- Set location of needs/offers/roams
- ease communication between needers and offerers.
A need is named with a description
- money
- snack
- food
- clothes
- company
- hygiene
- accomodation
- accessories
- health
An offer provides a need with additional description.
A roam is a group of spontaneous offers which want to act in group.
An owner is the person in charge of a need/offer/roam.
This is the activity creator or another user which use an access code for using administration access.
Two situations for account login.
If you are not logged in, you have a unique id each 5 minutes which is added to a local user list of ids.
The list can be retrieved from a qrcode.
If you want, the application can send you your ids by email or texto.
Strenghtnesses: no password to access your information. And no automatic processing in the server side. Weaknesses: you can loose all your history in case of local information lost.
Same as above with an additional location (latitude and longitude), a period of activity, a name/description and public/private messages shared between the activity author and other users.
Couple of latitude/longitude respecting the EPSG:4326 projection.
The period of activity is
- start date: for future activities. None by default.
- end date: for future end. None by default.
- recursive: for repetitive planning. None by default.
By default, the activity is finished after 8 hours of inactivity.
Otherwise, it depends on end date and recursive planning or answered needs (if a need location has no needs, the need location is removed).
The description is a name and a short description text.
Search is possible with a regular expression.
From a map, you can find a need/offer/roam location by
- type of need/offer/roam.
- location.
- period of activity (emergency/start/end/recursive)
- description
- money
- snack
- food
- clothes
- company
- hygiene
- accomodation
- accessories
- health
A need has specific properties.
- emergency: boolean flag, false by default.
- gender: for easying complex needs such as health or accomodation. Default is not precised.
- associative: if true, the roam is managed by an association. Otherwise, this is a pure citizen roam.