The Autoware control stacks start
+launching at autoware_launch.xml as mentioned on the Launch Autoware page.
+The autoware_launch package includes tier4_control_component.launch.xml
+for initiating control launch files invocation from autoware_launch.xml.
+The diagram below illustrates the flow of Autoware control launch files within the autoware_launch and autoware.universe packages.
The Autoware project is a large project.
+Therefore, as we manage the Autoware project, we utilize specific
+arguments in the launch files.
+ROS 2 offers an argument-overriding feature for these launch files.
+Please refer to the official ROS 2 launch documentation for further information.
+For instance,
+if we define an argument at the top-level launch,
+it will override the value on lower-level launches.
The tier4_control_component.launch.xml launch file is the main control component launch in the autoware_launch package.
+This launch file calls control.launch.xml from the tier4_control_launch package
+within the autoware.universe repository.
+We can modify control launch arguments in tier4_control_component.launch.xml.
+we can add any other necessary arguments
+that need adjustment since tier4_control_component.launch.xml serves as the top-level launch file for other control launch files.
+Here are some predefined control launch arguments:
lateral_controller_mode: This argument determines
+ the lateral controller algorithm.
+ The default value is mpc.
+ To change it to pure pursuit,
+ make the following update in your tier4_control_component.launch.xml file:
enable_autonomous_emergency_braking: This argument enables autonomous emergency
+ braking under specific conditions.
+ Please refer to the Autonomous emergency braking (AEB) page for
+ more information.
+ To enable it, update the value in the tier4_control_component.launch.xml file:
enable_predicted_path_checker: This argument enables the predicted path checker module.
+ Please refer to the Predicted Path Checker page for
+ more information.
+ To enable it, update the value in the tier4_control_component.launch.xml file:
The predefined arguments in tier4_control_component.launch.xml have been explained above.
+However, numerous control arguments are included in the autoware_launch control config parameters.
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The autoware_launch package starts the initiation of Autoware software stack launch files.
+The autoware.launch.xml launch file enables the invocation of these module launches
+by enabling the following launch arguments:
So, if we change any parameter in config directory,
+it will override the original parameter values
+since autoware_launch parameter file path is used for parameter loading.
As we mentioned above,
+we can enable or disable Autoware modules
+to launch by modifying autoware.launch.xml or using command-line arguments.
+Also, we have some arguments for specifying our Autoware configurations.
+Here are some basic configurations for the autoware.launch.xml launch file:
+(Additionally, you can use them as command-line arguments, as we mentioned before)
In the Vehicle section, you can choose whether the vehicle interface will be launched or not.
+For example, if you disable it, then vehicle_interface.launch.xml will not be called:
Please be sure your vehicle interface driver included in vehicle_interface.launch.xml,
+for more information you can refer the
+creating vehicle interface
If your point cloud and lanelet2 map names are different from pointcloud_map.pcd and lanelet2_map.osm,
+you will need to update these map file name arguments:
You can define your autoware_data path here.
+Autoware gets yabloc_pose_initializer,
+lidar_apollo_instance_segmentation etc. models file with autoware_data path.
+If you use ansible for autoware installation,
+the necessary artifacts will be downloaded at autoware_data folder on your $HOME directory.
+If you want to download artifacts manually,
+please check ansible artifacts page for information.
- <arg name="data_path" default="$(env HOME)/autoware_data" description="packages data and artifacts directory path"/>
++ <arg name="data_path" default="<YOUR-AUTOWARE-DATA-PATH>" description="packages data and artifacts directory path"/>
Also, you can change your perception method here.
+The Autoware provides camera-lidar-radar fusion,
+camera-lidar fusion, lidar-radar fusion, lidar only and radar only perception modes.
+The default perception method is lidar only mode,
+but if you want to use camera-lidar fusion you need to change your perception mode:
If you want to use traffic light recognition and visualization,
+you can set traffic_light_recognition/enable_fine_detection as true (default).
+Please check
+page for more information.
+If you don't want to use traffic light classifier, then you can disable it:
- <arg name="traffic_light_recognition/enable_fine_detection" default="true" description="enable traffic light fine detection"/>
++ <arg name="traffic_light_recognition/enable_fine_detection" default="false" description="enable traffic light fine detection"/>
It is possible to specify which components to launch using command-line arguments.
For example, if you don't need to launch perception, planning, and control for localization debug, you can launch the following:
There are options available to switch between different methods for some component.
-For example, by specifying pose_source/twist_source or perception_mode, you can switch localization and perception methods, respectively.
-These options allow you to choose the desired algorithms or sensor configurations for the respective functionalities.
For options on eagleye component, please refer to the sub-pages.
After launching Autoware, we need to initialize our vehicle on our map.
+If you set gnss_poser for your GNSS/INS sensor at gnss.launch.xml,
+then gnss_poser will send pose for initialization.
+If you don't have a GNSS sensor, then you need to set initial pose manually.
Click the 2D Nav Goal button in the toolbar, or hit the G key
In the 3D View pane, click and hold the left mouse button, and then drag to set the direction for the goal pose.
- If successful, you will see the calculated planning path on RViz.
Firstly, you can use AutowareStatePanel,
+ it is included in Autoware RViz configuration file,
+ but it can be found in Panels > Add New Panel > tier4_state_rviz_plugin > AutowareStatePanel.
Once the route is computed, the "AUTO" button becomes active.
+Pressing the AUTO button engages the autonomous driving mode.
Secondly, you can engage with ROS 2 topic. In your terminal, execute the following command.
You can also engage via RViz with "AutowareStatePanel".
-The panel can be found in Panels > Add New Panel > tier4_state_rviz_plugin > AutowareStatePanel.
Once the route is computed, the "AUTO" button becomes active. Pressing the AUTO button engages the autonomous driving mode.
Now the vehicle should drive along the calculated path!
During the autonomous driving, the StatePanel appears as shown in the image below. Pressing the "STOP" button allows you to stop the vehicle.
The parameters for converting sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix to geometry_msgs/msg/PoseWithCovarianceStamped is listed in fix2pose.yaml.
The parameters for converting sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix to geometry_msgs/msg/PoseWithCovarianceStamped is listed in geo_pose_converter.launch.xml.
If you use a different geoid or projection type, change these parameters.