Mixins implementation for Backbone
Mixin can be a simple object
var Editable = {
edit: function(){
and you can mix it into any class inherited from Backbone view, model etc.
var Article = Backbone.Model.mix(Editable).extend({
initialize: function(){
this.edit(); // logs "edit"
Of course you can mix as many mixins as you want like this:
var Article = Backbone.Model.mix(
).extend( ... );
is inherited as well as any other static method of Backbone classes, so you can use it with child classes
var Post = Article.mix(WithComments).extend( ... );
It's very frequent situation when one mixin wants to use methods of other one. Suppose WithComments
need to log something using log
method of WithLogger
. Then the declaration of WithComments
becomes a bit more complex:
var WithComments = new Mixin({
dependencies: [WithLogger]
}, {
initComments: function() {
this.log('init comments');
Now mixing WithComments
automatically mixes WithLogger
var Post = Article.mix(WithComments).extend( ... );
var post = new Post;
To install latest version just type:
> bower install backbone.mix --save
If you do not have bower:
> npm install -g bower
You have two ways to include the script
Just add script tags with Mixin
and Backbone.Mix
right after Backbone:
<script src="path/to/backbone.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/Mixin.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/Backbone.Mix.js"></script>
Using AMD loader, for example RequireJS
Add info about jQuery and Backbone locations to the shim
paths: {
backbone: 'path/to/backbone',
jquery: 'path/to/jquery'
shim: {
jquery: {
exports: 'jQuery'
Add Backbone.Mix
to the list of dependencies when you want to use mix
], function (Backbone) {
var SomeFeature = {
doAmazingStuff: function(){}
var MyView = Backbone.View.mix(SomeFeature).extend({
// your view prototype here
Add Mixin
to the dependencies when you need to create a complex mixin
], function (Mixin) {
var MyMixin = new Mixin({
dependencies: [...]
}, {
// mixing properties
}, {
// static properties for the mixin
return MyMixin;
When you mix something you create a new temporary class which is placed between base class and child class in the prototype chain. In other words if you have class A and class B inherited from A with mixed M your prototype chain looks like this
Class A
Tmp Class with M as a prototype
Class B
If M depends on M2:
Class A
Tmp Class with M2 as a prototype
Tmp Class with M as a prototype
Class B