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Did you mean `string`?"], + ["Symbol", "Avoid using the `Symbol` type. Did you mean `symbol`?"] + ] + }, + "callable-types": true, + "class-name": true, + "comment-format": { + "options": ["check-space"] + }, "curly": true, - "cyclomatic-complexity": [ - true, - 14 - ], - "interface-name": [ - true, - "never-prefix" - ], - "max-classes-per-file": 7, - "max-file-line-count": [ - true, - 500 - ], - "object-literal-sort-keys": false, + "cyclomatic-complexity": { + "severity": "warning" + }, + "deprecation": true, + "eofline": true, + "forin": true, + "import-blacklist": [true, "axios"], + "import-spacing": true, + "indent": { + "options": ["spaces"] + }, + "interface-name": { + "options": ["never-prefix"] + }, + "interface-over-type-literal": true, + "jsdoc-format": true, + "label-position": true, + "max-classes-per-file": { + "severity": "warning", + "options": [7] + }, + "max-file-line-count": { + "severity": "warning", + "options": [500] + }, + "max-line-length": { + "severity": "warning", + "options": [150] + }, + "member-access": true, "member-ordering": false, - 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