Form Elements and Validations
Web Storage
Geo Location
Web Workers
CSS Properties
Responsive Design
Bootstrap 5 (optional)
Javascript (ES6)
Basic JS Objects liek String,Date,Math,Window,Document ..etc
Both ClientSide and ServerSide scripting
JS DOM Manipulation
Array Prototype Methods
Classes, methods,this and static keywords
setTimeout,setInterval,Promise, async and await keywords
cosnt, let and var
Callbacks, prototypes, closure, arrow functions
ES6 Modules
dependency management ..etc
NodeJS DevPlatform
node --vesion
Angular CLI DevTool npm install -g @angular/cli
ng --version
Chrome Browser
it is a javascript based SPA framework.
DWA (Dynamic Web Application) ?
WebServer Client
Controllers + Views <------------REQ1 (URL) ---------------------
(Servlet + JSP) ----View renders HTML, (HTML+JS+CSS) RESP---> loads the html freshly on DOM
(ASP.NET) <------------REQ2 (URL) --------------------- by submiting a form, clicking a link...
(Python) ..etc ----View renders HTML, (HTML+JS+CSS) RESP---> the previous page has to unload
and the current resp contetn
loads the html freshly on DOM
SPA (Single Page Application) ?
WebServer Client
SPA Bundle <------------REQ1 (URL) ---------------------
(index.html + JS + CSS) ------------Whole SPA Bundle RESP-----------> The received index.html is loaded
into the DOM, and the
JS is executed on the client
form submitions, clicking links are all
handled on the client by the
JS. And the JS can generated the
neede html on the client and can
replace any protion of the index.html
with the generated ones.
BackEnd Server (Application Server)
SOAP / Restful webservice <----------- req----------- JS will req for data retrival/ storage time to time.
-------.xml/.json (Resp)---------> JS will receive the data and prints it
on index.html
SPA frameworks
AngularJS vs Angular
AngularJS can be consumed in Javascript only.
Angular is the next version of AngularJS, from Angular2,Angular4,Angular5.....Angular11, and here
the Angular can be consumed in Typescript and Javascript.
Typescript vs JavaScript
Typescript = Javascript + Typesafty.
typescript is not supported by any browser, hence typescript must be
compiled (transpelled) to JS using a compile like babel
function f1(userName){
return userName + ' is of length ' + userName.length() + ' chars';
f1('Vamsy'); //no problem
f1(12334567); //raise a runtime error says .length is not a method
function f1(userName:string) : string {
return userName + ' is of length ' + userName.length() + ' chars';
f1('Vamsy'); //no problem
f1(12334567); //a compile time error occurs, type mismatch expecting a string
1. Any angular resource is a typescript class, marked by a specific decorator.
2. The configaration of each of resoruces is supplied as a JSON object to the decorator and is called meta-data
1. Angular Module is a group of components,directives,pipes,services and other angular module.
2. Angular Modules are different from ES Modules.
3. ES Modules are physical (Each file is a spearate ES Module), but Angular
Modules are logical, they are objects of a Module Class
4. Each angular app msut have one and only one ROOT MODULE, and that ROOT MODULE will
contain everything needed by the APP.
5. The sub-modules contaiend in the root-module are called feature-modules
AppModule root module
|- HomeComponent
|- HeaderComponent
|- FooterComponent
|- SalesModule feature module
|- InventoryModule feature module
//list of components, pipes and directives that belong to this module
//list of feature modules that are nested in the current module
//list of components, pipes and directives that belong to this module, and
//that are allowed to be accessed out side this module
//this property is not used in Root-Module
//list of services,guards and interceptors
//is used only in the root-module
//we put the list of components that msut be instatiated immediatly
//after the root-module is loaded
class ModuleName {
1. Angular allows us to extend HTML, we can create our own HTML elements and HTML attributes.
2. A Component is a custom HTML element.
3. The tag-name of a component is given in its 'selector' property.
4. Each compoent has a template that dictates what is to be renderd on the screen when the tag is used.
class HeaderComponent{
this.title="My First Web";
<app-header></app-header> ===== <h3>My First Web</h3>
1. Angular allows us to extend HTML, we can create our own HTML elements and HTML attributes.
2. A Directive is a custom HTML attribute.
class HighlightDirective{
//what should the directive change on its hsot-element
//is programmed here....
<p highlight></p>
1. a pipe is used to transform or format the data jsut before it is rendered.
class ToWordsPipe{
1. provide bussiness logic or validations or rest-api calls
class EmployeeService{
Angular Command Line Interface , is a tool used to mange and work
with the angular project with more ease.
ng --version
ng new proj-name creating a new angular project
cd proj-name
ng g module module-name
ng g component component-name
ng g pipe pipe-name
ng g directve directive-name
ng g service service-name
ng g guard guard-name
ng g interceptor interceptor-name
ng g interface model-name
ng g class class-name
use '--skipTests' flag with the 'ng g' command to avoid the auto-generated test case files.
ng serve --port portNumber -o compiles .ts to .js, bundles them into a pack, hosts them
on a Angular develpment server and luanches the app
on a browser.
ng build compiles .ts to .js, bundles them into a pack, and that
generate bundles are saved in 'dist' folder. we can then
deploy them on to any production web server.
ng test compiles .ts to .js, bundles them into a pack, and then
executes all test cases one by one.
is linking the data or methods held by the component with its html template.
1. Interpolation
is rendering the content of a typescript expression into the template
2. One-Way Binding
a. attribute binding
assigning the value of an angualr expression to a html attribute
<table height="100%"></table>
<table [height]="tableHeight"></table>
b. event binding
assinging a method of a component to a event handler.
<button (click)="doSoemthing()"></button>
Html Event Attributes Angular Event Directives
onclick click
onload load
onblur blur
onfocus focus
onchange change
onmouseover mouseover
onsubmit ngSubmit
c. style binding
assign an angular expression to a css-property
assign a json object of classes to the 'class' attribute
3. Two-Way Binding
used to bind a field of the component to a input-element.
a built-in direcive 'ngModel' is to be applied on the input elements for tow-way data binding
'ngModel' directive belongs to 'FormsModule' from '@angular/forms'
1. a pipe is used to transform or format the data jsut before it is rendered.
inbuilt pipes
custom pipes
class ToWordsPipe implements PipeTransform{
transform(value:any,....) any{
1. Components
2. Attribute Directives
3. Strucutral Directives
add/remove dom elements
ngSwitch , *ngSwitchCase
is a class that offers bussiness logic like computations/ rest api calls ....etc
Service are injectable objects. The developer need not crearte a object ot the
service class, but the angular Injectors will maintain a list of services objects
and will supply them to wherever and whenvever needed.
class MyService{
inside a pipe/directive/component / another service .....
constructor(private serviceObj:MyService){
Injectors Hirarchy
every angular resoruce ahs its own injector
AppModule root-injector will have an object of each service in the app
Component1 c1-injector will have an object of each service that is
listed in the providers:[] section of the Component1
Component2 c2-injector will have an object of each service that is
listed in the providers:[] section of the Component2
SubModule1 sm1-injector
Component3 c3-injector
Component4 c4-injector
an interfaces is a type that can have data memebers and methods-without-implemenation.
the fields and methods are by default public
and the fields need not be initialized unlike fields of a class.
interfaces are very frequently used to define models in angular.
this facilitates using type-safty for JSON objects.
Parent compnent can pass data through an attribute of a child component
class Child {
<app-child field=""></app-child>
A child can pass data back to the parent or notify the parent about an action though event-attribues.
class Child {
<app-child (evetnName)="eventHandlingFunctionOfParentComponent($event)"></app-child>
The content of a child can be passed by the parent though <ng-content></ng-content>
Reactive JavaScript.
work with asynchronous programming...
bgOperation (async code) has to pass info to the fgAppliation like
1. the periodically generated data if any
2. error that it might have encountered, or
3. a signal that the bgJob is done completly.
is a class from 'rxjs'.
it takes a bgJob and after initiating its execution, the bgJob is observed
for three events:
data emition
error emition
completion signal
and the fgApp is notified about these events.
A background job or an asynchronus job is any fucntion that has
asynchronous code and must accpet 'Observer' object as param.
Observer is a class from 'rxjs' and has three methods:
next(data) is used to emit values from bgJob
error(err) is used to emit errors from bgJon
complete() is used to indicate successful completion of the bgJob.
let bgJob = (observer:Observer) => {
//asynchornous code and use observer to perform the events.
let ob = new Observable(bgJob);
//as and when the observable is subscribed the bgJob gets called.
//this subscription happedn in the fgApp
val => {}, //gets executed in response to
err => {}, //gets executed in response to observer.error(err)
() => {} //gets executed in response to observer.complete()
rxjs operators
these are method used to pipe a few more processing to a exiting observable
and get a new observable.
ob1: raw ingradiants -> mixes them as soft drink -> outputs a pipeline of bottles
ob2: a pipeline of bottles -> are labeled -> pipeline of labeled bottles
ob3: a pipeline of labeled bottles -> collect 10 bottles and seal as a single pack -> pipeline of packs
map tranform each ele from old observable into a new ele of the new observable
filter filter ele from old observable based on a predicate function, gives anew observable of filtered vals.
last to skip all the ele of the old observable and get a new observable having only the last ele.
tap not going to change the observable but exeute an acion on once for each ele in the observable.
let ob1 = generateSeries(lb,ub);
let ob2 = ob1.pipe(
filter(x => x%2==0),
map(x => x*x),
tap(x => console.log(x)),
ngOnInit() OnInit interface
ngOnChanges() OnChanges interface
ngDoCheck() DoCheck interface
ngAfterContentInit() AfterContentInit interface
ngAfterContentCheck() AfterContentCheck interface
ngAfterViewInit() AfterViewInit interface
ngAfterViewChecked() AfterViewChecked interface
ngOnDestroy() OnDestroy interface
ngOnChanges() Respond when Angular (re)sets data-bound input properties.
The method receives a SimpleChanges object of current and previous property values.
Called before ngOnInit() and whenever one or more data-bound input properties change.
ngOnInit() Initialize the directive/component after Angular first displays
the data-bound properties and sets the directive/component's input properties.
Called once, after the first ngOnChanges().
ngDoCheck() Detect and act upon changes that Angular can't or won't detect on its own.
Called during every change detection run, immediately after ngOnChanges() and ngOnInit().
ngAfterContentInit() Respond after Angular projects external content into the component's view.
Called once after the first ngDoCheck().
ngAfterContentChecked() Respond after Angular checks the content projected into the component.
Called after the ngAfterContentInit() and every subsequent ngDoCheck().
ngAfterViewInit() Respond after Angular initializes the component's views and child views.
Called once after the first ngAfterContentChecked().
ngAfterViewChecked() Respond after Angular checks the component's views and child views.
Called after the ngAfterViewInit and every subsequent ngAfterContentChecked().
ngOnDestroy Cleanup just before Angular destroys the directive/component.
Unsubscribe Observables and detach event handlers to avoid memory leaks.
Called just before Angular destroys the directive/component.
is used to consume or talk to a rest-api.
HttpClient Service
get(restEndPoint) : Observable<T>
delete(restEndPoint) : Observable<Void>
post(restEndPoint,reqeustBody) : Observable<T>
put(restEndPoint,reqeustBody) : Observable<T>
a json-server is a javascript tool that takes a '.json' file as database and
generates fake rest-api on the entities in the given '.json' file.
npm install json-server --save
json-server --port 8888 --watch data.json
Reactive Forms /
Model Driven Forms Template Driven Forms
ReactiveFormsModule FormsModeule
FormControl NgModel
FormGroup NgForm
Constructed and Validatiosn Constructed and Validations are given
are configured Programatically on the template
These forms are controllable These forms are not that controllable from code,
more from the program and not easy to test.
and are easy to test.
These forms are used most of These form are used seldom, and are used incases
the times and can offer complicated where we have not more than one or two fields
data handling to work with.
The data model is within the The data model object has to be declared and mapped
FormGroup, we dont need any using 'ngModel'.
seperate model object.
enables to navigate from one component to another component.
Route used to map a path to a component.
Routes is an array of Route objects.
forRoot(routes:Routes) load the routes on the ROOT MODULE
forChild(routes:Routes) load the routes on a sub-module only.
routerLink is a directive that cna be used on a '<a></a>'
eleemnt instead of 'href' attribute.
routerLinkActive is a directive that cna be used on a '<a></a>'
eleemnt, takes a 'css-class' and applys that class when
the current <a></a> is active.
<router-outlet></router-outlet> is a component that is replaced by
the current active component.
ActivatedRoute is a inbuilt service used to read data like
query params,
path variables,
current url ...etc of the current route
Router is a inbuilt service offers
Feature Module Domain: A domain NgModule is organized around a feature, business domain, or user experience. Routed: The top component of the NgModule acts as the destination of a router navigation route. Routing: A routing NgModule provides the routing configuration for another NgModule. Service: A service NgModule provides utility services such as data access and messaging. Widget: A widget NgModule makes a component, directive, or pipe available to other NgModules. Shared: A shared NgModule makes a set of components, directives, and pipes available to other NgModules.
NgModule Declarations Providers Exports Imported by
Domain Yes Rare Top component Another domain, AppModule
Routed Yes Rare No None
Routing No Yes (Guards) RouterModule Another domain (for routing)
Service No Yes No AppModule
Widget Yes Rare Yes Another domain
Shared Yes No Yes Another domain
ng g module Shared
ng g module Widgets
ng g module Services --module app.module
lazy loading a domain module
ng g module EntityDoamin --route entity --module app.module
is used to protect a route from being accessed
only when it is allowed to access.
Angular provides four types of RouterGuards (interfaces)
CanActivate controls if a route can be entered or not
CanDeactivate controls if a route can be left or not
CanLoad controls if a lazy loaded route should be laoded or not
canActivateChild controls if child-routes can be entered or not