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PyTorch Environment Validation

This test runs a PyTorch script to screen for NCCL, MPI, OpenMP, CUDA.... on your environment. This script is executed once per instance and helps you verify your environment: The AWS Deep Learning Container is used for that purpose.

Here you will:

  • Build a container from the AWS Deep Learning Container and convert it to a squash file using Enroot.
  • Run a Python script to screen the PyTorch environment with Pyxis via Slurm.
  • Mount a local directory in the container via Pyxis.

0. Preparation

This guide assumes that you have the following:

  • A functional Slurm cluster on AWS.
  • Docker, Pyxis and Enroot installed.
  • Enroot requires libmd to compile and squashfs-tools to execute.
  • A shared directory mounted on /apps

It is recommended that you use the templates in the architectures directory to deploy Slurm (for example AWS ParallelCluster).

1. Build the container and the squash file

We use the AWS Deep Learning Container as a base for your validation container and the EFA libraries to use the latest versions. Here, you will start by building your container image then convert it to a squash file via Enroot.

To build the container:

  1. Copy the file 0.pytorch-screenl.Dockerfile or its content to your head-node.
  2. Build the container image with the command below
    # get the region, this assumes we run on EC2
    AWS_AZ=$(ec2-metadata --availability-zone | cut -d' ' -f2)
    # Authenticate with ECR to get the AWS Deep Learning Container
    aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS \
       --password-stdin 763104351884.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION}
    # Build the container
    docker build -t pytorch-screenl -f 0.pytorch-screenl.Dockerfile --build-arg="AWS_REGION=${AWS_AZ::-1}" .
  3. Once the image is built, you can check if it is present with docker images. You should see an output similar to this one:
    REPOSITORY                                                           TAG                                     IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
    pytorch-screen                                                       latest                                  2892fe08195a   2 minutes ago   21.6GB
    ...   2.0.1-gpu-py310-cu118-ubuntu20.04-ec2   3d25d3d0f25e   2 months ago    20.8GB
  4. Convert the container image to a squash file via Enroot
    enroot import -o /apps/pytorch-screen.sqsh  dockerd://pytorch-screen:latest
    The file will be stored in the /apps directory.

You can set versions and the branch for NCCL and EFA by editing the variables below in the Dockerfile.

Variable Default

2. Running the Pytorch screening

Now you copy the files 1.torch-screen.sbatch and to your cluster in the same directory then submit a test job with the command below from where the files are placed:

sbatch 1.torch-screen.sbatch

An output file named slurm-XX.out, with XX being the job ID, will be placed in the directory. It will report the environment variables, location of python, nvidia-smi and PyTorch environment variables for each node (instance). Please keep in mind that each process, 1 per node, will write concurrently to the output file. Each process output is prepended by their ID :0 for process 0, :1 for process 1. These can be interleaved. Below is an example of output:

0: torch.backends.opt_einsum.strategy=None
0: torch.distributed.is_available()=True
0: torch.distributed.is_mpi_available()=True
0: torch.distributed.is_nccl_available()=True
1: torch.cuda.is_available()=True
1: torch.backends.cuda.is_built()=True
1: torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32=False
1: torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_fp16_reduced_precision_reduction=True
1: torch.backends.cuda.cufft_plan_cache=<torch.backends.cuda.cuFFTPlanCacheManager object at 0x7f72d0415a80>
1: torch.backends.cuda.preferred_linalg_library(backend=None)=<_LinalgBackend.Default: 0>
1: torch.backends.cuda.flash_sdp_enabled()=True

Execute on X number nodes?: to change the number of nodes modify the line SBATCH -N 2 and change 2 to the desired number of nodes on which you'd like to run this script.