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File metadata and controls

388 lines (244 loc) · 8.4 KB

Gettign Started

Welcome to the Rick's blog documentation.

Made with

  • Nextjs
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwindcss
  • ContentLayer
  • MDX
  • twin.macro

System requirement

  • Node.js 12.22.0 or later

  • MacOS, Windows (including WSL), and Linux are supported

Run theme

1- go to theme directory, open the terminal and install packages:

npm install

2- for development environment:

npm run dev

if you want build the theme:

npm run build

Directory Structure

After npm install, by default, this theme gives you the following directory structure:

├── _api
├── _includes
├── _layouts
├── blogs
├── config
├── helper
├── node_modules
├── pages
├── public
├── styles
└── types
  • _api:

    You can find some of code that related to APIs

  • _includes:

    This directory contains compoenets.

  • _layouts:

    In this directory you can find blog layout and default layout for theme.

  • blogs

    You can put or make your blog files here.

  • config:

    This directory is for configuration, like seo, footer and other configuration that related to theme.

  • helper:

    In this directory you can find interaction and animations functions.

  • pages:

    All pages of theme located here.

  • public:

    This directory contains assets (like images). Also if you want use image for blog you can put them here.

  • styles:

    All styles and css files are here.

  • types:

    This directory contains type modules of typescript.


At the root of the directory, this theme provides a config.yml file where you can specify configuration settings for your site.


You can put your favicons in public/favicon directory.


The code of Header located on _includes/header.tsx

The header has 3 section:

  • Logo
  • Menu
  • Darkmode


The code of logo located on _includes/navbar.tsx line 83

Current Logo is a svg that located on _includes/icons/logo.tsx, I've used svg because we can control fill color for Darkmode option.

if you want use png/jpeg or other types you can replace code to this:

  src={resolvedTheme === 'light' ? '/logo.png' : '/dark-logo.png'}


The code of menu located on _includes/navbar.tsx line 89

You can set your menu in config/config.yml


The code of Darkmode located on _includes/navbar.tsx line 117

You can disable the Darkmode option in config/config.yml.

darkMode: 'off'


At the config/config.yml, you can find the footer text.


  • Home
  • Blog
  • About
  • Tag

Home Page:

The source of home page located on pages/index.tsx

Home Sections

The home page have 3 section, each section is a component that located on _includes directory.

  1. Intro → intro.tsx Include Intro Image, content, social links.

    social links are a component (social.tsx) that you can set link and name of socials in /config/config.yml.

  2. Tags → tags.tsx

    This section shows tags that you are using in blog posts.

  3. Blog Posts → posts.tsx

    This section shows blog posts, you can edit number of blog posts and other configuration in config directory.

Home page settings located on /config/config.yml

Home Configuration

title: <your title blog>
description: <blog description>
mobile: <grid of posts for mobile devices>
tablet: <grid of posts for tablet devices>
desktop: <grid of posts for desktop devices>
postsPerPage: <number of posts in home page>
postsOrder: <Orderby 'date' or 'title'>
postsSort: <Sort 'DESC' or 'ASC' >

Archive page (Blog)

Since this theme is using pagination, the source of blog page located on pages/blog/[[]].tsx.

Blog Page Sections

The blog page have 4 sections:

  • Title
  • Tags
  • Posts
  • Pagination

Pagination in blog page

You can find the source of pagination on _includes/pagination.tsx

You can change the number of posts per page in /config/config.yml

Blog Configuration

The blog config is located on /config/config.yml.

About Page

You can write about your self or make your CV in this page.

The source of home page located on pages/about.tsx

This page has 4 sections:

  • Intro

  • Projects

    The Projects are a component that located on _includes/projects.tsx

  • Skill

    The Skills are a component that located on _includes/skills.tsx

  • Contact

    The contact links deal with social component _includes/social.tsx

The about page has animation and interaction, you can find the animation files on helper/animations

Tag Page

Tag page lists all of tags that used in blog posts.

Single Post

Since for blog I've used dynamic routes, you can find the source of code in pages/blog/[slug].tsx

The single post using a specific layout (blogLayout) that located on _layouts/blogLayout.tsx.

In blogLayout you can see the CSS and single post codes.


At the root of the directory, you can see the blogs folder where you can make a blog post with mdx type or put your mdx file here.

Writing Structure

The single post has 2 section:

  1. Front matter

Front matter allows page-specific metadata and functionality to be included at the top of a Markdown file.

The above image is an example of front-matter for this theme.

title: <your-title>
description: <your-description>
publishedAt: <publish Date 'MM-DD-YYYY'
tag: <your tags> → this must be an array like: ['Document', 'Getting Start']
cover: <name of your cover> → you need to put your cover in public/images/<your-path>
author: <your-name>
tableOfContent: <Enable/Disable table of content> → on is Enable and off is Disable.
  1. Body

The body is markdown that support the mdx, MDX allows you to use JSX in your markdown content.

for example:

    padding: '1rem',
    backgroundColor: 'darkOrange',
    borderRadius: '10px',
    color: 'white',
  <span>This is a test for MDX</span>

Local Image and Cover

Generaly images located on the public directory. This theme has a special discipline to keep the structure clean for images.

We assume that the name of our blog post file is hello-world.mdx and the name of image is cover.png

Example 1: blog post is under blog directory

So we need to move the images used for hello-world.mdx to this directory:\public\images\blogs\hello-world

then our image path will be: \public\images\blogs\hello-world\cover.png

Example 2: blog post is under blog\documents directory

So we need to move the images used for hello-world.mdx to this directory:\public\images\blogs\documents\hello-world

then our image path will be: \public\images\blogs\documents\hello-world\cover.png

The structure for this blog post is:

Blog structure

└── documents
    ├── blogs-tags.mdx
    ├── getting-started.mdx
    ├── menu.mdx
    └── pages.mdx

According to the structure of the blog, the structure of our image will be as follows:

├── images
│   └── blogs
│       └── documents
│           ├── blogs-tags
│           │   ├── cover.png
│           │   ├── local-image.png
│           │   └── yml.png
│           ├── getting-started
│           ├── menu
│           └── pages

Image syntax: ![yaml|contain](/images/blogs/documents/blogs-tags/local-image.png)

I've used a component for modify img tag . the component name is MDXCompoenet.tsx that located on _includes/MDXCompoenet.tsx

External Image

For external image, you need to add the hostname of your URL to the config in next.config.js:

Ex: we modify for '' & '' as follow:

const nextConfig = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  images: {
    domains: ['', ''],

Single Tag

The single tag is generated automatically, the source code of tags located on pages/tag/[slug.tsx].

The single tag page lists posts that have same tag. (You wrote the tags on the front matter of the blog post.)

SEO config

At the root of the directory, this theme provides a next-seo.config.ts file where you can specify SEO settings for your site.


sitemap.xml will build after npm run build, and available in <your-url>/sitemap-0.xml

Before run npm run build, set your domain name on .env.local.