Releases: austinhutchen/austinscode
Matte loading & styles optimizations
Optimized image loading for desktop, and finished formatting all site images. Load times are significantly faster across the board due to using max-width and max-height instead of setting static width and height relative to viewport.
Matte styling
Matte fixes -> css border images added, fonts bolded, and further improved image load times
Version Matte
Images moved to public folder for faster server render, background colors changes for better site readability and faster load times.
Version Descriptor: Matte ☕️☕️
Full standard mobile & Desktop release
RECENTLY ADDED & FIXED: Compressed all site images, sourced some images from server to improve synchronous hydration speeds, and many mobile optimizations for smaller and larger screen sizes! features such as hamburger menu, site database with mysql, electronics marketplace, and dynamic footer coming soon!
Aboutme.tsx fixed for mobile safari
aboutme.tsx no longer overflows screen boundary on ios and image loading is significantly faster than previous versions due to 'vh' -> 'svh' changes in .scss
Fonts and images undergo further mobile optimizations
v7.2.0 formatting specifiers
little fixes
v7.1.1 mobile fix
Landing page images and text fully optimized
Optimized release fixes scss lag when loading landing.tsx page
7.0.1 mobile optimizations
Mobile optimizations
Image css optimization for all platforms and screen sizes complete