+??? note "ROS 2 Bag example of our calibration process"
+ ```sh
+ Files: rosbag2_2023_09_06-13_43_54_0.db3
+ Bag size: 18.3 GiB
+ Storage id: sqlite3
+ Duration: 169.12s
+ Start: Sep 6 2023 13:43:54.902 (1693997034.902)
+ End: Sep 6 2023 13:46:43.914 (1693997203.914)
+ Messages: 8504
+ Topic information: Topic: /sensing/lidar/top/pointcloud_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 | Count: 1691 | Serialization Format: cdr
+ Topic: /sensing/lidar/front/pointcloud_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 | Count: 1691 | Serialization Format: cdr
+ Topic: /sensing/camera/camera0/image_rect | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 2561 | Serialization Format: cdr
+ Topic: /sensing/camera/camera0/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 2561 | Serialization Format: cdr
+ ```
First of all, we will start with creating and modifying `extrinsic_calibration_manager` launch files:
@@ -50,17 +46,17 @@ So, we can start modifying `manual.launch.xml`,
please open this file on a text editor which will you prefer (code, gedit etc.).
Example for out tutorial vehicle should be like these steps:
-- Let's start with adding vehicle_id and sensor model names. (Optionally, values are not important. These parameters Overrode from launch argument)
+Let's start with adding vehicle_id and sensor model names. (Optionally, values are not important. These parameters Overrode from launch argument)
-- After that, we will launch our sensor_kit for manual sensor calibration,
+After that, we will launch our sensor_kit for manual sensor calibration,
so we must add these lines on manual.launch.xml:
@@ -70,60 +66,57 @@ so we must add these lines on manual.launch.xml:
The final version of the file (manual.launch.xml) for tutorial_vehicle should be like this:
-Sample manual.launch.xml file for tutorial vehicle
+ ```
After the completing of manual.launch.xml file,
we will be ready to implement manual_sensor_kit.launch.xml for the own sensor model:
-- We will start adding sensor_kit and vehicle_id as `manual.launch.xml`.
+We will start adding sensor_kit and vehicle_id as `manual.launch.xml`.
Optionally, you can modify sensor_model and vehicle_id over this xml snippet:
-- Then, we will add all our sensor frames on extrinsic_calibration_manages as child frames.
+Then, we will add all our sensor frames on extrinsic_calibration_manages as child frames.
For tutorial_vehicle there are four sensors (two lidar, one camera, one gnss/ins), so it will be like this:
@@ -131,7 +124,7 @@ For tutorial_vehicle there are four sensors (two lidar, one camera, one gnss/ins
+??? note "Sample manual_sensor_kit.launch.xml for tutorial_vehicle"
+ ```xml
+ ```
After the completion of manual.launch.xml and manual_sensor_kit.launch xml file for extrinsic_calibration_manager package,
we need to build package:
@@ -258,7 +246,7 @@ Then play ROS 2 bag file:
ros2 bag play --clock -l -r 0.2 \
- --remap /tf:=/null/tf /tf_static:=/null/tf_static # if tf is recorded
+--remap /tf:=/null/tf /tf_static:=/null/tf_static # if tf is recorded
You will show to a manual rqt_reconfigure window,
@@ -271,9 +259,8 @@ we will update calibrations by hand according to the rviz2 results.
!!! warning
The initial calibration process can be important before the using other calibrations. We will look into the lidar-lidar calibration
- and camera-lidar calibration. At this point, there is hard to calibrate two sensors with exactly same frame, so you should find
+ and camera-lidar calibration. At this point, there is hard to calibrate two sensors with exactly same frame, so you should find
approximately (it not must be perfect) calibration pairs between sensors.
Here is the video for demonstrating a manual calibration process on tutorial vehicle:
+![type:video](https://youtube.com/embed/ZJZ48vrVaNg )
diff --git a/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-description/calibrating-sensors/lidar-lidar-calibration.md b/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-description/calibrating-sensors/lidar-lidar-calibration.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1ad212cead5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/how-to-guides/integrating-autoware/creating-vehicle-and-sensor-description/calibrating-sensors/lidar-lidar-calibration.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Lidar-Lidar Calibration
+## Overview
+In this tutorial,
+we will explain lidar-lidar calibration over [mapping-based lidar-lidar calibration tool](https://github.com/tier4/CalibrationTools/blob/tier4/universe/sensor/docs/how_to_extrinsic_mapping_based.md) of Tier IV's
+[map-based lidar-lidar calibration method](https://github.com/tier4/CalibrationTools/blob/tier4/universe/sensor/docs/how_to_extrinsic_map_based.md) included in the Tier IV's tools.
+[LL-Calib](https://github.com/autocore-ai/calibration_tools/tree/main/lidar-lidar-calib) on GitHub,
+provided by [AutoCore](https://autocore.ai/),
+is a lightweight toolkit for online/offline 3D LiDAR to LiDAR calibration.
+It's based on local mapping and "GICP" method to derive the relation between main and sub lidar.
+If you want more details about these methods such as usage, troubleshooting etc. please check the links above.
+!!! warning
+ Please get initial calibration results from [Generic Calibration](./generic-calibration.md) section, it is important for getting accurate results from this tool.
+ We will use initial calibration parameters that we calculated on previous step on this tutorial.