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Installing Conan Exiles on Debian Stretch

There are several articles that helps you with how to install a Conan Exiles Dedicated Server on Linux. But none of them seems to take security into account, so I decided to write my own.

Source material used


  • A server with sufficient resources for your configuration
  • Debian Stretch amd64 installation
  • At least 4 GB available free space on /home partition, and 1G on /opt
  • Set up a firewall - I recommend UFW, as it's easy to install, and manage.
  • Install some sort of security policy extension, such as SELinux or AppArmor. I prefer SELinux because of its ability to automatically generate new policies. But whatever is preferred.

If you want some tips on how to set up SELinux, or UFW on Debian, then check out my Typical Debian Stuff (Updated for Jessie) blog post

Preparing the OS

If using SELinux, set it in permissive mode.

$ sudo setenforce 0

Install X Virtual Framebuffer, screen, and a HTTPS extension to APT, as well as ensuring that sudo, and sqlite3 is installed.

$ sudo apt-get install sudo xvfb screen apt-transport-https sqlite3 libasound2-plugins:i386

Installing Wine

Allow 32 bit packages:

$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

Download, and add key used to sign wine packages.

$ wget && sudo apt-key add Release.key

Add the repository to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

$ cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list
deb stretch main

Update package list

$ sudo apt-get update

Install Wine packages

$ sudo apt-get install --install-recommends wine-staging

Installing Steam

Install steamcmd

$ sudo apt-get install --install-recommends steamcmd

Installing Conan Exiles as runtime user

Create steam group

$ sudo groupadd -r steam

Create runtime user

$ sudo useradd -g steam -m -s /bin/false steam

Become runtime user

$ sudo su - steam -s /bin/bash

First initialize your Wine environmnet

$ /opt/wine-staging/bin/wineboot

Download Conan Exiles

$ steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows +force_install_dir /home/steam/conanexiles +login anonymous +app_update 443030 validate +quit

Test that you can start Conan Exiles server

$ xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args='-screen 0 640x480x24:32' /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine64 /home/steam/conanexiles/ConanSandboxServer.exe -log

After it starts up, then just kill it with Ctrl+C

Configuring Conan Exiles

Still as runtime user, create the configuration files. Change the values below to what you want, such as passwords, and server name.

NB: With the current release I'm not really able to tell the server to listen to other ports than the new default ports 7778/udp, and 14001/udp.

$ cat > ~/conanexiles/ConanSandbox/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Engine.ini << EOF
ServerName="atterdag's super test server"
# Default server port is 7778
#Port=7778 # Don't set it here, and set it the start script
# Default query port is 27015
#QueryPort=14001 # Don't set it here, and set it the start script

$ cat > ~/conanexiles/ConanSandbox/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini << EOF
# set to the username of your runtime user

# Raise this number to allow more concurrent players - duh!
#MaxPlayers=10 # Don't set it here, and set it the start script

$ cat > ~/conanexiles/ConanSandbox/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/ServerSettings.ini << EOF
# Its a good idea to set a strong password here
# 0=no nudity, 1=semi nudity, 2=full nudity
# To disallow PVP then set to False
# 0=none, 1=Purist, 2=Relaxed, 3=Hardcore, 4=roleplaying, 5=experimental

Its also in ServerSettings.ini that you set all the settings that you can do in-game as Administrator. And its kinda easier to do it from there.

If you'r running a LAN Server, then its a good idea to raise the values as below






Log off the runtime user

$ logout

Create SysV script to manage Conan Exiles

systemd only support predefined actions such as start/stop/restart etc. So to have actions such as backup, update, connect to screen, then we need to make a traditional SysV script

$ sudo wget -O /etc/init.d/conanexiles

Make the script executable

$ sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/conanexiles

Tell OS to run script at boot

$ sudo update-rc.d conanexiles defaults

The SysV script supports the following actions

  • start - Start the server
  • stop - Stop the server
  • restart - Restart the server
  • status - Check if server is running or not
  • connect - Connect to screen session
  • update - Update game files
  • backup - Backup server configuration, and database
  • restore - Restore server from archive file
  • checkgamedb - Verify game databases integrety

But for now we'll just start it

$ sudo /etc/init.d/conanexiles start

Configure UFW to allow incoming traffic to Conan Exiles

Create UFW application profile for Conan Exiles default ports

$ cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/ufw/applications.d/conanexiles
title=Conan Exiles Server
description=Conan Exiles dedicated server default ports

Tell UFW to load the profile

$ sudo ufw allow conanexiles

If you are setting your own Netfilter script, then I'm sure you can add these ports to it yourself.

Wrapping up the OS

Enforce SELinux polices again

$ sudo setenforce 1

Clean apt cache

$ sudo apt-get clean