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File metadata and controls

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Visual Asset Management System(VAMS) - Configuration

VAMS backend allows for basic to advanced configuration based on the environment and use-case need.

Configuration files can be found in /infra/config with config.json being the primary file used during deployment. Additional config template files exist for common environment setups for Commercial or GovCloud deployments.

Recommended minimum fields to update are region, adminEmailAddress, and baseStackName when using the default provided templates.

Some configuration options can be overriden at time of deployment with either environment variables or cdk context parameters (--context X) used with cdk deploy

Configuration Options

  • name | default: vams | #Base application name to use in the full CDK stack name

  • env.account | default: NULL | #AWS Account to use for CDK deployment. If null, pulled from CDK environment.

  • env.region | default: us-east-1 | #AWS Region to use for CDK deployment. If null, pulled from CDK environment.

  • env.loadContextIgnoreVPCStacks | default: false | #Mode to ignore synth and deployments of any nested stack that needs a VPC in order to first load context through a first synth run.

  • app.baseStackName | default: prod | #Base stack stage environment name to use when creating full CDK stack name.

  • app.bucketMigrationStaging.assetBucketName | default: NULL | #Staging bucket for transfering assets between deployment. If null, no staging bucket will be configured for use.

  • app.adminEmailAddress | default: [email protected] | #Administrator email address to use for the initial super admin account.

  • app.useWaf | default: true | #Feature to turn use of Amazon Web Application Firewall on/off for VAMS deployment. This is used for Cloudfront or ALB + API Gateway attachment points. Warning: We reccomend you keep this on unless your organization has other firewalls in-use.

  • app.useFips | default: false | #Feature to use FIPS compliant AWS partition endpoints. Must combine with AWS CLI FIPS Environment variable AWS_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT.

  • app.useKmsCmkEncryption.enabled | default: false | #Feature to use a custom customer managed encryption key (KMS). Key and associated VAMS permissions will be auto-generated for the deployment without providing an external key. KMS key (generated or imported) will be used for S3*, DynamoDB, SQS/SNS, and OpenSearch data at rest. If false, use default or AWS-managed (as-available) encryption settings for all data-at-rest services.*The WebAppBucket S3 bucket will not use the KMS CMK key as the the ALB has no way to provide SigV4 signature to S3 without authentication and CloudFront OAC KMS encryption hasn't been implemented yet with native CDK.

  • app.useKmsCmkEncryption.optionalExternalCmkArn | default: NULL | #Ability to import an optional external custom customer managed encryption key (KMS) if KMS encryption is true. ARN must be provided of key imported to KMS in the same region as the VAMS deployment. See additional configuration notes on the permission policy to have on the key.

  • app.govCloud.enabled | default: false | #Feature to deploy to the AWS GovCloud partition. Will automatically turn VAMS features on/off based on service support (see below on additional configuration notes).

  • app.useGlobalVpc.enabled | default: false | #Will create a global VPC to use for various configuration feature options. Using an ALB, OpenSearch Provisioned, or the Point Cloud Visualization Pipeline will force this setting to true. All options under this section only apply if this setting is set/force to 'true'.

  • app.useGlobalVpc.useForAllLambdas | default: false | #Feature will deploy all lambdas created behind the VPC and create needed interface endpoints to support communications. Reccomended only for select deployments based on security (FedRamp) or external component VPC-only access (e.g. RDS).

  • app.useGlobalVpc.addVpcEndpoints | default: true | #Will generate all needed VPC endpoints on either newly created VPC or imported VPC (if VPC enabled). Note: ALB S3 VPCe will be created if using an ALB regardless of this setting due to unique setup nature of that VPCe and ALB listeners tie.

  • app.useGlobalVpc.optionalExternalVpcId | default: NULL | #Specify an existing VPC ID to import from the given region instead of creating a new VPC. If specified, will override any internal generation and will require app.useGlobalVpc.optionalExternalPrivateSubnetIds and/or app.useGlobalVpc.optionalExternalPublicSubnetIds to be provided.

  • app.useGlobalVpc.optionalExternalPrivateSubnetIds | default: NULL | #Comma deliminated list of private subnet IDs in the provided optional VPC to use. Must provide at least 1 private subnet, 2 if using an ALB (non-public subnet), and 3 if using opensearch provisioned.

  • app.useGlobalVpc.optionalExternalPublicSubnetIds | default: NULL | #Comma deliminated list of public subnet IDs in the provided optional VPC to use. Will only be looked at if app.useAlb.usePublicSubnet is true. Required to have minimum of 2 public subnets for ALB.

  • app.useGlobalVpc.vpcCidrRange | default: | #Specifies the CIDR range to use for the new VPC created. Ignored if importing an external VPC.

  • app.openSearch.useServerless.enabled | default: true | #Feature to deploy opensearch serverless (default).

  • app.openSearch.useProvisioned.enabled | default: false | #Feature to deploy opensearch provisioned. When deploying with opeensearch provisioned, this will enable the use of the global VPC option. A minimum of 3 AZs will be used to deploy opensearch provisioned.

  • app.openSearch.useProvisioned.dataNodeInstanceType | default: | #When using OpenSearch Provisioned, the Instance type to use for the data nodes (2x nodes deployed)

  • app.openSearch.useProvisioned.masterNodeInstanceType | default: | #When using OpenSearch Provisioned, the Instance type to use for the master nodes (3x nodes deploy)

  • app.openSearch.useProvisioned.ebsInstanceNodeSizeGb | default: 120 | #When using OpenSearch Provisioned, the EBS volume size to deploy per data instance node in GB

  • app.useLocationService.enabled | default: true | #Feature to use location services to display maps data for asset metadata types that store global position coordinates. Note that currently map view won't show up if OpenSearch is not enabled.

  • app.useAlb.enabled | default: false | #Feature to swap in a Application Load Balancer instead of a CloudFront Deployment. This will 1) disable static webpage caching, 2) require a fixed web domain to be specified, 3) require a SSL/TLS certicate to be registered in AWS Certifcate Manager, 4) have a S3 bucket name available in the partition that matches the domain name for the static website contents, 5) prevent some cross-site-scripting security preventions / secure HTTPOnly cookies from taking full affect and 6) cause a modified A/B stack deployment scenario on VAMS upgrades due to the common S3 bucket name used by the ALB.

  • app.useAlb.usePublicSubnet | default: false | #Specifies if the ALB should use a public subnet. If creating a new VPC, will create seperate public subnets for ALB. If importing an existing VPC, will require app.useGlobalVpc.optionalExternalPublicSubnetIds to be filled out.

  • app.useAlb.domainHost | default: | #Specifies the domain to use for the ALB and static webpage S3 bucket. Required to be filled out to use ALB.

  • app.useAlb.certificateARN | default: arn:aws-us-gov:acm:::certificate/ | #Specifies the existing ACM certificate to use for the ALB for HTTPS connections. ACM certificate must be for the domainHost specified and reside in the same region being deployed to. Required to be filled out to use ALB.

  • app.useAlb.optionalHostedZoneID | default: NULL | #Optional route53 zone host ID to automatically create an alias for the domainHost specified to the created ALB.

  • app.pipelines.usePreviewPcPotreeViewer.enabled | default: false | #Feature to create a point cloud potree viewer processing pipeline to support point cloud file type viewing within the VAMS web UI. This will enable the global VPC option and all pipeline components will be put behind the VPC. NOTICE: This feature uses a third-party open-source library with a GPL license, refer to your legal team before enabling.

  • app.pipelines.useGenAiMetadata3dLabeling.enabled | default: false | #Feature to create a generative AI metadata labeling pipeline for glb, fbx, and obj files. This will enable the global VPC option and all pipeline components will be put behind the VPC.

  • app.pipelines.useConversion3dBasic.enabled | default: true | #Feature to create a file converter pipeline between STL, OBJ, PLY, GLTF, GLB, 3MF, XAML, 3DXML, DAE, and XYZ file format types. This pipeline does not need a VPC to operate.

  • app.authProvider.credTokenTimeoutSeconds | default: 3600 | #Used to specify authentication token timeouts for access, ID, and presigned upload/download URLs. Adjust this if you have issues with upload/download timeouts.

  • app.authProvider.useCognito.enabled | default: true | #Feature to use Cognito Use Pools should be used for VAMS user management and authentication. At least 1 authProvider must be enabled in the configuration.

  • app.authProvider.useCognito.useSaml | default: false | #Specifies if Cognito User Pools use a federated SAML from an external IDP integration.

  • app.authProvider.useCognito.useUserPasswordAuthFlow | default: false | #Specifies if Cognito User Pools enable USER_PASSWORD_AUTH authentication flow that allow USERNAME/PASSWORD to be sent directly for authentication verses using only SRP caluclated authentication. Some organizations may use this when cognito SRP calculation libraries are not available for system-to-system integrations or user interfaces.

  • app.authProvider.useExternalOathIdp.enabled | default: false | #UNUSED. Reserved for future use

  • app.authProvider.useExternalOathIdp.idpAuthProviderUrl | default: NULL | #UNUSED. Reserved for future use

Additional configuration notes

  • Gov Cloud - This will auto-enable Use Global VPC, use VPC For All Lambdas, Use ALB, Use OpenSearch Provisioned, and will disable Use Location Services

  • OpenSearch - If both serverless and provisioned are not enabled, no OpenSearch will be enabled which will reduce the functionality in the application to not have any search capabilities on assets. All authorized assets will be returned always on the assets page.

  • OpenSearch - Provisioned - This service is very sensitive to VPC Subnet Availabilty Zone selection. If using an external VPC, make sure the provided private subnets are a minimum of 3 and are each in their own availability zone. OpenSearch Provisioned CDK creates service-linked roles althoguh sometimes these don't get recognized right away during a first-time deployment by receiving the following error: Invalid request provided: Before you can proceed, you must enable a service-linked role to give Amazon OpenSearch Service permissions to access your VPC.. Wait 5 minutes minutes after your first run and then re-run your deployment (after clearing out any previous stack in CloudFormation). If you continue seeing issues, run the following CLI command manually to try to create these roles by hand: aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name, aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name

  • Global VPC - Will auto be enabled if ALB, OpenSearch Provisioned, or Use-case Pipelines is enabled. OpenSearch Serverless endpoints and associated lambdas will also be put behind the VPC if toggling on the VPC and using for all lambdas.

    • IPs Used per Feature:
    • ALB: 8 IPs per subnet (public or private) [needs up to 8 during runtime to scale, may be less during low-use]
    • Use-case Pipelines: ~2 IPs per subnet deployed running an active pipeline workflow execution (based on application demand)
    • Lambda in VPC: 1 IP per deployed CDK lambda functions per subnet (v2.0: ~66)
    • VPC Interface Endpoints: 1 IP per endpoint per subnet (based on overall configuration needs, see Global VPC Endpoints below)
  • Global VPC Subnets - Each Subnet to subnet-type (relevent to public or private) used should reside in it's own AZ within the region. Subnets should be configured for IPv4. CDK will probably deploy/create to the amount of AZs and related subnets. When importing an existing VPC/subnets, make sure each subnet provided is located within its own AZ (otherwise errors may occur). The minimum amount of AZs/Subnets needed are (use the higher number): 3 - when using Open Search Provisioned, 2 - when using ALB, 1 - for all other configurations. Reccomended to have at least 128 IPs (IPv4) available per subnet for deployment to support current VAMS usage (max configuration) and growth.

  • Global VPC Endpoints - When using a Global VPC, interface/gateway endpoints are needed. The following is the below chart of VPC Endpoints created (when using addVpcEndpoints config option) or are needed otherwise. Some endpoints have special creation conditions that are noted below.

    • (Interface) KMS - Deployed/used with Use KMS CMK Encryption Features
    • (Interface) KMS FIPS - Deployed/used with Use KMS CMK Encryption and Use FIPS Features
    • (Interface) ECR - Deployed/used with "Use with All Lambda" and Use-case Pipeline Features
    • (Interface) ECR Docker - Deployed/used with "Use with All Lambda" and Use-casePipeline Features
    • (Interface) CloudWatch Logs - Deployed/used with "Use with All Lambda" and Use-case Pipeline Features
    • (Interface) SNS - Deployed/used with "Use with All Lambda" and Use-case Pipeline Features
    • (Interface) SFN - Deployed/used with "Use with All Lambda" and Use-case Pipeline Features
    • (Interface) Bedrock Runtime - Deployed/used with "Use with All Lambda" and Use-case Pipeline Features
    • (Interface) Rekognition - Deployed/used with "Use with All Lambda" and Use-case Pipeline Features
    • (Interface) SSM - Deployed/used with "Use with All Lambda" and Open Search Provisioned Features
    • (Interface) Lambda - Deployed/used with "Use with All Lambda" Feature
    • (Interface) STS - Deployed/used with "Use with All Lambda" Feature
    • (Interface) Batch - Deployed/used with Use-case Pipeline Feature
    • (Interface) OpenSearch Serverless - Deployed/used with OpenSearch Serverless Feature
    • (Interface) S3 (ALB-Special) - Always created on VPC when using ALB as it's specially setup with the ALB IPs and targets
    • (Gateway) S3 - Due to no pricing implications, deployed/used across all features that require VPC
    • (Gateway) DynamoDB - Due to no pricing implications, deployed/used across all features that require VPC
  • KMS Encryption - External CMK - When importing an external CMK KMS key to use for encryption the VAMS deployment, ensure the CMK key is located in the same region as the deployment and has the following permissions.

    • Actions: ["kms:GenerateDataKey*", "kms:Decrypt", "kms:ReEncrypt*", "kms:DescribeKey", "kms:ListKeys", "kms:CreateGrant"]
    • Resources: ["*"]
    • Principals: S3, DYNAMODB, STS, SQS, SNS, ECS, ECS_TASKS, LOGS, LAMBDA, CLOUDFRONT, ES, AOSS - Note: ES: OpenSearch Provisioned, AOSS - OpenSearch Serverless

Misc Troubleshooting

  • Global VPC External Import + Global VPC Endpoints - if you receive a stack deployment error like route table rtb-XXXX already has a route with destination-prefix-list-id pl-XXXXX, this means your VPC you have provided already has some of the VPC endpoints created and/or route table entries for those services.
    • Turn app.useGlobalVpc.addVpcEndpoints to false and manually add any missing endpoints based on the endpoints listed in the additional configuration notes.
    • Note that the ALB endpoint (if using an ALB) is always auto-created regardless of this flag. If this errors, you may have to manually modify the VAMS CDK code to not add this endpoint and by hand add/update ALB targets with the endpoint IPs.
  • ALB Enabled - if you receive a stack deployment error like 'Properties validation failed for resource WebAppWebAppALBTargetGroupXXXXX with message: #/Targets: array items are not unique', this unforuntaely means that AWS CloudFormation had an unexpected and rare hiccup when trying to set the VPC S3 Interface endpoint IPs to the ALB target. This can happen every once in a while and the cause has yet to be identified.
    • No changes are needed. Re-run the stack deployment to mitigate.

Additional Configuration Environment Options

Additional deployment environment configuration settings can be set in the ./infra/cdk.json file.

Any non-empty-key key-value-pair in {environments: {common: {}}} will be added as tags on all assets deployed in the VAMS Core stack.

The following additional settings can be added under {environments: {aws: {}}}:

  • PermissionBoundaryArn - If Permission Boundary ARN defined, applies the Permission boundary to apply to all roles created by VAMS Core stack.
  • IamRoleNamePrefix - If role name prefix string defined, applies the prefix in front of all newly created roles by VAMS Core stack. Warning: The total role name character count limit is 64 so long prefixes may affect rolename uniqueness and cause deployment issues. Reccomend prefixs no longer than 8 characters.

Additional Configuration Policy Options

Additional IAM and resource permission policies can be added to AWS components created to further lock down or open up a component.

An empty file means no additional policy statement will be added besides the default security restrictions. Currently only a single statement to add is supported.

The ./infra/config/policy/s3AdditionalBucketPolicyConfig.json allows you to add a additional JSON-formated IAM policy statement that will get added to all S3 buckets created. This also controls the ability to ALLOW or DENY access to PreSigned S3 URLS and STS credentials that are generated by VAMS for Asset Upload and Download. Note: Resource will be overriden at deployment run-time to include each respective bucket and their objects.

Some example policy statements are below based on Recomend adding aws:ViaAWSService condition as false to restrict only on direct user calls as services will also need to access these buckets.

Example: Restrict access outside of a VPC Interface Endpoint (fill in existing VPC Interface Endpoint ID)

    "Sid": "VPCe",
    "Action": "s3:*",
    "Effect": "Deny",
    "Resource": ["*"],
    "Condition": {
    "StringNotEquals": {
        "aws:SourceVpce": [
    "BoolIfExists": {"aws:ViaAWSService": "false"}
    "Principal": "*"

Example: Restrict access outside of a VPC Private IP (Fill in IP addresses and/or CIDR ranges)

    "Sid": "VpcSourceIp",
    "Action": "s3:*",
    "Effect": "Deny",
    "Resource": ["*"],
    "Condition": {
    "NotIpAddressIfExists": {
        "aws:VpcSourceIp": [
    "BoolIfExists": {"aws:ViaAWSService": "false"}
    "Principal": "*"

Example: Restrict access outside of a source IP (Fill in IP addresses and/or CIDR ranges)

    "Sid": "SourceIP",
    "Action": "s3:*",
    "Effect": "Deny",
    "Resource": ["*"],
    "Condition": {
    "NotIpAddressIfExists": {
        "aws:SourceIp": [
    "BoolIfExists": {"aws:ViaAWSService": "false"}
    "Principal": "*"

Additional Configuration Docker Options

See CDK SSL Deploy in the developer guide for information on customized docker settings for CDK deployment builds