Releases: axelarnetwork/axelar-satellite
Releases · axelarnetwork/axelar-satellite
fix: remove nofollow
What's Changed
- Adding EIP712 signing capability (e.g. Evmos) by @canhtrinh in #130
- 0.1.4 by @canhtrinh in #131
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4
What's Changed
- allow users to add token MM upfront
- update youtube walkthrough video [we had the old one linked up the whole time :-( ]
- small edit to the EVM popup... section that shows balance for wAXL in connected wallet.
- updates top flows with flows into the axelar network as top option.
closes #125
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3
What's Changed
closes #114 with #112 - transfers to axelar do not show as completed
closes #110 with #113 and a166e92 - EVM asset naming in popup
closes #117 with #119 - destination address validation
closes #116 - EVM asset popup issue where it does not appear on second transfer in a session.
closes #111 - adding pools section
closes #108 with #122 - adding app version details
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
v0.1.1: Merge pull request #109 from axelarnetwork/develop
chore: potential bugfix for cosmoshub ibc transfer (#107)