- AbstractController
Defines an AbstractController. For more information on controllers, please see our Controller documentation:
- AbstractPathMatcher
Describes the required shape of a PathMatcher used by AwesomeServer for determining if an incoming request path matches a specific router.
The following functions are required to be implemented by extending classes:
match() subtract() toString()
- AbstractRequest
Describes the required shape of all request objects passed to AwesomeServer by an AbstractServer.
The following functions are required to be implemented by extending classes:
get origin() get method() get url() get path() get query() get querystring() get headers() get contentType() get contentEncoding() get useragent() read()
Provides the convenience methods:
readText() readJSON()
- AbstractResponse
Describes the required shape of all response objects passed to AwesomeServer by an AbstractServer.
The following functions are required to be implemented by extending classes:
get original() get finished() get statusCode() get contentType() get contentEncoding() get pushSupported() writeHead() write() end() pipeFrom()
Provides the convenience methods:
writeText() writeHTML() writeCSS() writeJSON() writeError() serve()
- AbstractServer
Describes the required shape of a server used by AwesomeServer.
The following functions are required to be implemented by extending classes:
get running() get original() start() stop()
- AwesomeServer
AwesomeServer is a customizable API Server framework for enterprise nodejs applications. It is an easy to setup HTTP or HTTPS or HTTP/2 server allowing you to provide flexible routing and controllers for responding to incoming requests in a consistent, repeatable fashion.
Please see the documentation at @link https://github.com/awesomeeng/AwesomeServer.
Defines an AbstractController. For more information on controllers, please see our Controller documentation:
Kind: global class
- AbstractController
- new AbstractController()
- .before() ⇒
- .after() ⇒
- .any() ⇒
- .handler(path, request, response) ⇒
Executed before each individual request is handled. This will execute ONLY IF the request method is implemented in the controller.
Kind: instance method of AbstractController
Returns: Promise
| void
- May return a promise or nothing. If a promise is returned, the promise is awaited
before moving the the handler function.
Executed after each individual request is handled. This will execute ONLY IF the request method is implemented in the controller.
Kind: instance method of AbstractController
Returns: Promise
| void
- May return a promise or nothing. If a promise is returned, the promise is awaited
before the final resolve.
Executed only if a request method is not implemented in the controller. Can be used as a kind of catch-all for requests.
Kind: instance method of AbstractController
Returns: Promise
| void
- May return a promise or nothing. If a promise is returned, the promise is awaited
before the final resolve.
The handler function which is executed for each request entering this controller. The handler function takes care of caling before(), any matching request handler for a given request method, and after(). If no matching request handler is found, before(), any(), and after(), are called.
For any given request that is handled by this controller, the handler function will attempt to find an appropriate handle function for a given request method. It does so by looking for an all lowercase version of the method, or an all uppsercase version of the method, or a "handle" method. So for a GET method it would try, in the following order...
The first matching function wins.
The handling function will be called with the signature
For example,
The handling function may return a promise. If it does so, this handle function will await for the promise to resolve.
Generally speaking, it is probably best not to overload this function but to use before(), after(), any(), or the specific request method handler.
Kind: instance method of AbstractController
Returns: Promise
- Returns a Promise that resolves when the request has been handled.
Param | Type | Description |
path | string |
The remaining path string, after the matching route portion is removed. |
request | AbstractRequest |
The request object. |
response | AbstractResponse |
The response object. |
Describes the required shape of a PathMatcher used by AwesomeServer for determining if an incoming request path matches a specific router.
The following functions are required to be implemented by extending classes:
Kind: global class
- AbstractPathMatcher
- new AbstractPathMatcher()
- instance
- .toString() ⇒
- .match() ⇒
- .subtract() ⇒
- .toString() ⇒
- static
Returns the string version of this PathMatcher; used during logging.
Kind: instance method of AbstractPathMatcher
Returns true if the given path is a match to this specific PathMatcher.
Kind: instance method of AbstractPathMatcher
If a given path is a match to this specific PathMatcher, return the given path minus the parts of the path that matched. If the given path is not a match, return the given path unchanged.
Kind: instance method of AbstractPathMatcher
AbstractPathMatcher.getMatcher(path) ⇒ AbstractPathMatcher
Used by AwesomeServer to return an instance of the correct PathMatcher based on the path argument passed in. This is used extensively in routing.
Kind: static method of AbstractPathMatcher
Param | Type |
path | string | RegExp | AbstractPathMatcher |
Describes the required shape of all request objects passed to AwesomeServer by an AbstractServer.
The following functions are required to be implemented by extending classes:
get origin()
get method()
get url()
get path()
get query()
get querystring()
get headers()
get contentType()
get contentEncoding()
get useragent()
Provides the convenience methods:
Kind: global class
- AbstractRequest
- new AbstractRequest(originalRequest)
- .original ⇒
- .origin ⇒
- .method ⇒
- .url ⇒
- .path ⇒
- .query ⇒
- .querystring ⇒
- .headers ⇒
- .contentType ⇒
- .contentEncoding ⇒
- .useragent ⇒
- .read() ⇒
- .positional(pattern, path) ⇒
- .readText([encoding]) ⇒
- .readJSON([encoding]) ⇒
Creates an AbstractRequest which wraps an originalRequest object.
Param | Type |
originalRequest | * |
Returns the original, underlying request object, whatever that might be.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractRequest
Returns the origin, as a string, of where the request is coming from, if that information makes sense and is possible to return. Returns an empty string otherwise.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractRequest
Returns the HTTP Method for this request. This must be an all upper case string.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractRequest
Returns the URL (as a nodejs URL object) of this request.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractRequest
Returns the path, usually taken from the url, of this request.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractRequest
Returns the query/search portion of te url as a fully parsed query object (usualy via nodejs querystring) of this request.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractRequest
Returns the query/search portion of the url as a string.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractRequest
Returns the headers for this request as a parsed object. All header keys must be lowercased.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractRequest
Returns the mime-type portion of the content-type of this request, usually from the haders.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractRequest
Returns the charset (content encoding) portion of the content-type of this request, usually from the headers.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractRequest
Returns the user-agent string for this request, usually from the headers.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractRequest
Returns a Promise that resolves with a Buffer that contains the entire body content of the request, if any, or null if not.
This must resolve with null or a Buffer. Do not resolve with a string.
Kind: instance method of AbstractRequest
Given some pattern, return the matching positional parameters from the path. If path is supplied as an argument, use that. If path is not supplied, use the current url path.
Pattern uses the standard format used by most nodejs REST frameworks:
Where any name that starts with a colon is a positional parameter. Names must use only the A-Z, a-z, 0-9, or _ characters.
The pattern must be an exact match.
If the pattern does not match, null is returned.
Kind: instance method of AbstractRequest
Param | Type |
pattern | string |
path | undefined | null | string |
Conveience method to read the body content of the request as as plain text string using the given encoding (or utf-8 if no encoding is given).
Returns a Promise that will resolve when the content is read as a string.
Kind: instance method of AbstractRequest
Param | Type | Default |
[encoding] | String |
"utf-8" |
Convenience method to read the body content of the request as a text string using the given encoding (or utf-8 if no encoding is given) and then parse it as json.
Returns a Promise that will resolve when the content is read as a string and then parsed as json. Will reject if the parse fails.
Kind: instance method of AbstractRequest
Param | Type | Default |
[encoding] | String |
"utf-8" |
Describes the required shape of all response objects passed to AwesomeServer by an AbstractServer.
The following functions are required to be implemented by extending classes:
get original()
get finished()
get statusCode()
get contentType()
get contentEncoding()
get pushSupported()
Provides the convenience methods:
Kind: global class
- AbstractResponse
- new AbstractResponse(originalResponse)
- .original ⇒
- .finished ⇒
- .statusCode ⇒
- .contentType ⇒
- .contentEncoding ⇒
- .pushSupported ⇒
- .setHeader(name, value)
- .writeHead(statusCode, statusMessage, headers)
- .write(data, encoding) ⇒
- .end(data, encoding) ⇒
- .pipeFrom() ⇒
- .writeJSON(statusCode, content, [headers]) ⇒
- .writeText(statusCode, content, [headers]) ⇒
- .writeCSS(statusCode, content, [headers]) ⇒
- .writeHTML(statusCode, content, [headers]) ⇒
- .writeError(statusCode, content, [headers]) ⇒
- .serve(statusCode, content, [headers]) ⇒
Creates an AbstractResponse which wraps an originalResponse object.
Param | Type |
originalResponse | * |
Returns the original, underlying response object, whatever that might be.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractResponse
Returns true if the end() method has been called and this request is closed to further writes.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractResponse
Returns the response status code, if one has been set, for this response.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractResponse
Returns the response mime-type portion of the content-type header, if one has been set.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractResponse
Returns the response charset (encoding) portion of the content-type header, if one has been set.
It is up to the implementor on how this is obtained.
Kind: instance property of AbstractResponse
True if push() and push...() functions are supported by this response object. This is generally only true when the request supports bi-directional flow, such as HTTP/2.
Kind: instance property of AbstractResponse
Returns: boolean
- true if push() and push...() functions are supported.
Set a header for outgoing requests. Any header set via setHeader() is merged with any headers set by writeHead() before the final response is sent.
Kind: instance method of AbstractResponse
Param | Type |
name | string |
value | string |
Sets the status code and headers for the response. This may only be called once per request and cannot be called after a write() or and end() has been called.
Unlike write() and end() this does not return a Promise and does not need to be preceeded by an await.
THe headers parameter should have the header keys as lower case.
Kind: instance method of AbstractResponse
Param | Type | Description |
statusCode | number |
statusMessage | string | null |
optional. |
headers | Object |
optional. |
Writes a chunk of data to the response with the given encoding.
Returns a Promise that will resolve when the write is complete. It is always good practice to await a write().
Kind: instance method of AbstractResponse
Param | Type | Description |
data | Buffer | string |
encoding | string |
optional. Defaults to utf-8. |
Writes the passed in data to the response with the given encoding and then marks the response finished.
Returns a Promise that will resolve when the end is complete. It is always good practice to await an end().
Kind: instance method of AbstractResponse
Param | Type | Description |
data | Buffer | string |
encoding | string |
optional. Defaults to utf-8. |
Pipes the given Readable stream into the response object. writeHead() should be called prior to this.
When the pipeFrom() is complete, end() is called and the response is marked finished.
It is worth noting that pipeFrom() is different from nodejs Stream pipe() method in that pipe() takes as an argument the writable stream. pipeFrom() flips that and takes as an argument the readable stream.
Returns a Promise that will resolve when the end of the stream has been sent and end() has been called. It is always good practice to await pipeFrom().
Kind: instance method of AbstractResponse
A convenience method for writing a JSON string or object converted to JSON to the response. This method will perform the writeHead(), the write(), and the end() all in one.
If the passed in content is a string, it is assumed to be JSON. Any thing else passed in will be converted to json (via JSON.stringify()) and then sent.
Returns a Promise that will resolve on end().
Kind: instance method of AbstractResponse
Param | Type | Default |
statusCode | number |
content | * | string |
[headers] | Object | null |
A convenience method for writing plain text to the response with the content-type "text/plain". This method will perform the writeHead(), the write(), and the end() all in one.
Returns a Promise that will resolve on end().
Kind: instance method of AbstractResponse
Param | Type | Default |
statusCode | number |
content | string |
[headers] | Object | null |
A convenience method for writing CSS to the response with the content-type "text/css". This method will perform the writeHead(), the write(), and the end() all in one.
Returns a Promise that will resolve on end().
Kind: instance method of AbstractResponse
Param | Type | Default |
statusCode | number |
content | string |
[headers] | Object | null |
A convenience method for writing HTML to the response with the content-type "text/html". This method will perform the writeHead(), the write(), and the end() all in one.
Returns a Promise that will resolve on end().
Kind: instance method of AbstractResponse
Param | Type | Default |
statusCode | number |
content | string |
[headers] | Object | null |
A convenience method for writing and error message to the response. The content-type for this is "text/plain". This method will perform the writeHead(), the write(), and the end() all in one.
If the content argument is an instance of Error, this method will format the text from the Error.message and Error.stack members.
Returns a Promise that will resolve on end().
Kind: instance method of AbstractResponse
Param | Type | Default |
statusCode | number |
content | string | Error |
null |
[headers] | Object | null |
A convenience method for serving a specific file as the response. You supply the filename and this method will take care of the rest. The filename given must be valid file path and must exist or an error will be thrown. This function will not resolve relative filenames the way that AwesomeServer will, so its best to use AwesomeServer.resolve() first yourself. This method will perform the writeHead(), the write(), and the end() all in one.
Returns a Promise that will resolve on end().
Kind: instance method of AbstractResponse
Param | Type | Default |
statusCode | number |
content | string |
[headers] | Object | null |
Describes the required shape of a server used by AwesomeServer.
The following functions are required to be implemented by extending classes:
get running()
get original()
Kind: global class
- AbstractServer
- new AbstractServer(config)
- .config ⇒
- .running ⇒
- .original ⇒
- .hostname ⇒
- .port ⇒
- .start(handler) ⇒
- .stop() ⇒
Constructor. Takes a single config object which is in turn usually passed on to the underlying server that this AbstractServer represents.
Param | Type | Description |
config | AwesomeConfig | Object |
The config object. |
Returns the passed in config object.
Kind: instance property of AbstractServer
Returns true if this server has been started.
Kind: instance property of AbstractServer
Returns the underlying server object that this AbstractServer represents.
Kind: instance property of AbstractServer
Returns the bound hostname for this server.
Kind: instance property of AbstractServer
Returns the bound port for this server.
Kind: instance property of AbstractServer
Start this server running and being sending incoming requests to the given handler.
This start function gets a single argument, the handler function that incoming requests should be sent to. It is the job of this server to take the incoming requests, wrap the request object in an AbstractRequest subclass, wrap the response object in an AbstractResponse subclass, and then send both of those to the handler for processing.
Here's an example from HTTPServer:
request = new HTTPRequest(request);
response = new HTTPResponse(response);
Start must return a Promise that resolves when the underlying server is started or rejects on an error.
It is the responsibility of the AbstractServer implementor to keep track of the underlying server object.
Kind: instance method of AbstractServer
Param | Type |
handler | function |
Stop this server running and stop sending incoming requests to AwesomeServer.
Stop must return a Promise that resolves when the underlying server is stopped or rejects on an error.
Kind: instance method of AbstractServer
AwesomeServer is a customizable API Server framework for enterprise nodejs applications. It is an easy to setup HTTP or HTTPS or HTTP/2 server allowing you to provide flexible routing and controllers for responding to incoming requests in a consistent, repeatable fashion.
Please see the documentation at @link https://github.com/awesomeeng/AwesomeServer.
Kind: global class
- AwesomeServer
- new AwesomeServer()
- instance
- .config ⇒
- .servers ⇒
- .routes ⇒
- .running ⇒
- .start() ⇒
- .stop() ⇒
- .addServer(server) ⇒
- .addHTTPServer(config) ⇒
- .addHTTPSServer(config) ⇒
- .addHTTP2Server(config) ⇒
- .removeServer(server) ⇒
- .route(method, path, handler)
- .unroute(method, path, handler) ⇒
- .removeAllRoutes()
- .redirect(method, path, toPath, [temporary])
- .serve(path, contentType, filename)
- .push(path, referencePath, contentType, filename)
- .resolve(filename) ⇒
- .handler(response) ⇒
- .config ⇒
- static
Creates a new AwesomeServer instance.
You may create multiple AwesomeServer instances and do different things with them.
Takes an optional config object for passing in configuration about the overall AwesomeServer instance. This is not the same as the config provided to each server when it is constructed/added via addHTTPServer(config) and the like. Those configs are separate.
The default configuration looks like this:
config = {
informative: true
config.informative - If true, log statements are provided for how AwesomeServer
is executing. If false, no log statements are output. Error and warning
log message are always output.
Returns the AwesomeServer instance config. This is not the same as the config supplied to each server. Instead this config applies to the greater AwesomeServer instance which is running the various servers.
Kind: instance property of AwesomeServer
awesomeServer.servers ⇒ Array.<AbstractServer>
Returns the array of servers associated with this AwesomeServer instance.
Kind: instance property of AwesomeServer
Returns the array of routes as strings associated with this AwesomeServer instance.
Kind: instance property of AwesomeServer
Returns true if this AwesomeServer is running (start() has been executed).
Kind: instance property of AwesomeServer
Starts the AwesomeServer instance, if not already running. This in turn will start each added server and begin to route incoming requests.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Stops the AwesomeServer instance, if running. This in turn will stop each added server and stop routing incoming requests.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
awesomeServer.addServer(server) ⇒ AbstractServer
Adds a new server instance to the AwesomeServer. You may add multiple servers to single AwesomeServer and each server will be handled for incoming requests and routed the same way.
Primarily this method is for adding custom servers. If you are using the default HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP/2 servers, use the addHTTPServer(), addHTTPSServer() or addHTTP2Server() functions instead.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Returns: AbstractServer
- the server added.
Param | Type | Description |
server | AbstractServer |
The server instance to add. Must be an extension of AbstractServer. |
awesomeServer.addHTTPServer(config) ⇒ AbstractServer
Adds a new HTTP Server to the AwesomeServer instance. The HTTP Server is a wrapped version of nodejs's http module and thus behaves as that module behaves, with some slight differences. Each request that comes through will have its request and response objects wrapped in AwesomeServer's custom HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse objects. The provide a simplified but cleaner access layer to the underlying request or response. See AbstractRequest and AbstractResponse for more details.
Takes a config object as an argument that is passed to the underlying HTTP module. The basic structure of this config is below with the default values shown:
const config = {
hostname: "localhost"
port: 7080,
informative: {inherits from top level config}
For more details about config values, please see nodejs' http module
An important note about config: The default host setting for AwesomeServer
is localhost
. This is different than the default for the underlying
nodejs http module of
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Returns: AbstractServer
- the server added.
Param | Type | Description |
config | AwesomeConfig | Object |
An AwesomeConfig or plain Object. |
awesomeServer.addHTTPSServer(config) ⇒ AbstractServer
Adds a new HTTPS Server to the AwesomeServer instance. The HTTPS Server is a wrapped version of nodejs's https module and thus behaves as that module behaves, with some slight differences. Each request that comes through will have its request and response objects wrapped in AwesomeServer's custom HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse objects. The provide a simplified but cleaner access layer to the underlying request or response. See AbstractRequest and AbstractResponse for more details.
Takes a config object as an argument that is passed to the underlying HTTPS module. The basic structure of this config is below with the default values shown:
const config = {
hostname: "localhost"
port: 7080,
key: null,
cert: null,
pfx: null,
informative: {inherits from top level config}
key, cert, and pfx are handled specially in AwesomeServer. You may supply a string representing the certificate or a string representing a valid path to a file containing the certificate. AwesomeServer will attempt to load the file and if successful use that as the value.
For more details about config values, please see nodejs' https module
An important note about config: The default host setting for AwesomeServer
is localhost
. This is different than the default for the underlying
nodejs https module of
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Returns: AbstractServer
- the server added.
Param | Type | Description |
config | AwesomeConfig | Object |
An AwesomeConfig or plain Object. |
awesomeServer.addHTTP2Server(config) ⇒ AbstractServer
Adds a new HTTP/2 Server to the AwesomeServer instance. The HTTP/2 Server is a wrapped version of nodejs's http2 module and thus behaves as that module behaves, with some slight differences. Each request that comes through will have its request and response objects wrapped in AwesomeServer's custom HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse objects. The provide a simplified but cleaner access layer to the underlying request or response. See AbstractRequest and AbstractResponse for more details.
Takes a config object as an argument that is passed to the underlying HTTP/2 module. The basic structure of this config is below with the default values shown:
const config = {
hostname: "localhost"
port: 7080,
key: null,
cert: null,
pfx: null,
informative: {inherits from top level config}
key, cert, and pfx are handled specially in AwesomeServer. You may supply a string representing the certificate or a string representing a valid path to a file containing the certificate. AwesomeServer will attempt to load the file and if successful use that as the value.
For more details about config values, please see nodejs' http2 module
An important note about config: The default host setting for AwesomeServer
is localhost
. This is different than the default for the underlying
nodejs http2 module of
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Returns: AbstractServer
- the server added.
Param | Type | Description |
config | AwesomeConfig | Object |
An AwesomeConfig or plain Object. |
Removes a given server from thise AwesomeServer instance. You obtain the server value
as a return value from addServer()
or addHTTPServer()
or addHTTPSServer()
or from the servers
If the removed server is currently running, it will automatically be stopped as part of its removal.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Returns: boolean
- true if the server was removed.
Param | Type | Description |
server | AbstractServer |
The server to remove. |
Add a route for incoming requests. A route is defined as some handler that responds to an incoming request. Routing is the backbone of AwesomeServer which takes an incoming request from a server, matches zero or more routes against the request, and then executes each matching route.
Routing is decribed in much more detail in our routing documentation:
route() has four different invocations that have slightly different meanings, depending on the arguments passed into it.
route(method,path,handler) - The most basic form of routing, this will execute the given
handler Function if the method and path match for an incoming request. (see method and see
path below.)
route(method,path,controller) - This will execute the given controller (see controllers below) if the method and path match for an incoming request. (see method and see path below).
route(path,controller) - A synonym for calling route("*",path,controller).
route(method,path,filename) - A synonym for calling route(method,path,controller) except the given filename is loaded an instantiated as a controller first. This lets you reference external controllers by filename easily.
method: The method argument is a string that identifies one of the well known HTTP Methods or a wildcard character "*" to match all methods. The HTTP Methods supported are GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, CONNECT, TRACE, and PATCH.
path: The path argument may be either a string, a Regular Expression, or an instance of AbstractPathMatcher. A path matches the path portion of the url; not including the search/query or hash portions.
string: Five different types of string paths can be defined:
exact: A string that matches exactly the url path from the request. Exact path
strings look like this: "/test" and do not contain any wildcard "*" or or "|"
startsWith: A string that matches the beginning portion of the url path from the
request. startsWith strings look like this: "/test*" and must end with a
wildcard character "*" and may not contain an or "|" character.
endsWith: A string that matches the ending portion of the url path from the
request. endsWith strings look like this: "*test" and must begin with a
wildcard character "*" and may not contain an or "|" character.
contains: A string that matches if contained within some portion (including the
beginning and ending) of the url path from the request. contains strings look like
this: "*test*" and must both begin with and end with the wildcard "*" character and
may not contain an or "|" character.
or: two or more path strings (from the above options) separated by an or "|"
character where at least one of the or segments matches the url path from the
request. Or strings look like this: "/test|/test/*".
RegExp: a regular expression that matches the url path from the request. RegExp paths look like this: /^/test$/
AbstractPathMatcher: You may provide your own implementation of AbstractPathMatcher to be used to determine if the url path of the request is a match. AbstractPathMatcher would need to be extended and the match(path), subtract(path) and toString() methods would need to be implemented.
handler: A handler function that will be executed when the incoming request method and path matches. The handler function has the following signature:
path: is the modified path of the incoming request. It has been modified, but
removing the matching path out of it. For example, if the incoming path is
"/api/xyz" and the route path argument is "/api/*" this path argument would
have "xyz" as its value; the "/api/" was removed out.
request: An instance of AbstractRequest which wraps the underlying request
object from the server. See AbstractRequest for more details.
response: An instance of AbstractResponse which wraps the underlying response
obect from the server. See AbstractResponse for more details.
controller: An instance of AbstractController that will be executed when the incoming request method and path matches. Controllers are a great way to strcuture your API endpoints around url resources. For more information on controllers go here:
filename: A filename to a valid controller class JS file. Using filenames has some special intricacies to be aware of.
resolving: The filename may be a resolved absolute path, or a relative path. In
the case of relative paths, AwesomeServer will try to resolve the filename
relative to itself, then relative to the module that called AwesomeServer,
and finally relative to process.cwd(). The first resolved filename that
exists is used.
directories: If the filename resolves to a directory, AwesomeServer will
attempt to use all .JS files in that directory or any sub-directory and
route them to paths based ont their name and try structure. For example,
consider the directory tree:
IF the call `route("*","/api","./files")` is made, this would end up routing
the following:
requirements: For a filename to be routed it must...
- exist.
- be a file or directory, no FIFO or pipes.
- Be a valid .js or .node file.
- Not contain any syntax errors.
- export a class that extends AbstractController or exports an instance of a class that extends AbstractController.
When using filename routing, you may provide additional arguments to the `route()`
function and these will be passed to the controller constructor. This allows you
to ensure critical data for the controller be passed upward as needed.
Routes may be added whether or not AwesomeServer has been started.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Param | Type | Description |
method | string |
see above. |
path | string | RegExp | AbstractPathMatcher |
see above. |
handler | function | AbstractController |
see above. |
Removes a route. In order to remove a route you must pass the exact same parameters you used to create the route.
Routes may be removed whether or not AwesomeServer has been started.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Returns: boolean
- returns true if something was removed, false otherwise.
Param | Type | Description |
method | string |
see above. |
path | string | RegExp | AbstractPathMatcher |
see above. |
handler | function | AbstractController |
see above. |
Utility for removing all routes.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
A shortcut method for routing HTTP redirects.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Param | Type | Default | Description |
method | string |
The method to match. | |
path | string | RegExp | AbstractPathMatcher |
The path to match. | |
toPath | string |
The redirect target. | |
[temporary] | Boolean |
false |
True if you want this to be a temporary redirect as defined in the HTTP Status Codes. |
A shortcut method for routing a specific file or set of files as a response. All serve routes are GET only.
This method has two possilbe usages:
path: Standard path argument from route()
contentType: The content-type to send when responding with the given file. if contentType is null, AwesomeServer will attempt to guess the contentType based on the filename. If it cannot guess, it will fallback to application-octet-stream. contentType is ignored if filename is a directory, see below.
filename: A filename. Using filenames has some special intricacies to be aware of.
resolving: The filename may be a resolved absolute path, or a relative path. In
the case of relative paths, AwesomeServer will try to resolve the filename
relative to itself, then relative to the module that called AwesomeServer,
and finally relative to process.cwd(). The first resolved filename that
exists is used.
directories: If the filename resolves to a directory, AwesomeServer will
route all the files in that directory and sub-directory based on name.
For example, consider the directory tree:
IF the call `serve("*","/hello","./files")` is made, this would end up routing
the following:
The directory version of serve will also attempt to match the root name
("/hello" in our example) to the root name plus "index.html"
(/hello/index.html in our example).
requirements: For a filename to be routed it must...
- exist.
Please note that AwesomeServer will only serve files that exist when the serve function is called. Adding files after the fact is not supported.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Param | Type | Description |
path | string | RegExp | AbstractPathMatcher |
The path to match. |
contentType | string | null |
Optional contentType to use when serving. |
filename | string |
Filename or directory to serve. |
A shortcut method for routing a specific file as a push portion of an http/2 request.
HTTP/2 allows for multiple response to be sent for a single incoming request. This route approach lets you indicate certain files that should be pushed as part of a HTTP/2 response; instead of having to create a custom route every time.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Param | Type | Description |
path | string | RegExp | AbstractPathMatcher |
The path to match. |
referencePath | string |
the path the push is served as, used by http/2 in its resolve. |
contentType | string | null |
Optional contentType to use when serving. |
filename | string |
Filename or directory to serve. |
Given some file path, attempt to locate an existing version of that file path based on the following rules:
- absolute path;
- relative to AwesomeServer;
- relative to the module which created AwesomeServer;
- relative to process.cwd().
The first of these that exists in the order outlined above, wins. Of none of these exists, returns null.
This function is useful for resolving against you developed code. It is also used by the AwesomeServe wherever a filename is used.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Returns: string
| null
- fully resolved filename
Param | Type | Description |
filename | string |
filename to find |
AwesomeServer's primary handler for incoming request. Each server is given this method to process incoming request against.
It is exposed here to be overloaded as needed.
,args @param {AbstractRequest} request The incoming request request object.
Kind: instance method of AwesomeServer
Returns: Promise
- A promise that resolves when the request handling is complete.
Param | Type | Description |
response | AbstractResponse |
THe incoming request response object. |
Returns a reference to the AbstractServer class for custom extensions.
Kind: static property of AwesomeServer
Returns: Class
Returns a reference to the AbstractRequest class for custom extensions.
Kind: static property of AwesomeServer
Returns: Class
Returns a reference to the AbstractResponse class for custom extensions.
Kind: static property of AwesomeServer
Returns: Class
Returns a reference to the AbstractController class for custom extensions.
Kind: static property of AwesomeServer
Returns: Class
Returns a reference to the AbstractPathMatcher class for custom extensions.
Kind: static property of AwesomeServer
Returns references to HTTPServer, HTTPRequest, and HTTPResponse for custom extensions.
Kind: static property of AwesomeServer
Returns references to HTTPSServer, HTTPSRequest, and HTTPSResponse for custom extensions.
Kind: static property of AwesomeServer
Returns references to HTTP2Server, HTTP2Request, and HTTP2Response for custom extensions.
Kind: static property of AwesomeServer
Returns reference to the built-in controllers.
Kind: static property of AwesomeServer