-## Components
-- #### [amplify-authenticator](src/components/amplify-authenticator/readme.md)
-- [amplify-sign-in](src/components/amplify-sign-in/readme.md)
-- [amplify-sign-up](src/components/amplify-sign-up/readme.md)
-- [amplify-sign-out](src/components/amplify-sign-out/readme.md)
-- [amplify-confirm-sign-up](src/components/amplify-confirm-sign-up/readme.md)
-- [amplify-forgot-password](src/components/amplify-forgot-password/readme.md)
-- [amplify-require-new-password](src/components/amplify-require-new-password/readme.md)
-- [amplify-verify-contact](src/components/amplify-verify-contact/readme.md)
-- [amplify-totp-setup](src/components/amplify-totp-setup/readme.md)
-- [amplify-greetings](src/components/amplify-greetings/readme.md)
-## Customization
-Amplify UI Components use [slots](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/slot) to allow for component customization. Component customization and slot usage is exemplified below.
-### Amplify Authenticator
-> You can override the [components listed above](#components) and pass them into these slots to preserve the authenticator state flow.
-| Name | Description |
-| ------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `"sign-in"` | Content placed inside of the sign in workflow for when a user wants to sign into their account |
-| `"confirm-sign-in"` | Content placed inside of the confirm sign in workflow for when a user needs to confirm the account they signed in with |
-| `"sign-up"` | Content placed inside of the sign up workflow for when a user wants to register a new account |
-| `"confirm-sign-up"` | Content placed inside of the confirm sign up workflow for when a user needs to confirm the account they signed up with |
-| `"forgot-password"` | Content placed inside of the forgot password workflow for when a user wants to reset their password |
-| `"require-new-password"` | Content placed inside of the require new password workflow for when a user is required to update their password |
-| `"verify-contact"` | Content placed inside of the verify-contact workflow for when a user must verify their contact information |
-| `"totp-setup"` | Content placed inside of the totp-setup workflow for when a user opts to use TOTP MFA |
-| `"greetings"` | Content placed inside of the greetings navigation for when a user is signed in |
-- [React](#react-1)
-- [Angular](#angular-1)
-- [Vue](#vue-1)
-- [Web Components](#web-components-1)
-#### React
-import {
- AmplifyAuthenticator,
- AmplifySignIn,
- AmplifySignUp,
-} from '@aws-amplify/ui-react';
-const App = () => {
- My App
- ;
-Alternatively, you can use the `withAuthenticator` higher-order component (HoC):
-import { withAuthenticator } from '@aws-amplify/ui-react';
-export default withAuthenticator(App);
-// or
-export default withAuthenticator(App, { /* ...amplifyAuthenticatorSettings */ })
-#### Angular