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This folder contains Terraform scripting for GitHub onboarding

TLDR one terraform run for all gh-repositories, gh-teams and gh-mapping between repositories and teams

In our case we have one GitHub Organization which contains all GitHub repository information within catena-x ng for each product.

Assigning a team as contributor to a repository via terraform

Contribution access to a repository in our GitHub organization is granted on a team level. We do not grant this kind of access to individuals. Access is again managed by our terraform variables under github folder.

To manage contribution access for a team on a repository, edit terraform.tfvars file in the github folder directory.

There, add a new map entry to the github_repositories_teams variable inside terraform.tfvars. As convention, we decided for the map key to be a combination of repository and team (<repository-name-team-name>). This is done, because we have cases of multiple teams contributing to a single repository. This is configured, by adding multiple entries to the github_repositories_teams map, containing the same repository, but a different team each time.

As default, we configure maintain access on the product repositories for the teams, since all the administrative tasks are handled by the team managing the organization.

GitHub Organization

The following section describes how to handle users, teams and repositories in our GitHub organization.

Invitation of a single user

Interaction with most of our tooling and also access to repositories is granted to members of our GitHub organization "catenax-ng". So inviting users to the organization is the starting point for every Catena-X member.

As initial information to onboard a user to the organization, we need:

  • The GitHub username (or email address) of the person to onboard
  • A person (i.e. the product PO) to vouch for the person being onboarded to actually be part of Catena-X

Assigning a GitHub user to the several GitHub product teams should be done by the maintainers of the GitHub product teams. Only in rare cases, like onboarding a new person and a new team in the same step, DevSecOps team should assign github users to github teams.

Creating a GitHub teams via terraform

Access to repositories is granted on a GitHub team level instead of individuals. Also, a RBAC (Role Based Access Control) definitions on Vault and ArgoCD are based on GitHub team membership.

To create GitHub teams, we are using the Terraform variable terraform.tfvars within the folder github . To create a new GitHub team, edit terraform.tfvars and locate the variable github_teams section inside. This variable contains a map of all the teams in our GitHub organization with name and description properties.

All you need to do is to add a new entry to that map with the new team name and an optional description. Make sure, the key you use for your new entry is unique. This key will also be used by terraform to create an entry in the state file.

Terraform variable settings for GitHub scripts

For terraform plan and terraform apply command the following command line variables have to be either exported in your CLI or Terraform will ask for:

# your PAT = personal access token for Github has to be created.
export TF_VAR_github_token=<github-pat>

Creating a repository via terraform

Git repositories are also managed by our terraform.tfvars. The process of creating a new repository is similar to creating a team. You need to edit terraform.tfvars file in the github directory. Repositories are defined in the github_repositories section inside terraform.tfvars. This variable is a map containing all the repository information. To create a new one, add a new entry to the map.

  • switch to github folder in your cli
  • add gh-repo / gh-teams / gh-repo-teams-mapping entries in github/terraform.tfvars
  • do a terraform plan to check if the changes meet your expectations

Event though most of the repository settings are configurable, the following should be set in a default case.

  • visibility : "public". Exception is only, if the teams did not yet clarify IP related questions
  • pages : { enabled : false }. If a team wants to use GitHub pages, you can set this to true. This is needed, if teams want to release artifacts like helm charts.
  • is_template : false. We usually do not create new repositories as template
  • uses_template : false. Currently, our repositories are set up blank and not based on a template
  • template : null. Since we usually do not use a template, we do not specify one. In case we want to use a template, this variable has to be defined as object of form { owner : "github-org" repository : "repo-name" }

If the team requested k8s-helm-example repository to be used as a template, the following settings needs to be changed:

  • uses_template : true
  • template : { owner : "catenax-ng" repository : "k8s-helm-example" }

The newly created repository will be populated with files from the template, github pages will be enabled and github action for releasing helm charts to pages will be added.

Special GitHub Tasks

For special cases you will find dedicated instructions within this folder named enable-<things-we-do>.md.