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hello again viewers we all know that thefood we eat often provides us withessential nutrients in this video we 'regoing to talk about the six basicnutrients that you can get from food andtheir functions let 's get started withthe nutrient which dominates more than60 % of our body water even if you decideto go on a diet and not eat any moreproper meals you can still survivealthough you wo n't make it without waterfor every organ of your body to workproperly it needs waterthis liquid helps your brain functionand cleanses your body of toxins thecells in your body stay hydrated becauseof waterapart from that water also helps in theprocess of digestion if you 're someonewho does n't drink water regularly youmight find yourself constipated moreoften than not if you are n't drinkingwater properly you 'll end up becomingdehydrated that 's not good for your bodyas it can affect its mental and physicalperformance not drinking enough watercan also make you feel tired and reduceyour ability to concentrate vitamins thebasic function of these nutrients is tokeep away diseases and keep you healthywithout a healthy dose of vitamins itwould be difficult for your body tofight microorganisms while there areabout 13 types of vitamins that yourbody needs four of them are extremelyessential these are vitamin A b6C and D these for vitamins play animportant role in your body in case youare n't getting enough of these vitaminsyou might face some problems for examplelack of vitamin b6 can cause your bloodpressure to lower uncontrollablysimilarly lack of other vitamins maycause skin problems vision problems andweakness on the other hand having enoughvitamins in your body would mean thatyou 'll have a healthy immune system therisks of getting lung and prostatecancer would also reduce with the properintake of vitaminsadditionally vitamins also have highlevels of antioxidant properties thatare good for your body what 's more it 'sbeen found that vitamins play animportant role in longevity of a humanbeingprotein this is the nutrient that getsthe most hype go to any nutritionist andthey 'll suggest a lot of food items forthe proper intake of proteinthese include meat eggs and some grainsso why is protein so popularwell protein is the building block ofyour body no we do n't mean just muscleswe 're talking on a deeper level whetherit 's your bones muscles skin hair oreven the cells in your body everythingcontains protein in fact protein isresponsible for a staggering 16 % of anaverage human 's body weight even yourhormones and antibodies are composed ofproteins in other words it would be verydifficult to live without this nutrientthis begs the question what are proteinsmade of well the answer is fairly simplethey 're made up of different types ofamino acids your body needs protein sothat it can function properly this iswhy you 're nutritionists always stressthat you have a lot of protein in yourdiet even if you 're looking to loseweight so the next time they ask you tohave scrambled eggs at breakfast takethe advice they only want what 's goodfor you fats yes the nutrient that youwant to avoid well maybe you should n'tavoid it so much after all of course anexcessive amount of fats may bedangerous for your body too much fat cancause problems for our blood pressurelevels and heart as well as ourdigestive and respiratory systems so whyare we saying you should n't avoid fatswell according to a study at HarvardMedical School it was found that fatshelp the absorption of other nutrientson top of that fats play an importantrole in cell buildingif that was n't enough to convince youthe study also showed that fats help toimprove your muscle movement while youmight want to avoid fat because of highamounts of calories it would be betterif you ingest it and then burn thosecalories instead additionally if you canconsume fats at a controlled basis andburn calories it will decrease the riskof heart diseases more importantlyyou 'll have a lower chance of gettingtype 2 diabetes it had also beenspeculated that controlled intake of fatimproves brain function minerals when wetalk about minerals for our body thefirst thing that might come to mind iscalcium although this is n't the only onedo n't forget about iron and zinc so whatis this terrific trio of calcium ironand zinc do for the body calcium is themineral responsible for your strongbones it helps to transmit nerve signalsfrom one part of the body to the othercalcium helps maintain healthy bloodpressure as well as improve musclecontraction and relaxationsimilarly zinc is your go-to mineralwhen it comes to boosting your healingfactor zinc improves your metabolism andstrengthens your immune system it alsoincreases your resistance againstdiseases the last mineral here is ironwhich is responsible for the creation ofyour red blood cells on top of that ironalso plays an important role in theproduction of hormones in your bodycarbohydrates while the world is movingtowards low carb diets it 's still one ofthe most important nutrients for ourbody carbohydrates serve as food foryour brain and your central nervoussystem while we would n't ruin your dietplan by including too many carbs youshould still consume a healthy amount ofthis nutrient in order to have a healthylifestyle are you consuming yournutrients do you drink enough waterevery day let us know in the comments wewould love to hear from you enjoyed thisvideo itlike share and subscribe to besties waitwhat kind of Bessie would we be if wedid n't tell you about our other awesomevideos go ahead choose the left or rightvideo and enjoy