directory: {% highlight java%} a. cd /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/ and then Copy the xap directory under the modules directory b. If you clone it from github: cd /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/ git clone mv xap-puppet xap {% endhighlight %}
Run: puppet module list, to see the module:
The directory layout and structure is a standard puppet module layout:
- files - include extracted XAP directory and all the JDK version according the nodes platform in your network
- manifests - include all the logic and classed the module used
- templates - include all the template files used to generate scripts at runtime when agent node request a configuration catalog
The init.pp
is the entry point of any puppet module.
{% highlight java%}
class xap{
require xap::params
case $kernel{
'windows' : {
default : {
#copy gigaspaces-xap dir to the target xap installation directoary file { "${xap::params::gigaspaces_xap_target}" : source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/${xap::params::gigaspaces_xap_source}", recurse => true, ensure => directory, } ~> #configure installation xap::configure{'configure xap environment':}
class xap::manager ( $global_lus = 0, $lus = 1, $global_gsm = 0, $gsm = 1, $gsc = 2, ) inherits xap {
xap::gs_agent{'xap_manager': name => "manager_gsa_global_lus_${global_lus}gsa_lus${lus}gsa_global_gsm${global_gsm}gsa_gsm${gsm}gsa_gsc${gsc}", g_lus => $global_lus, l_lus => $lus, g_gsm => $global_gsm, l_gsm => $gsm, l_gsc => $gsc, } }
class xap::container ( $global_lus = 0, $lus = 0, $global_gsm = 0, $gsm = 0, $gsc = 4, )inherits xap {
xap::gs_agent{'xap_container': name => "container_gsa_global_lus_${global_lus}gsa_lus${lus}gsa_global_gsm${global_gsm}gsa_gsm${gsm}gsa_gsc${gsc}", l_gsc => $gsc, } }
class xap::webui inherits xap {
xap::web_ui {"xap_webui":} } {% endhighlight %}
The params.pp should include all the configuration. See example below: {% highlight java %} class xap::params {
$jdk_version = '7' # jdk version
$jdk_update ='45' # jdk update
$jdk_file =
$gigaspaces_xap_source = 'gigaspaces-xap-premium-9.6.2-ga'
$gigaspaces_xap_target =
#configure environment $extension = $kernel ? { 'windows' => 'bat', default => 'sh', }
$config_dir = $kernel ? { 'windows' => 'c:/gigaspaces', default => '/opt/gigaspaces', }
$gs_webui_war_file = "gs-webui-9.6.2-9900-RELEASE.war"
#LOOKUPLOCATORS value $lookup_locators = ''
$lookup_groups ="gigaspaces-9.6.2-XAPPremium-ga"
$java_vm_name = $kernel ? { default => 'ALL', }
$java_home =
$com_sun_jini_reggie_initialUnicastDiscoveryPort=4174 $com_gs_transport_protocol_lrmi_bind_port_start=8000 $com_gs_transport_protocol_lrmi_bind_port_end=8100 $com_gigaspaces_system_registryPort=10098 $com_gigaspaces_start_httpPort=9813 $com_gs_webui_port=8099
$Xms = '300m' $Xmx ='8g' $Xmn ='' $XXCMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction = '60' } {% endhighlight %}
There are three roles supported:
xap::manager role
xap::container role
To associate a node with a role edit the /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp
and add for each node the target roles. Example:
{% highlight java %}
filebucket { 'main': server => 'learn.localdomain', path => false, }
File { backup => 'main' }
node default {
} node 'agent1.localdomain' { include xap::manager include xap::webui }
node 'win7-agent' { include xap::container } {% endhighlight %}