+This package provides useful features for debugging Autoware.
+This tool converts any tf
to pose
+With this tool, for example, you can plot x
values of tf
in rqt_multiplot
ros2 run tier4_debug_tools tf2pose {tf_from} {tf_to} {hz}
+$ ros2 run tier4_debug_tools tf2pose base_link ndt_base_link 100
+$ ros2 topic echo /tf2pose/pose -n1
+ seq: 13
+ stamp:
+ secs: 1605168366
+ nsecs: 549174070
+ frame_id: "base_link"
+ position:
+ x: 0.0387684271191
+ y: -0.00320360406477
+ z: 0.000276674520819
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.000335221893885
+ y: 0.000122020672186
+ z: -0.00539673212896
+ w: 0.999985368502
+This tool converts any pose
topic to tf
ros2 run tier4_debug_tools pose2tf {pose_topic_name} {tf_name}
+$ ros2 run tier4_debug_tools pose2tf /localization/pose_estimator/pose ndt_pose
+$ ros2 run tf tf_echo ndt_pose ndt_base_link 100
+At time 1605168365.449
+- Translation: [0.000, 0.000, 0.000]
+- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
+ in RPY (radian) [0.000, -0.000, 0.000]
+ in RPY (degree) [0.000, -0.000, 0.000]
+This tool extracts pose
from stop_reasons
+Topics without numbers such as /stop_reason2pose/pose/detection_area
are the nearest stop_reasons, and topics with numbers are individual stop_reasons that are roughly matched with previous ones.
ros2 run tier4_debug_tools stop_reason2pose {stop_reason_topic_name}
+$ ros2 run tier4_debug_tools stop_reason2pose /planning/scenario_planning/status/stop_reasons
+$ ros2 topic list | ag stop_reason2pose
+$ ros2 topic echo /stop_reason2pose/pose/detection_area -n1
+ seq: 1
+ stamp:
+ secs: 1605168355
+ nsecs: 821713
+ frame_id: "map"
+ position:
+ x: 60608.8433457
+ y: 43886.2410876
+ z: 44.9078212441
+ orientation:
+ x: 0.0
+ y: 0.0
+ z: -0.190261378408
+ w: 0.981733470901
+This is an all-in-one script that uses tf2pose
, pose2tf
, and stop_reason2pose
+With this tool, you can view the relative position from base_link to the nearest stop_reason.
ros2 run tier4_debug_tools stop_reason2tf {stop_reason_name}
+$ ros2 run tier4_debug_tools stop_reason2tf obstacle_stop
+At time 1605168359.501
+- Translation: [0.291, -0.095, 0.266]
+- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.007, 0.011, -0.005, 1.000]
+ in RPY (radian) [0.014, 0.023, -0.010]
+ in RPY (degree) [0.825, 1.305, -0.573]
+This node calculate the control error and localization error in the trajectory normal direction as shown in the figure below.
+ +Set the reference trajectory, vehicle pose and ground truth pose in the launch file.
+ros2 launch tier4_debug_tools lateral_error_publisher.launch.xml