Methods for applying outline styles to React components.
Apply outline styles to an element.
This creates an element with a 2px solid outline.
.outline('3px', { color: 'red', style: 'dashed' })
This creates an element with a 3px dashed red outline.
width: 2,
color: 'blue',
style: 'double',
offset: '1px'
This creates an element with a 2px double blue outline, offset by 1px from the edge of the element.
The OutlineOptions
interface provides various properties to control the outline appearance:
: Width of the outline (number | string)color
: Color of the outline (string)style
: Style of the outline ("none" | "hidden" | "dotted" | "dashed" | "solid" | "double" | "groove" | "ridge" | "inset" | "outset")offset
: Offset of the outline from the edge of the element (number | string)
If only a width is provided, the outline style defaults to "solid".