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File metadata and controls

355 lines (284 loc) · 8.55 KB

Tips and Tricks

Get the most out of this template with these useful tips and features.

Core Module Utilities

Core Android Utilities

The core:android module contains several helpful extensions and utilities:

// String Extensions
email.isEmailValid()                 // Email validation
password.isPasswordValid()           // Password validation
name.isValidFullName()              // Name validation

// Number Formatting
number.format(nDecimal = 2)         // Format numbers with specific decimals
timestamp.asFormattedDateTime()      // Convert timestamp to readable date

// Context Extensions
context.showToast(message)          // Show toast message
context.hasPermission(permission)    // Check single permission
context.isAllPermissionsGranted()   // Check multiple permissions
context.createNotificationChannel() // Create notification channel

Core UI Components

The core:ui/components directory contains pre-built Material3 composables:

// Pre-built components
JetpackButton(onClick = {})
JetpackOutlinedButton(onClick = {})
JetpackTextButton(onClick = {})
JetpackTextFiled(value = "", onValueChange = {})
JetpackLoadingWheel(contentDesc = "")
SwipeToDismiss(onDelete = {})


Always use these pre-built components instead of creating new ones. They provide consistent styling and can be modified centrally.

Theming System

The core:ui/theme directory contains theming utilities:

// Custom theme
    darkTheme = isDarkTheme,
    disableDynamicTheming = true
) {
    // Your content

// Background with gradient
    gradientColors = gradientColors
) {
    // Your content

Network State Monitoring

The core:network module provides network state monitoring:

class YourViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val networkUtils: NetworkUtils
) : ViewModel() {
    init {
            .onEach { state ->
                when (state) {
                    NetworkState.CONNECTED -> // Handle connected state
                    -> // Handle disconnected state
                    -> // Handle unavailable state

Data Synchronization

The sync module provides a robust way to synchronize local data with remote services:

// 1. Make your repository syncable
interface YourRepository : Syncable {
    suspend fun sync(): Flow<SyncProgress>

// 2. Inject SyncManager in the repository implementation
class YourRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
    private val syncManager: SyncManager
) : YourRepository {
    fun requestSync() {

// 3. Inject repository into SyncWorker
class SyncWorker @AssistedInject constructor(
    private val yourRepository: YourRepository
) : CoroutineWorker {
    override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
            .collect { progress ->
        return Result.success()


The sync module is already integrated with WorkManager for background synchronization. Just implement the Syncable interface in your repositories and inject them into the SyncWorker.

Secrets Management

The template includes the gradle-secrets-plugin for secure credentials management:

# (git-ignored)
# (version controlled)

Access secrets as BuildConfig fields:

    val apiKey = BuildConfig.apiKey


Use to provide dummy values for CI/CD environments while keeping sensitive data in

Documentation Generation

The template comes with Dokka setup for documentation generation:

# Generate markdown documentation
./gradlew dokkaGfmMultiModule --no-configuration-cache

# The generated docs will be available in:
# build/dokka/gfmMultiModule/

MkDocs is also configured to create beautiful Material theme documentation:

# mkdocs.yml is already configured with:
# - Material theme
# - Search functionality
# - Code highlighting
# - Navigation structure


If you're using GitHub, the documentation is automatically generated and published through the docs workflow.

Error Handling and Loading States

Using StateFlow Updates

// Regular state updates
_uiState.updateState {
    copy(value = newValue)

// Async operations that doesn't return anything
_uiState.updateWith(viewModelScope) {

// Async operations that returns results
_uiState.updateStateWith(viewModelScope) {

Automatic Error Handling

fun YourScreen(
    onShowSnackbar: suspend (String, SnackbarAction, Throwable?) -> Boolean
) {
        state = uiState,
        onShowSnackbar = onShowSnackbar
    ) { data ->
        // Your UI content


The error snackbar automatically includes a "Report" button that logs the error stack trace to Firebase Analytics.

Custom Snackbar Actions

// In ViewModel
class ScreenViewModel : ViewModel() {
    fun undoDelete(itemId: String) {
        _uiState.updateStateWith(viewModelScope) {

// In UI
    state = screenUiState,
    onShowSnackbar = onShowSnackbar,
) { screenData ->
    LaunchedEffect(screenData.deletedItemId, onShowSnackbar) {
        val itemId = screenData.deletedItemId.getContentIfNotHandled()
        if (itemId != null) {
            val actionPerformed = onShowSnackbar(
                "Item deleted",
            if (actionPerformed) viewModel.undoDelete(itemId)

Composable Previews

Use the provided preview annotations for efficient UI development:

@PreviewThemes     // Preview in both light and dark themes
@PreviewDevices    // Preview on different device sizes
fun YourComposablePreview() {
    JetpackTheme {

Preview devices include:

  • Phone (360x640dp)
  • Landscape (640x360dp)
  • Foldable (673x841dp)
  • Tablet (1280x800dp)

Coroutine Utilities

// Run with timeout
val result = suspendCoroutineWithTimeout(5.seconds) {
    // Your async operation

// Safe coroutine execution
val result = suspendRunCatching {
    // Your operation that might fail

Resource Management

// Network-bound resource handling
fun getData(): Flow<Resource<Data>> = networkBoundResource(
        query = { localDataSource.getData() },
        fetch = { apiService.getData() },
        saveFetchResult = { localDataSource.saveData(it) }

UI Extensions

// Lifecycle aware Flow collection
lifeCycleOwner.collectWithLifecycle(flow) { data ->
    // Handle data

// LiveData observation
lifeCycleOwner.observe(liveData) { data ->
    // Handle data

// One-time event observation
lifeCycleOwner.observeEvent(eventLiveData) { event ->
    // Handle one-time event

Best Practices

  1. Use Pre-built Components

    • Leverage the components in core:ui/components
    • Maintain consistent styling across the app
    • Centralize design system changes
  2. Error Handling

    • Use suspendRunCatching in repositories
    • Let StatefulComposable handle UI states
    • Leverage the built-in error reporting
  3. State Management

    • Use state update helpers consistently
    • Leverage JetpackAppState for app-wide state
    • Follow unidirectional data flow
  4. Network Handling

    • Monitor network state with NetworkUtils
    • Use network-bound resources for caching
    • Handle offline scenarios gracefully
  5. Resource Loading

    • Use DynamicAsyncImage for images
    • Leverage JetpackLoadingWheel
    • Follow Material3 loading patterns
  6. Documentation

    • Use Dokka for code documentation
    • Keep documentation up to date
    • Leverage the automated docs workflow
  7. Secrets Management

    • Store sensitive data in
    • Provide defaults in
    • Use buildConfigField for config values


Explore the core modules thoroughly - they contain many utilities that can save you time and ensure consistency across your app.