This guide will show you how to provide translations for this documentation.
- Crowdin Account: They are free, and will be a necessity if you would like to contribute to our translations, you can create an account here
- Join the Autonomys Network project on Crowdin.
Our goal with providing translations on our docs is to crowd source a great multi-language environment. Due to this, if you see what you would like to translate has already been added, please do not add a second translation. Rather it would be more beneficial to peer review the existing translation, and provide any feedback, edits, or improvements.
Ensure you follow our Contributing Standards, and our Code of Conduct.
Below you will find the walkthrough of how to provide translations for the Autonomys Network through the Crowdin translation portal.
Visit the respective translation portal for which website you would like to help translate (See above)
Once you have logged in and joined the project you will be taken to the project Dashboard, Select which language you would like to translate. (See below)
You will find yourself at a screen with all of the source files listed, select
Translate All
in the top right (See Below) -
You will then be brought into the Translation Portal, In this portal you will find the following
- English Version of the Text
- Spot to input language translation of english text
- Automated Suggestions for text
- Word List that needs translating
- A spot for comments if something needs clarification
From here you will fill in your translations as you would like and finalize once you are done.
Your translation will be reviewed and approved on a timely basis, please note translations can take a couple days before they populate on the deployed documentation.
If you are working on developing with translations in mind, please refer to the Development guide