- Landing site & following pages connected to an API:
- Main landing page
- Signup
- Signup success
- Signin
- Forgot password
- Reset password
- Accept invitation
- Privacy policy
- Terms of service
- Restful API, connected to the MongoDB that implements landing site functionality.
- Koa, React.JS based Single Page Application which shows after you login on landing site. Proper build configuration for development and production environments.
- Application deployment using Ansible.
- Continuous integration server using Drone CI.
- MongoDB backups to S3.
- Monitoring using Grafana.
- Common application stats tracking using Telegraf.
- Configured development environment with hot reloading for the web part using webpack and server auto restart using nodemon.
Some common problems which already solved in the Auxilin.
- Error/info logging
- Node MongoDB.
- Requests validation
- Common code style
- Running tests locally
- Running tests in CI